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Such a culture as apricot, belonging to the genus Armeniaca Scop, is part of the subfamily plum. The most common in the world of twelve species of the fruit. The main cultivated varieties are Avulgaris, or ordinary apricot.
This fruit was known seven or eight years ago. In Europe it was brought from Armenia, and it happened about two hundred years ago. In this country one of the symbols is the apricot. The tree is also called the “Armenian Apple”. In our country culture is most often found in the North Caucasus and in the Crimea.
No such person who wouldn't love to eat this fruit like apricot. Wood, covered with yellowish-pinkish fruits Avulgaris, is the dream of every gardener. Soft as velvet skin and juicy aromatic pulp – all this makes the apricot a favorite fruit of many. And since childhood. And if it a fruit tree could be grown only in the southern regions, in recent years, breeders were withdrawn the following varieties, which are well tolerate relatively harsh winter conditions.
Hardy apricots immediately fell in love with gardeners. The most popular of these “rosy”, “Russian”, “resilient”, “favorite”, “honey”, “snegirke” and “Cup”. No less useful feature of this culture is its ability to self-pollination. This characteristic is a guarantee of excellent crop, even if the apricot tree on the site only.
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The timing of maturation in this culture there are early, mid and late. Experts recommend to grow in the garden are several varieties, differing in this parameter. Then almost all of the season you can have on the table sweet apricots. The early varieties are “Alyosha”, “June”, “lescure”, “Royal”, “samburski early”, “Alliance”, “Melitopol early” and “iceberg”. The mid are considered “rosy”, “goldrich», «monastery”, “al”, “Blizzard”, “Petrel”, etc., To the late varieties are “spark”, “Krasen of Kiev», «kostjuzhensky”, “special Denisyuk” & apricot “favorite”. Many of them grow well in suburban gardens and are pleased with their harvest.
For each region you want to select certain varieties that can withstand the climatic conditions of this zone. For example, for cultivation in the suburbs will suit only those species which have a relatively high resistance to cold and very resistant to frosts, which are quite common in the cold season. Apricot "favorite" belonging to the group of varieties with late ripening, is characterized by ruggedness and early fruiting. Its fruits are valued for their great taste, great flavor and good appearance. Apricot “favorite” was launched in early 2000 by the breeder Kramarenko. The originator class is the Main Botanical garden of the country. In 2004, the culture was included in the state register of the Central region. This, judging by the reviews, the best apricot for the suburbs.
This fruit tree has a moderate growth force. In the height of the Mature plant reaches three to four meters. Apricot “favorite” late ripening has srednerossijsky crown. He branched annual shoots, shining, without pubescence, and having a brown color. The bark on older trunks gradually becomes gray-brown and covered with longitudinal cracks. Steel plate this variety of apricot has an elongated shape, tapering at the end and serrated edges. The stalk of the plant thin. Tree varieties of apricots “favorite” covered in spring with white flowers, having an average size (diameter up to three inches). Buds bloom before the leaves appear.
Apricot Fruits, weighing thirty grams, quite large. They have a rounded shape, rough surface and slight pubescence. Apricot fruits varieties “Favorite” have orange color with a pronounced blush. They have bright flesh and a crisp juicy texture. Bone in fetuses is small enough, it can be easily separated. Apricot “favorite”, as already mentioned, refers to samoplodnye, so it does not require additional pollinators. However, many experts suggest: for the good of the ovary next to him to plant varieties such as “Annie”, “Royal” or “monastery". Judging by the reviews, this apricot for the suburbs is your best choice.
In the list of positive characteristics of the “Favorite” the first place is early. In addition, varieties with a high frost resistance, enabling them to grow in the suburbs, self-fertility, excellent presentation and good transportability.
In Addition to the benefits, the experts call a number of shortcomings, which are characteristic apricot “favorite”. It – late ripening, the need for regular trimming and thinning of the crown, and the dependence of the taste and quality of the fruit from the weather.
