Flower Spathiphyllum: care in the home, especially the cultivation and reviews


2018-10-08 23:00:40




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The Spathiphyllum, also called "women's happiness" or "flower of happiness", is a popular perennial plant that can often be found in residential homes. This flower was brought from South America and East Asia.

This plant has its own characteristics. The fact that the flower has no stem. Instead, its basal leaves form a tight beam that goes from the soil. Rhizomes rather short. The oval leaves. Very visible veins.

No trunk

This wonderful flower is able to absorb from the air carbon monoxide, benzene and even formaldehyde. However, he saturates the atmosphere with ions and phytoncides that inhibit the growth of fungi. To understand how to care for a female flower Spathiphyllum, is to learn a little more about the species of this unusual plant.

Popular types

In the genus Spathiphyllum, there are more than 50 varieties, with some shared characteristics. All plants can see large leaves, characterized by high stalks-stalks, short roots and flowers that resemble white sail.

If to speak about differences, they're very minor. In some species the leaf plate a little more, in others, they are sharper. There are varieties of flower Spathiphyllum ("happiness"), which differ in the inflorescences of creamy streaks or bright green.

There are some differences in the inflorescences-cob. In some plants it is longer and thicker, others have a more pale hue.

It is Worth considering that for home cultivation is not suitable for every flower Spathiphyllum. "Women's happiness" needs to be adapted to home cultivation. Among the most popular representatives of this kind it is possible to allocate Spathiphyllum Wallis. This flower got its name in honor of one researcher from Germany, who discovered this species. On the basis of this form was created several varieties, which differ in their height. Spathiphyllum is:

  • Large. Plant height reaches up to 1.5 meters. The plant has a long leaf plates are oval in shape whose size is of the order of 70-90 cm
  • Average. This is a fairly compact Spathiphyllum. "Women's happiness" this species grows to 50 cm
  • Miniature. In this case, the height of the flower rarely exceeds 30 cm.

Therefore, it is possible to select the best option for a particular type of housing. Also speaking about care in the home, especially the flower of Spathiphyllum should be taken into account. This is true even in the early stages of cultivation, immediately after the acquisition of unusual plants.


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What to do after purchase?

If the plants is in the technical pot, it is not worth it. To transplant the flower is recommended after 2-3 weeks. For this is to choose a pot slightly larger.

the Flower pot

It should Also be noted that the flower Spathiphyllum likes a lot more moisture (compared to other houseplants). So after buying you need to make sure that the soil is sufficiently hydrated. If the soil is too dry, you should immediately watered the flower.

Throughout the rest of the plant is unpretentious. However, even the least whimsical flower needs proper care. It can be vulnerable to diseases and attacks by parasites. You want the plant receives all necessary for proper growth and flowering.


In this issue, the plant is quite picky. The flower can easily survive even in conditions of shade. However, this does not mean that it can be kept in a dimly lit room for a long time. In this case, there is a risk that the flower leaves of Spathiphyllum will eventually become smaller. So better not to overdo with the shadow and provide an unusual plant, the normal level of illumination.

Bright sunlight is also not able to harm the flower. It is best to set the plant in the window (or near it), located on the North side of the house. In this case, the flower Spathiphyllum will receive the optimum amount of sunlight, but it will not get burned. If you set the pot on the South side, you'll get sunlight, which is not very good for his full life.

It is Also important to ensure that the plant is not subjected to cooling, so do not install it in the draft.

Flower Spathiphyllum: home care temperature

In this issue the plant is not much different from any other flowers. The plant felt good enough to keep the room 22-23 degrees. However, flowering Spathiphyllum maybe at 16-18 degrees Celsius.

But don't go to lower temperatures. In this case, heat-loving plant may cease to delight beautiful flowers. Also, cold has a negative effect on the foliage.


Care flower Spathiphyllum most demanding it is to this parameter. The humidity must be quite high to keep the plants feel comfortable. In model homes, these figures are far from ideal. However, you can help the plant.

It's enough to spray it twice a day (ormore depending on temperature) in the hot season. In winter, treatments can be reduced.

Two flowers

Some people are just physically not able to devote as much time houseplants. In this case, you can use the same trick. A pot of homemade flower Spathiphyllum can be installed in a container, which previously was covered by wet clay. Due to this, the optimum moisture content will be maintained much longer, so you can reduce the number of procedures on spraying.


