How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house? How to strengthen the foundations of the old house with his own hands?


2018-03-18 08:26:02




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Nothing in the world ever — this saying fits to the foundations of old houses. During the whole time of operation they are subjected to external influence, gradually, their physical characteristics become worse, and they are destroyed. Homeowners notice cracks in the walls, skewed door and window openings. All these signs say that the Foundation of a home comes into disrepair, and its restoration requires repairs.

How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house? This issue becomes topical for many owners of such buildings.

How to strengthen the foundations of the old house piles.

If the owner himself built his house, he knows all the nuances of the construction of its Foundation. During repair work it will be much easier. But if the house was bought already prepared, you have to understand all the intricacies of the condition of the Foundation before you begin repairs.

Work on the strengthening of the Foundation differ from the creation of a new Foundation or a simple repair. If you don't have confidence that I will be able to handle it yourself, hire professional builders. And if you want to save money family budget, is studying the recommendations and tips written in this article, do this work themselves.

Next, you will learn how to strengthen the old Foundation of a private house.

Stages of renovations

The First thing we need to figure out the root cause that led to the destruction of the Foundation of the house. This will allow you to eliminate it and to protect the basis of the building from further destruction.

Reasons affecting the integrity of the Foundation

  1. Not observed the process of construction. In this case, repairs will be carried out at random. Their implementation will allow to increase the service life of the structure is still 20-30 years.


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  2. The Level of groundwater has changed. The repair works involve the construction of drainage Foundation.

  3. There was movement of the soil.

How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house.

After you determine the root cause we need to identify the stages of the renovation work and prepare for their implementation.

Methods of strengthening the old Foundation

There are several ways to answer the question of how to strengthen the old Foundation of the house. Some of them require the use of new technologies, but many developers continue to trust the proven old methods.

All methods are not devoid of their shortcomings and have a number of advantages. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all requirements and features of the method, and then proceed to repair works.

The Houses are built of different materials, and therefore the ways to restore their variety. For example, to strengthen the foundations of the old wooden houses, it is necessary to lift it above the earth's surface and produce work to lay the new Foundation.

Band basis

How to strengthen the foundations of the old house.

Ribbon Foundation — one of the most popular in the construction of private buildings. Therefore, many owners are faced with the question of how to strengthen the foundations of the old house. The most frequent cause of misalignment of the building, installed on the ground, is the swelling of the soil.

The works

To strengthen the tape Foundation of the house, it is necessary to achieve equilibrium of all the forces acting on the Foundation. For this you need to increase the footprint.

Selects only the section of the wall a length of 2 meters. Along it digging a ditch on a depth basis at home. Its width is calculated according to the data obtained in the study of the old base. Often it is equal to the size of the old Foundation.

The old base is Prepared for fastening it with the new. To do this, holes are drilled for fitting and gates. Next, gather the formwork and reinforcement cage for a new ground. It is connected to the valve inserted in the prepared holes. This is the main part of the strengthening works on the basis of the old house.

How to strengthen the old Foundation of a private house photo.

Upon completion, to join the frame to the old Foundation is the pouring of concrete solution.

After complete drying of the concrete base is buried updated, and next digs a new ditch and work again. To save time, they can be made with different sides of the structure simultaneously.

The Foundation is laid below the freezing point of the soil

Basis at home, laid in this way are not exposed to the soil, but underground water can wash away his land. How to strengthen the foundations of the old houses in this case will be described below.

Before starting work on strengthening the Foundation of the need to perform drainage work. They are executed first, then the concrete, unserviceable, is removed.

Further work to strengthen the Foundation are carried out similarly as in the case of the tape base.

After the renovation works are set blind area on the perimeter of the house and other additional protection from moisture.

Strengthening the Foundation piles

It Happens that worn out base can be enhanced in only one way. How to strengthen the foundations of the old house piles?

Piles can be installed screw-pressed or bored method.


This method is the most convenient and easily doable. Piles can set any handyman, not possessing special skills. The pile is a tube with a spiral platform, through which it is screwed into the ground. On this same pad is a redistribution of the load at home. How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house? This photo demonstrates (with the help of screw piles).

How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house photo.


If the structure is very old, then banned all drilling operations. To strengthen the Foundation can only use the pressed piles. Such work is performed by professionals and require special equipment.


In order to strengthen the basis of this method, you should prepare a two-meter wells. Then they mounted reinforcement cage and pour concrete. Made piles of stacked beams on them is repairable old home. Work to strengthen the Foundation of this way is two months.

Repair the Foundation of the buildings of brick or cinder blocks

How to strengthen the old Foundation of the house, made of cinder blocks and bricks without harming the integrity of the building is written below.

To strengthen the basis of these structures should be approached very responsibly. Usually the main task is to stop further subsidence of the building due to poor Foundation. Undermining the foundations are inadmissible in this case. Strengthen the foundations by using the amplifying solid belts, made of reinforced concrete.

The Stages of building Foundation of the houses made of brick or cinder blocks.

  1. For tape basis escapes the ditch at an angle of 35° wide and 50 cm Cushion base must not be broken.

  2. Clears the surface of the base or Foundation of the old materials. If the basis in some places destroyed, then these pieces are removed.

  3. The Peeled base is covered with primer in-depth penetration. Further, all base or destroyed parts ankarada with the valve. Holes are prepared for it with a punch. If the Foundation is built of rubble stone, the anchor is hammered between them. Anchors are placed in three rows with the width of the step in 60 cm.

  4. After installing all the anchors they need to scald valves, which is horizontal.

  5. Then on the fixed valve metal mesh.

  6. Set the formwork at a distance of 15 cm from the mesh and poured concrete solution.

  7. After drying is made backfill soil.

After repair old Foundation is as solid concrete Foundation. After studying this part of the article, you learned how to strengthen the foundations of the old house with a ground floor.

Repair Foundation of wooden houses

Every owner of a wooden house should know how to repair the base. If there is a need to strengthen the basis you need to perform certain operation.

How to strengthen the foundations of the house with a ground floor.

Examination of the grounds will help to determine the complexity of future work, to identify defects basis. Based on examination of a judgment, what will be the renovation — capital or partial.

Types of repair basis

Partial repair of the Foundation is done, if the integrity of the house is not broken.

If the basis is made with wooden parts, some of which are decayed, they should be replaced or change the whole Foundation. In order to perform such work, the whole structure is raised to a certain height, and the baseline increase with the help of bricks or blocks of wood.

To determine the exact and appropriate technology fix the Foundation you need to determine what was the basis of the original. If it was tape based, it is possible to partially replace damaged areas or to reinforce it around the perimeter of the old house. In strong destroy the basis will have to be replaced completely.

If the original Foundation of the house was made columnar way...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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