“Favorite” like most fruit trees, is light and heat - loving culture. Therefore, the planting of apricot in the open ground should be carried out in early spring. In the suburbs, these works are better done in early April. Planting apricot in this period will allow the seedling to take root better, and the risk of frost damage to trees is minimized. Fall indoor seedlings in the open ground specialists believe are less favorable.
In order For the apricot “favorite” samoplodnye normally grew and yielded a good harvest, it is better to take the southern side of the plot where there is free access to sunlight. This fruit tree can be planted along fences, and near buildings. The main requirement when planting is that the land must be protected from wind and drafts.
For rapid establishment of young trees is possible from the North side to protect small shields, painted with whitewash. Such designs reflect the sun's rays and prevent the seedlings from freezing.
Apricot «favorite» is perfectly developed and successfully fruiting in upland areas and small slopes. Should not be planted this crop in the lowlands or in areas where there is constant flooding. The groundwater level at this location should not exceed 3–4 m.
The Sweet varieties of apricot is quite demanding on the nutrient composition and structure of the soil. For them, the perfect light rich soil-loam or sandy loam soil. The optimum acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic with a pH of 6 to 7. The soil must have a good leak and water, and air. For the cultivation of this variety of apricot, there are virtually no suitable sandy or clay areas.
If culture is to plant on rain-fed black soil, the tree not only later entering a period of fruiting, but will give irregular and scant harvests. A good “neighbors” for apricot varieties are oak, old pear, as well as maple and ash. “Favorite” has a well-developed and deep root system, so in areas where these plants are present, it usually survives well.
Healthy planting material is the key to the successful establishment and development of a strong tree. Apricot “favorite”, which yields also depend on this condition must meet certain criteria. Selecting plants in the first place should pay attention to the external condition of branches and trunk. They should be smooth, undamaged, Russian Academy of Sciences. For cultivation in the suburbs it is advisable to choose a landing material on stamboulopoulos. During the rootstock should be used podpravili not frost-resistant crops, for example, plum, plums, peaches, almonds and, of course, apricot. So what do the experts increase the frost resistance and drought resistance varieties. The best resistance against drought at the apricot grafted on the almond, a little lower — a peach. When buying seedlings should pay attention to the development of the root system. At the roots should not be damaged. If this is unacceptable also the presence of dried or frozen parts.
From this we can say that to buy saplings it is better in nurseries or specialty stores. Trees, which are offered on the market by private traders are not always of good quality. For planting you need to choose a one-or two-year seedlings with an open or closed root system. Those trees that sell the nurseries in containers, much better hold and much earlier come into fruition.
It is best to carry out preparatory work on the site a year before landing on his apricot. For example, in the Moscow region very often occurs one-component primer that should be structured. For starters dug planting pit with a diameter of about eighty and a depth of seventy centimeters. Its size it is better to increase in the case when the soil area is not enriched with nutrients. In General, the poorer the ground, the more you should dig a hole. The bottom is filled with drainage of expanded clay, coarse gravel or broken bricks. For filling the pit should prepare a soil mix of clay, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. Many to also add lime or wood ash, grams fifteen to twenty compost, superphosphate and potassium salt. On top of the pit is covered with a layer of clean soil.
Before putting seedlings in the ground, they should be cut off damaged and dried up the roots. Updates cut has been previously processed processes is not required. The roots of seedlings should be dipped in soil mash. It should be prepared immediately before planting. This fertile soil should be diluted with water to obtain the consistency of thick cream. Experts recommend to add to the mix and IAA at the rate of 0.1 gram per ten litres of water. This tool will stimulate the formation of roots and contribute to a better development of young trees.
Then in the prepared hole at the bottom is a small earthen mound. At a distance of ten centimeters from the center of the hammered peg. In the centerthe planting pit is placed a sapling, whose roots gently straightened on the mound. You need to make sure the soil line was above the bottom four to six inches.
Falling Asleep the hole with earth, the seedling should be periodically shake to fill all the soil voids. The soil should be carefully trample down the leg. After that, the sapling is tied with twine to the stake. Then formed hole with a diameter of about forty inches, and the edges is an earth roller.
