Aquarius - zodiac sign men extraordinary


2019-09-22 16:20:29




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The Seventh epochAquarius zodiac sign men

In the history of mankind Ovid distinguishes four epochs, historians – five astrologers to six. And no one is wrong. It all depends on what measure of the era. By the way, a number of years even historians do not measure them. For Ovid, the measure is the level of welfare of mankind. For scientists historical events, their essence and interrelation. Astrologers also guided by the position of the earth relative to the stars, believing that the sign of the zodiac determine the nature of each of the eras. In the beginning of this century (among a couple of dates call and 2013) ends with the sixth astrological era. Fish gone, and in their right to join an Aquarius.

Zodiac Sign men, too, defines his personality and events of life, because the cosmic law is one for humanity and for the individual, though at last a life is immeasurably shorter, and says she is not of the era, and cycles. But of all the twelve astrological symbols only Aquarius - zodiac sign men, who are fortunate to live in "their" era. Note the word “lucky” does not mean that the next two and a half thousand years (the duration of the age of Aquarius) all will fit from the twelfth part of humanity, born under this sign like Aquarius. Compatibility/incompatibility with the environment, the time and place of birth, profession – this is determined by each individual's destiny, personal characteristics Aquarius, characteristics of his behavior. But the signs of all the world's creatures and items are divided into private and shared. It belongs to the zodiac type allows you to display the General characteristics and on their basis to draw up a portrait of a man, to make forecasts of its future. It is further proposed that such a common portrait for Aquarius.

Aquarius compatibilityShy, but not indifferent

This sign is indicated by two wavy lines, relatively speaking - waves. It is often applied in the form of tattoos on the body, used on amulets, medallions and other magic items. Another common image is the silhouette of a man with a jug from which poured water. Water is both constancy and variability. She never interrupts movement, but as you know, the same river twice does not enter. Their properties this element has given the sign, which protects. Communicative, open and responsive Aquarius from birth also a little shy and passive. Friends he has many and among men and among women. But on a more intimate relationship with the woman he is harder to decide than friendship. First, because of the innate modesty it would be hard to make the first move, and secondly, it is important to respect a woman as a person. Only in this case it may be his beloved and wife. Well, if first contact with him will take place in the spiritual realm. Without spiritual compatibility with this sign of the impossible compatibility sensitive. He may seem indifferent, but it's not just your emotions showing sparingly, and the woman need to take the initiative.


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Creative, but not practicalcharacteristics of Aquarius

Family relations are important not only love, but also the ability to jointly cope with everyday worries. But Aquarius - zodiac sign men, not very friendly with the lifestyle. He has a sharp mind, able to analyze problems, generate unexpected ideas for solving them, to build grandiose plans. Only here to the real action he rarely condescends. So in everyday terms the initiative he, too, leaves the woman. But in art, in all imagination and fantasies he has no equal. A great innovator and Explorer of anything new, he will look for creative solutions, and in bed will amaze with new and new caress. This sign is rich in great names that glorified himself in music, literature, politics and science.famous Aquarians

Winter, but not cold

The Most tolerant of all the zodiac types – Aquarius. Zodiac sign men, born in the midst of a Blizzard of winter, is similar in many respects. Impulsive, energetic, unstoppable and at the same time he is gentle and meek. He is capable of sparkling humor and brilliant maxims in the form of their own aphorisms. His touch light as a snowflake and warm as the spring sun. To the woman he is attentive and generous, but himself does not give. And because Aquarius is very freedom-loving, he likes to conquer women, to seek in them a perfection and cause them delight. Few ladies are able to put up with it, so in the table below in the “Marriage” so few suitable characters.














































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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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