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A Grape is a kind of “fruit of life”. Its nutritional, dietetic and even medicinal properties are widely known around the world since ancient time. The grape contains fructose and glucose, as well as many organic acids. Each berry on a 1.5% consists of valuable minerals and vitamins. A harmonious combination of sour and sweet taste will always provide the grapes one of the places on the top of the culinary Olympus, and even the wine connoisseurs and can not speak. Today we will discuss the care of grapes in the suburbs. Yes, this valuable product can be obtained practically in the Middle zone of our country!
Is a family of Winogradowii. «Grape» is not only the vine, but its fruits-are known to everyone are large, fragrant and sweet berries. After planting the plant seeds with soil, they germinate quickly and give a fairly large shoots which in the first year theoretically able to bear fruit. For the first time from leaf axils quickly begin to deviate and grow lateral shoots, but by the end of the first or second year almost 90% of the lower of the processes dies, forming the usual form of the vine. Flowering vine is not very perceptible, flowers – shallow and assembled in “clusters” of the buds. The colour of the fruit greatly depends on the varieties and conditions of a particular locality.
That should include the care of grapes in the suburbs? First, be sure to remember svetlolobovo vines, its tendency to freeze solid on the windswept Playground. Simply put, the grapes must be sufficiently warm, well-lighted place, enclosed from the wind. Oddly enough, but these simple conditions provide excellent results in the cultivation of this plant throughout the Moscow region. Remember that varieties with dark berries require more heat than their lighter “fellow”.
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But because in our area most often it is light cultivated varieties, because of their easier maintenance. For grapes in the summer in the suburbs need to constantly look after, hiding from a possible early frost, so the black varieties we seldom take root.
Overall, despite some myths cultivated, the vine quite tolerant to many soil types, but must be performed with a few conditions: first, the soil layer must be deep enough in the mandatory drainage. PH-between 6.5 and 7.0. Also, do not plant grapes on purely calcareous soils, since it often struck by the disease. Much more important and harder to choose the right place from the point of view of illumination and protection from the wind.
Ideally you need a slope facing South or South-West: so the care of grapes in the summer in the suburbs will be easier as only need occasionally watering the vine. In our conditions, suitable wall of the house, directed in the same direction. Never put a rod in small and enclosed gardens where lie the snow for a long time and a long time warming up the soil.
We have already talked about drainage. At the slightest probability that the soil in the selected area may become too wet it is required. Grapes such conditions will not tolerate in principle. Approximately three weeks before planting vines in the open ground you need to dig a ridge into two bayonet spade. If the soil is acidic, make a lime at the rate of 200 grams per square meter. It is very important to fertilize poor soil: for about a couple of garden wheelbarrows of compost on the same area. Especially this sensitive grape “Isabella”. In the suburbs, planting and caring for this species, it is mandatory to provide a good fertilizer, because without this nothing will work.
Note that the grapes you have to have vertical supports. In the cultivation of the vine house wall rope or wire should be placed at a distance of approximately 30-35 cm from each other. If there is a possibility of cultivation of grapes in an open area, take the posts with a length of two meters, dig into the soil to a depth of 60 cm, the Interval between them should be about two meters (three inclusive). Extreme backup it is better to put on the metal stepchildren or fill. Of course, if funds are available, it is better to do backup “stationary”, as in our conditions, pillars for long in the soil will not idle. Pull one rope at a height of 40 cm above it, at intervals of 30 cm, a transverse stretch “rails”. Each of the future holes put a pushpin: it will be easier to specify the location of the digging and fertilizer.
In the southern regions of this crop planted in the period October to March. Of course, in our conditions, it is somewhat unacceptable... And so we'll plant grapes in early spring, before Bud break. In any case, the earth at the depth of the landing should warm up to a temperature of 10-11 °C. please note that the vine it is advisable to endure the entire winter in a cold greenhouse, insulated from cold by a layer of snow. So she adapts better when planting in open ground. This condition is extremely important if you plan to grow grapes“Isabella”. In the suburbs, planting and caring for this variety is quite complicated, and therefore need to be concerned about getting a sustainable and strong plants.