Water the seedling after planting should be five gallons of clean, warm water. After that, the hole multimedia dry earth, sawdust or peat. During the first month after planting, you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture, in any case to prevent any drying of the soil.
Like any other plant, this fruit crop also requires the right approach to growing. Only competent care of this variety of apricot will allow the grower to grow on a plot of a strong and healthy tree, annually pleasing abundant harvest of delicious high-quality fruit. The basic rules of farming are timely pruning, fertilizing, protection from pests or diseases, and of course regular watering. The gardener needs to monitor the cleanliness of the unloading phase, regularly removing weeds and periodically vzryhlite soil.
Apricot “favorite” has a powerful and deep root system. So it may well get essential for normal growth, moisture from the lower layers of the soil. Under normal climatic conditions specialists recommend four major irrigation in April, may, July and October.
Irrigation is best carried out with the help of drip system or by annular grooves. The amount of water for the annual tree is fifteen or twenty gallons, for two years — two buckets, a three-year — or three, etc. At each watering should moisten the earth to a depth of thirty to forty centimeters. After any irrigation the hole multimedia pine needles, dry earth or sawdust.
This is one of the main stages in the process of caring for this fruit-bearing tree, as apricots “favorite”. Pruning is most often done in the spring. In the autumn it can weaken the tree, especially in cold or rainy season. In the first years of life is the formation of the crown. Most often chosen sparsely-tier form. In this case, than that left five to seven first-order branches at intervals of forty centimeters.
The next year after planting cut all the branches at about a meter from the ground. Originally shortened by half those located in the main row. Then cut the remaining branches to the cambial ring. In late summer removes non-core processes and growing at an acute angle.
In the second year of life apricot is the tab of the second tier. At level forty centimeters from the first branching formed the second order. The small annual branches are not clipped, and annual shoots with a length of sixty centimeters or more shorter half. The next year the same scheme is a new tier. After the crown formation is performed thinning and sanitary cutting. This removes the dry and broken branches, and those shoots that grow vertically or in depth.
Fertilize apricot varieties “favorite” should begin after the first fruiting. Feeding you need to make annually. Needed is divided into two parts: the first half added to the soil in early spring, and the second only after harvest. Organic fertilizer apricot should be given only once in three years. Fertilizer should be distributed evenly over the unloading area and then sprinkle it with a layer of clean soil at seven to ten centimeters.
To apricot tree did not suffer from low temperatures, cold winds or snow, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the winter. To do this, the grower should in the autumn whitewash trunks and bases of skeletal branches from the garden whitewash or slaked lime. Then row plot multimedia peat, sawdust or spruce spruce branches. The crown in young trees need to be tied with twine.
If the winter in the region, for example, in the suburbs of cold, it is required over the tree to form a cone from a garden shelter or spunbond, and the base to fill with sand or earth. Mulching experts do not recommend using hay, leaves or straw, and as the mounts do not use wire or other metal products.
As already mentioned, the variety is early. It begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year after planting. Ripening its fruit in most of the regions of our country starts in August and lasts until the end of September. In the case when the summer was cold or rainy weather, there is a risk that a large part of apricots and remain on the branches in the immature state. The average yield of each tree variety “Favorite” is from eighteen to twenty-three pounds.
The Fruits in the refrigerator should be stored in sealed paper bags. They are well preserved and inplastic containers. In such circumstances, the apricots varieties “favorite” remain fresh for six to eight days. At a temperature of from zero to one degree and the humidity is 85-95% of the fruits can be stored up to thirty to forty days. Longer term storage is not recommended, because in this case begins with the destruction of the structure of the pulp.
I must say that today, many gardeners on site is an apricot “favorite”. Reviews indicate that this variety is best for growing in the Moscow region. Here he can grow into a splendid tree, which in summer gives a rapid growth to an average of five feet. As confirmed by gardeners, apricot “favorite” is a fairly undemanding sort. If his farming complied with all agrotechnical norms, the tree will be to give regular yields, delighting owners with their sweet fruits. It endures low temperature and even in a cool climate good fruit.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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