Concrete slab. Concrete slab: dimensions, specifications, prices


2018-03-18 08:35:47




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The Application of scientific and technical innovations is particularly evident in the construction of – in different areas of the world there facilities, the construction of which would have been unthinkable some time ago.Concrete slab

New materials, New machines and tools allow you to build faster, higher, safer. But there is in the technology of construction elements, do not lose relevance for a very long time. This is the concrete slab – principle invented half a century ago, but without it can not do the most futuristic projects.

Patent 1867

Many of the well-known story of the French gardener Joseph Monier, who made thin-walled reinforced concrete barrel skeleton of metal rods and coated it with a layer of cement mortar. The resulting solid product had the properties that are unattainable for other materials. Monier patented in different countries methods of production of reinforced concrete of various designs, including them has been proposed concrete slab for walls and partitions.Monolithic slab

Professional builders have made the amendments in the development of the inventor: he had a rebar right in the middle of the concrete layer, and the calculations showed that the location of the reinforcement cage should be selected based on the specific situation, taking into account the loads acting on the structural unit. Thus, the horizontal reinforced concrete slabs it is more logical to reinforce, placing the rods closer to the lower plane of the plate, where the greatest tensile forces.

Technology Improvements

Today, the concrete is given the properties required for the most exclusive situations. Power elements-reinforcement frames - can be spatially and flat, appeared prestressed (string, beam) reinforced concrete with improved structural qualities. Various additives in the concrete to slow down or accelerate setting and strength gain. Concrete is widely used in construction as a unique, single objects, and massive, economical buildings.


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Workability, strength, durability, moisture-, bio - and fire resistance, economy-these advantages will condition the use of reinforced concrete in the future. Monolithic reinforced concrete slabs for prefabricated or manufactured housing will be in demand for a very long time, because, among other things, consists of natural components, these designs are eco-friendly and can be easily recycled and reused.

Types of concrete slabs

At the place of application distinguish the Foundation, road and floor slab. Such a product can be manufactured in the factory, then delivered to the construction site and installed. Most often, concrete slab, and other items of prefabricated construction, is fixed by welding by means of inserted metal parts.

The Plate can be manufactured locally. Monolithic slab as the Foundation, and the device intermediate floor and roof covering, most often used in objects of non-standard architecture or where hampered the use of cranes required for installation of products of precast concrete. The market offers a sufficient number of devices (including formwork), makes this process available for self-construction.

Floating Foundation

This base design under the building – not the cheapest option, but often – the most logical. Monolithic concrete slab, repeating the plan outlines all of the exterior walls of the first floor, often called a floating Foundation. This means that the load of parts of the building is transferred to the subgrade evenly, the plate operates as a single element, it is not subject to deformation due to heaving of the soil, a large depth of freezing or high location of groundwater. Of course, this is all valid for the Foundation plate are of good quality.concrete Slab dimensions

An Important and rather expensive from all points of view, the stage device of this Foundation is to prepare the sand base, which will be cast along the plate. You must perform a certain volume of excavation, fill and compact the sand – spilling water or by compaction.

Installation of a Foundation slab

The Bottom layer is usually roll of geotextile that does not seep into the soil solution. Then leveling is a concrete preparation for waterproofing. After solidification of this layer is rolled, roll the waterproofing with an overlap and sizing.reinforced concrete slabs

Reinforcement is a device of two interconnected mesh layers. The rebars of the lower layer are installed in special clamps, that it was deepened in the layer of concrete. Concreting is conveniently carried out directly from automixer on the tray, concrete pump, etc. After the set period of curing the concrete slab-the Foundation ready for house construction.

Monolithic slab

In low-rise construction such floor slab, cast in the formwork in place is very common. This has specific prerequisites. In addition to General for reinforced concrete the positive qualities – strength, fire resistance, uniform distribution of perceived exertion – there is a specific advantage of choosing this technology. The main ones – no need for heavy construction equipment and a ceiling of any shape in plan.

Calculation of the required thickness of the plate and its reinforcement scheme should be entrusted to professionals. In other cases it is necessary to know the following. The plate is not thinner than 150 mm, while the thickness of the slab is determined based on the length of the cover openings, the range of ratios 1:30 – 1:35. When reinforcement is necessary to remember about strengthening the edges of the plate U-shaped and l-shaped brackets.

Technology Features

In the market there are many options for reusable formwork for monolithic slabs. But buy it for the Amateur Builder is too expensive. Although there are opportunities to take a professional snap and that would be the best option – a guarantee of speed and quality of the device overlap. In any case, to use as a support strut Assembly is much easier than the boards or blocks, as set by the level the formwork is very important.

The Concreting it is necessary to conduct at once, sealed, and vibrating the mixture. Should the first three days of wet spray concrete to avoid cracking from uneven drying.

Precast concrete

Construction of buildings of reinforced concrete products manufactured in a special factory lines, is considered the most suitable for mass high-rise housing. But for the small size of the cottages prefabricated slabs – would be a good option. Reinforced concrete slabs - a cheaper version overlap, they can be mounted in any weather, and the speed of installation is much higher.Concrete slabs

This Complicates the use of precast slab lot of weight, which have a slab of concrete. The size of their standard – this should be considered at the design stage. Another problem is the need for a crane application even for a small area of overlap.

Types of prefabricated floor slabs

Solid, solid plates are used for special structures and units as additional elements to the device or channels for laying communications. They are distinguished by high strength and large weight.

Plates, having circular or longitudinal arch of the void, are lighter and have better sound and insulating characteristics. Slabs: reinforced concrete hollow – the most widely used kind of products for precast slabs. They are used to power buildings with concrete frame, panel construction, brick walls, etc. of the Void can be used for laying cables for different purposes-electrical, low voltage.

The Third – ridged or hipped, often used in the construction industry to cover large spans. The thickness of the slab excluding power fins – 140-160 mm.

For the production of slabs used prestressed reinforcement, making indicators of strength are similar to those of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs.

Standard sizes of plates

The Use of precast hollow-core flooring should be provided at the stage of designing the future house. Standard sizes of plates can be a determining factor in developing the plan of the future house. The overlap, which would require plates custom shapes or sizes, may be too costly.

Therefore, the design should provide for the use of standard formats: plate thickness – 220 mm, width – 1, 1.2 and 1.5 m, and length from 2.4 to 9 m, a multiple of 100 mm.

Methods of production slabs

In the production of hollow-core slabs are used in two basic methods. One – more traditional, with the use of reusable formwork for the manufacture of plates constant, specified standards of size. After installation of the reinforcement elements forming the void form is filled with the concrete mixture and heated to expedite the process of having hardened...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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