Many plants shed leaves and go dormant during frosts. However, it should be borne in mind that the flower Spathiphyllum is not. He needs year-round irrigation. In the spring and summer period it is necessary to introduce large volumes of water, and in winter watering should be moderate. Nevertheless, it is necessary to constantly check the soil, so it was not too dry.

However you need to remember that stagnant water is harmful to any plant. If the soil is much moisture, this can lead to rotting of the rhizomes and to provoke the occurrence of parasites, mold and other ailments. Therefore, stagnant water is better to merge or to arrange good drainage in the pot.

If we talk about the temperature of the water, in the care of this amazing plant, should it warm up to 18-23 degrees.


If we talk about the optimal structure, it is best to independently mix the turf, leaves, peat, humus and sand in the ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. Additionally you can enrich the soil with sphagnum, however, it is possible to do without it, if alone to ensure that the land does not dry up.

You Can buy ready-made composition. However, we must note that in such soils do not always contain only natural components.


The Flower Spathiphyllum is very difficult to survive without the timely application of fertilizers. If he doesn't get the required amount of minerals and nutrients, it will lead to the fact that the plant will cease to bloom. If it will appear small flowers, infrequently and of poor quality.

the Flower pot

We must note that in the period from spring to autumn the plant is in a phase of active development. This means that it needs help in the form of fertilizers. Therefore, to make the dressing you need 1 every 14 days. In the rest of the year is enough to make nutritional supplements once per month.

If we talk about care in the home, flower Spathiphyllum prefers organic fertilization. This is most suitable diluted poultry manure. However, in an urban setting to get this feature is not so simple. Therefore, you can use store-bought fertilizer for flowering house plants.


Indoor flower Spathiphyllum does not need frequent change of gauge on the larger pot. The procedure is carried out once per year for the young plants. Older bushes enough to transplant 1 time in 3-5 years. Every time the pot gets a few inches more than the previous. If the capacity is too large, it may delay flowering plants, so it's best not to overdo it.

The procedure is the method of handling. The roots of the plants are very sensitive, so it is important not to harm. To do this, in the prepared capacity is poured first drainage and a small layer of earth. At the center planted a flower. After that, the rest of the ground goes into the tank and distributed on it.

Between transfers, it is recommended to periodically update the top layer of soil. This will help the plant to obtain new nutrients. During the procedure, a new pot is necessary to fill the drainage layer.

It is best to repot plants in the spring, when it is able to adapt quickly to the new soil.

Conditions for flowering

To "flower of happiness" Spathiphyllum began to please beautiful colors, you need to pay attention to some nuances.

First, the young plant is not yet ready for this process, so do not expect the occurrence of inflorescences in the first year of life room handsome. The same goes for the "Oldies". Too adult plant no forces on these processes, so it is not necessary to force flowering force.

Second, so the flower was able to develop fully it must not be in too large a pot. If the grower decided to make a transplant a stock, then it may cause to rejoice in the blooming it will be soon. This is because the root system will have to evolve to fill all the space. This will require all power plants.

White flower

If the leaves of the female flower of Spathiphyllum were small and began to turn yellow, then in such circumstances it will be difficult to get beautiful flowers. This indicates a lack of nutrients. So you should think about fertilizing the flower. Sometimes Vice versa. If the plant has acquired abundant leaf mass, do not rejoice. This suggests that in the soil a lot of nitrogen, which is responsible for the leaves. To get beautiful flowers is to enrich the land with phosphorus and potassium, as thesecomponents are responsible for flowering.

Female flower Spathiphyllum: how to care, breeding

If we talk about this procedure, it is possible to perform the method of sowing seeds, rooting cuttings or division of rhizomes. The latter option is the most popular among flower growers.

Event propagation is best done during the spring transplant. Thus it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room is constantly maintained at around 20-22 degrees Celsius.

For more beautiful plants from the parent plant is necessary to separate the side shoot (delanco), which is at least 3 leaves. Every limb planted in a separate container that you need to pre-fill mixture for growing Mature plants. After that, the female flower of Spathiphyllum require care, which was described earlier.

However, do not assume that the plant is not vulnerable to attack by pests or diseases. It is therefore important to consider this topic in more detail.

