Tomato Nobleman: a description of the variety characteristics, yield, peculiarities of cultivation


2018-03-18 08:36:07




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The tomato is the Ruler specifically designed for those regions that are characterized by adverse and even harsh weather conditions. However, unlike the other varieties, it is resistant to sudden temperature changes and frost. About the tomato Nobleman, planting and caring for them and about the advantages and disadvantages of this sort can be read in this article.

Description of the plant

The height of the tomato Nobleman is more than 70 cm bushes can self-regulate their own growth, while lacking in a certain formation. Plants are resilient enough to tie them before mass starts ripening.

Description tomato Nobleman, start with the leaves. They grow to medium size and painted only in light green color. Most often the first buds begin to take shape over the 7-8 leaf. The others are located higher on the trunk. When the shrub begins to bloom profusely, it is not always good. The fact that in this case violated the balance of the distribution of nutrients, which can lead to the harvest of a large number of small tomatoes. Therefore, in the process of growing, it is recommended to pinch off the brush, leaving about half of the available flowers. This procedure promotes the formation of very large tomatoes.

Tomato Velmozha

Characteristic of fruit

Before proceeding with the description of the tomato Nobleman, it is worth noting that these tomatoes are almost devoid of free liquid. Dry substances is 3-5 %. The fruits are large and very fleshy. If you cut the tomato, in its internal cavity can be detected from 5 to 9 cameras.


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The Fruits of this variety have a slightly elongated heart-shaped. Depending on the composition of the soil and the growing conditions, their color may vary from light pink and to deep red. Peel the tomatoes are very tender and delicate. The average weight of large fruit is 300-400 g, but if you did the topping of inflorescences, the individual tomatoes can grow up to 1.5 kg.

The Taste of tomato varieties – this is their main advantage. They are different thick and at the same time the delicate flesh and a pretty significant sugar content. Ripe fruits exude a truly alluring scent. Due to these factors, tomato Nobleman is among the classic salad of sorts, but it is totally unsuitable for the extraction of juices. But is an excellent raw material for preparation of various sauces and ketchups.

The benefits of a class

The Most strengths of these tomatoes are the following factors:

  • Increased immunity to many diseases that affect other varieties of tomatoes;
  • Easy care, which can handle even the gardener without experience of cultivation of such crops;
  • In the process of maturation of the fruit, almost never cracks;
  • The possibility of growing plants even in adverse climatic conditions in the open ground;
  • Tomatoes are great for cooking not just salads, but also ketchup;
  • Excellent taste characteristics. Tomato has a delicious, fragrant and sweet flesh;
  • High productivity with proper care. If all agrotechnical norms, the number of collected fruit can reach 30 kg with 1 m² or higher;
  • Tomatoes covered with durable and at the same time thin and delicate skin that allows to save the crop for quite a long time. In addition, this characteristic of tomatoes Nobleman gives them good portability transportation.
the fruit of the tomato Velmozha

The Disadvantages of the class

Despite the excellent features, these tomatoes have its drawbacks:

  • Planting seed produced by later small-fruited tomatoes;
  • Not suitable for canning;
  • During the fruiting planting need to be protected from significant wind gusts. Despite their strong stems can break, so they need to tie up.

In Addition to the above shortcomings, there are two significant disadvantages, which directly affect the crop yield. The first of them – the need for regular fertilization, and the second – abundant watering of the plantings. In addition, you will have to constantly remove shoots and pinch back the stems. However, all these efforts to grow tomatoes Nobleman will not be in vain, because they will be rewarded with a delicious, fragrant and high yield, which can persist for a long time.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For most of Russia this process can begin with the second half of March. The first thing you need to etch tomato seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. This is done to avoid the disease called "black leg".

For sowing seed requires fertile, light and water-holding capacity of the soil. Planting depth of seeds should not exceed 0.5 cm. Not more than five days will appear the first shoots. In this period is very important is good lighting, as its deficiency may cause excessive pulling of seedlings.

When the seedlings will grow a third set of full leaves, that means it's time for picks. This technique promotes the formation of tomato well-developed and strong root system.

Tomato varieties Nobleman


The best time to do this is the second half of may, as the soil already has time enough to warm up. Tomato Nobleman is a low-growing varieties, so 1 m² should not be more than three bushes. If fit to do the middle, then the plants will interfere with each other to thrive. Moreover, because of the large density there is a risk of contamination of tomatoes of various fungal diseases. After planting the beds with plants watered abundantly with lukewarm water.

Experienced gardeners believe that the most appropriate time for transplanting in the open ground is cloudy and rainy weather. This greatly helps the plants to quickly adapt to new conditions of life.

Planting tomatoes in open ground


To order the tomato varieties brought high yield the largest fruits in the open ground, they must be properly formed. For these purposes it is necessary to remove side branches that are below the very first of the floral brushes.

Tomatoes growing in greenhouses, it is better to form two stems. So you can save space and increase productivity. For this first stepson left lateral appendage, which later will develop and become a full-fledged main stem.

Such large-fruited tomatoes, as sort of a Ruler, it is necessary to tie up, otherwise the plant will break down or creep under the weight nalivayka fruit. For this purpose, suitable or pre-cooked trellis, or separately driven stakes.

As for watering, for larger tomatoes need to organize the plants a sufficient inflow of moisture. In particular they need it during fruit formation. When they begin to Mature, the intensity of irrigation should be reduced to avoid cracking. Don't forget about the weed removal and periodic tilling of the soil, as getting a good crop without these techniques would be impossible.

a Method for tying tomatoes

The Yield of tomato Nobleman

Her level is quite high, but it largely depends on the composition of soil and climatic conditions of the area in which it is grown. It is known that in the West Siberian region yields may vary 105-590 quintals per hectare, in the Urals-260-580, and in the Omsk region – to 780.

At observance of technology of cultivation on a private plot of 1 m² can grow to 8 kg of fruit and more. From the time of seeding and prior to full ripening of tomatoes usually goes for about 105-120 days. Harvested tomatoes in the medium term, that is later maturing types.

Noble is a hybrid, so the number of seeds contained inside the fruit, very little. To collect them is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, take one of the first ripe tomatoes, wait until it rot, and then choose the seeds, wash and dry well. It is recommended that you plant only after 2-3 years.

Growing tomatoes Nobleman

How to deal with diseases and pests

It is believed that the tomato Nobleman has a relatively good immune system. It is resistant to most diseases, characteristic for this culture. However, when growing fruit in the greenhouse for this tomato sauce can be used to detect areas affected by brown spot. This disease can develop due to insufficient lighting, and excessive soil moisture. If balanced electricity...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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