When planting near a wall, then step away from it for a distance of 40 cm, and the grape plant every 1.3 m In an open space the distance between the vine should be at least five feet. In the presence of rows between them also sustain period and a half to two meters. Be sure to check that the grafted bushes at the site of inoculation is necessarily above ground level. Don't forget to tie the grapes to the support. After planting the vine well watered and mulched with rotted compost.
Calendar care of grapes in the Moscow region begins in early spring. At this time it is the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. In the same period multiroute soil humus foliage. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least three inches. You should know that grapes are extremely sensitive to small amounts of magnesium in the soil. With its lack of vine not only may not yield a harvest, but also to die, as in this case, the plant is very quickly affected by various pests and diseases. To avoid this, take 250 grams of magnesium sulfate, dissolve in a bucket of water and spray the vine. In two weeks you want to repeat.
Remember that the care of grapes in the spring in the suburbs involves a weekly feeding of liquid fertilizers that are performed before the ripening of berries. If you grow vines around the walls of your home, don't forget to regularly water it. However, we should not get carried away and swamp soil, as in this case, the plants quickly begin to rot the roots and it dies.
Remember that even at full colour berries they are not yet fully Mature. Fruits need to accumulate a certain amount of sugars, with the result that they become familiar with all the subtle flavor and aroma. For early varieties, the period is about five weeks, but late varieties can ripen up to two months. Note that when the grape harvest with bare hands you destroy protective wax film which leads to a rapid deterioration of the product. And because be sure to wear gloves, try to hold bunches for “head”, and cut them with garden shears.
Berries collected this way may be stored for a very long time, passing dozrevaya. The latest in the suburbs and the whole of the Middle band is extremely important, as not all the grapes ripen. Planting and care (in the suburbs) is very important to perform correctly, but if cultivation can make mistakes, the bad crop will put an end to vine!
Cropping – an extremely important moment in the care of the grapes. Remember that left on the vine shoots must meet several important requirements:
If you care about the yield and taste quality of the berries, suggest to leave no more than 10-12 holes per square meter of the space that is occupied by one vine. Try not to mix up the bushes and not cut the vine completely. In the case when one of the vines for some reason wintered poorly and weak, her need is to reduce the number of retained shoots, but the neighboring bushes, their number can be increased. What else could assume the care of grapes in the suburbs?
Damage to the grapes in winter – the situation in our area are frequent. Before to eliminate the effects of the disaster must be at least on eye to assess the extent of damage.
If there is a freezing out of holes how to perform the care of grapes? In the suburbs cropping – the only way to save the situation. At the same time trying to leave more buds on young shoots. Of course, especially do not get carried away, because otherwise, multiple shoots simply pulled from the damaged Bush dry. In the case when due to frost affected the whole upper part of the vine, cutting it, trying to generate more shoots from the remaining stump. If sufficient volchkovich shoots, special problems that will arise.
By the Way, and whether the most resistant to freezing grapes for the suburbs? Varieties neutrinos care possible: “alpha”, “Foxberry”, “Kay gray”.
Remember one important thing: successful pruning can be carried out only in the case if you are using a new and very sharp secateurs giving a smooth and clean cut. The older escape, the more direct must be the angle trim. This will minimize the area of the resulting plant damage that will have a positive impact on its survival in winter. If we talk about the young shoots, they are usually cut above the eye, taking his three centimetres. So you get the best grapes: planting and care in the suburbs, trimming and fertilization – quite hard work but they are worth it!
Note that diseases of grapes are difficult to diagnose because different pathologies can exhibit similar symptoms. So to determine the exact adversity we need to carefully monitor disease process and to notice the most typical signs. All diseases of vines are divided into two types:
To pathogens "Chronicles" include: Eska, exterios, autobios, and disease bacterial and viral nature. They are extremely dangerous because virtually unaffected by standard pesticides for a long time and can be completely unnoticed, while in a latent state. Most often, the infection spread in the care with the tools. Not to be discounted, insects, and in some cases, the disease can quickly cover the entire vineyard, getting together with the pollen on grapes. Planting and caring in the suburbs (there is a photo in the article), all these hard work can be gone in vain if at least one pest rooted in the vine!