Diseases and pests

First and foremost, it is worth considering that trouble with the unusual flower may occur due to the carelessness of the gardener-the fan. For example, if the Spathiphyllum does not bloom, it may be caused by a lack of lighting, power, or too large a pot.

The blackening of the leaves is to check the composition of the soil. If the land does not contain necessary micronutrients, it provokes unbalanced nutrition of the plants. You may have to transplant it into better soil.

If the tips of the leaves began to dry, acquiring a characteristic straw color, it indicates a too dry atmosphere in the room. You need to always remember that this plant needs a fairly humid air.

Flower in the office

These problems can be called the most harmless. Much more dangerous if the plant suffers from fungal infections, such as root rot. This disease quite often affects home flowers. All because of excessive watering. If the soil is constantly stagnant moisture, it leads to Browning of the foliage and slower growth.

To solve this problem, you should remove the plant from the pot and look closely at the rhizome. If the roots are very soft and characteristic putrid odor, it is the first and main sign of a fungal illness, which got the flower Spathiphyllum. How to care for him in this situation? You first need to cut off all the rotting roots. Place slices are processed using charcoal. After that the plant should undergo a course of treatment using fungicides. However, we must be prepared to ensure that the plant will not be able to survive. Similar lesions can spread to very large areas. If you cut the lion's share of roots, then there is a high probability that the flower will not be able to recover. Therefore, experienced growers prefer to destroy the flower than to suffer with a long and often unsuccessful process of rehabilitation.

To Attack the Spathiphyllum can spider mites and aphids. These parasites usually appear in the hot season. To prevent their attacks, it is necessary to spray the plant. If the parasites are still wound, you can handle the flower in soapy water or use more effective chemicals.

It Is necessary to take note that weekly bathing in warm water at a temperature of about 20 degrees are a great way to protect the flower from potential danger in the form of parasites and diseases.

Feedback about the difficulties of growing

Speaking about why the flower Spathiphyllum are grown, not all growers, it is worth noting some of the problems you may encounter inexperienced gardener.

Most people complain that the plant does not bloom. As mentioned earlier, this may be due to several factors, which are quite simple to fix.

Flowers in garden

Many complain that the plants wither. This is due to infrequent watering, or when the florist, on the contrary, overdone and just started to fill the flower room. Such problems are quickly resolved and can not be a reason for not growing this plant.

If we talk about transplant and propagation of Spathiphyllum, in this case, almost no one has a problem.

In all other respects, the plant is only positive. It really is unpretentious and has a lot of advantages.

In conclusion

Spathiphyllum is a unique plant that has many positive sides. Due to its appearance the flower is suitable for any interior. However, he fills the air with healthy micronutrients and helps to get rid of harmful fumes. The plant is a kind of biological filter, which will be a great addition to any home. It creates the premises of an optimum microclimate for humans, so in children's rooms you can also have female flower Spathiphyllum. How to care for him, is already known. Not required for this special event, the plant will begin to flower quite quickly and will please your household with their attractive appearance throughout the year.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/hatn-tul-nasc/13005-spatifillum-kvetka-syhod-u-hatn-h-umovah-asabl-vasc-vyroshchvannya-vod.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gem-tlichkeit/12894-blume-spathiphyllum-pflege-zu-hause-die-besonderheiten-des-anbaus-und-.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-comodidad-del-hogar/12840-flor-de-spathiphyllum-el-cuidado-en-el-hogar-las-caracter-sticas-del-c.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/domashniy-uyut/12996-cvetok-spatifillum-k-t-m-y-zha-dayynda-erekshel-kter-s-ru-zh-ne-p-k-rl.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/komfort-domu/13365-kwiat-spatifillum-opieka-w-warunkach-domowych-w-szczeg-lno-ci-uprawy-i.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/o-aconchego-do-lar/13299-flor-spatifillum-cuidados-em-casa-as-caracter-sticas-de-crescimento-e-.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/domashniy-uyut/13023-i-ek-spatifilyum-bak-m-evde-zellikle-yeti-tirme-ve-yorumlar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/domashn-y-zatishok/13130-kv-tka-spatifillum-doglyad-v-domashn-h-umovah-osoblivost-viroschuvanny.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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