The seasonal diseases are mildew, oidium, gray mold, Anthracnose. This category classifies rubella and white rot. Seasonal such diseases are named because appear at the beginning of the vegetative season. Their appearance is determined by improper cultivation techniques, and carelessness of the husbandman, when not engaged in high-quality autumn harvesting of the vineyard, leaving a lot of garbage. It is winter pathogens of the vine, and the larvae of pests. Thus, the care of grapes in the autumn in Moscow provides for the mandatory cleaning of the territory with the subsequent burning of garbage.
Mildew (downy mildew). Threat that is developing throughout the growing season, and affects virtually all green parts of the plant. Infection occurs very quickly in damp and rainy weather, with ambient temperatures not higher than 13 degrees Celsius. A symptom of the onset of the disease is the appearance on the lamina, oily spots of various shapes. Gradually they are covered by well-marked mycelium, resembling white threads. This pathogen is particularly sensitive grapes "Lydia": in the suburbs, planting and caring for this variety is relatively simple, but this circumstance never should not be forgotten!
As soon As you receive this plaque, we can assume that the whole Bush. On the site of the lesion leaf tissue quickly crumble, dry out, and in severe cases the entire leaf blade simply disappears. The same fate befalls the young shoots, berries and buds. The older sprouts are far behind in growth. Practice shows that at the first outbreak of downy mildew is lost up to 80% of the total crop, a Bush to die. In wet and damp weather the disease occurs almost instantly, killing almost all the grapes. The cultivation and care in the suburbs for him complicated as time unstable climate!
The Disease is fungal in nature. A kind of “capsule”, containing many spores of the pathogen are formed in late fall, being secured to the underside of the leaf. They are perfectly preserved not only in the top layer of the soil and on its surface. In the spring these structures germinate and give rise to mycelium that falls on young leaves during heavy rains that “bombarded” a vine with soil particles. Note that the debate on the first stage it is not exposed to antifungal drugs as are covered by a thick and very dense shell. Typically, the incubation period does not exceed a couple of weeks, after which the leaves appear the same spot.
Note that instances of infection are recorded only during wet, rainy weather. As some districts of the Moscow region often fog, downy mildew produces real devastation “knocking” the whole planting grapes. To prevent such a sad outcome, you need to create the best conditions for ventilation of the bushes, not narrowing the gaps between the individual rows and vines. Again, what is particularly to this sensitive grape “Isabella”. In the suburbs caring for it involves two processing plants with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. This should be done at least two times. If it is not possible to buy or make your own Bordeaux liquid, you can use its substitutes, which range inmodern gardening shops extremely wide.
Also called "Mildew". As in the previous case, can in the shortest time to hit all the green parts of the vine. Primary infection occurs before flowering, as the causative agent of “sits” in last year's shoots. To determine their malicious nature is very simple: contaminated sprouts are quickly covered with a whitish, powdery bloom. As for the leaves, the mycelium typically develops on the upper part of the leaf blade. If the degree of damage is very strong, the process involves the entire sheet, which quickly fall off. Almost all the affected shoots do not have time to accumulate the necessary nutrients, and therefore in the winter they freeze.
Affected berries literally tearing from the inside so as to be easily distinguishable seeds. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the disgusting smell of rotten fish, which it is clearly noticeable near the affected bushes. The disease not only leads to a significant percentage of freezing vineyards, but also to the very low commercial quality berries, which are small and sour. Unlike the previous disease, powdery mildew develops best no precipitation, but high humidity like and this pathogen. The incubation time is only five to seven days, and during this period is irretrievably lost more than 80 % of the total crop.
As in the previous case, to try to create conditions as conducive to the airing of row spacing and intervals between the bushes. To securely destroy the pathogen, all plants identified on the lesions twice (interval – around a week) should be treated with liquid Bordeaux. Two treatment – before flowering and immediately after it. In the process of vegetation it is necessary to carefully observe the vines. If the symptoms of the infection are again, the vine is again sprayed. It may be advisable to use specialized formulations that are available in horticultural shops.
If you follow our advice, which you can read in this article, the vine will always please you and your guests, bringing a rich harvest of juicy, fragrant and sweet berries! So are tending the grapes in the suburbs.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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