Cast iron radiator MC-140: specifications and reviews


2019-03-27 19:20:26




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There is Probably no such person who would love to spend the winter in a cold apartment. Therefore, consumers increasingly tend to choose more battery efficient. Among them is a cast-iron radiator MC-140, specifications of which are presented below.

cast iron radiator MC 140 specifications

Why the modern buyer chooses the cast-iron batteries?

Cast Iron radiators have many advantages. Judging by the customer reviews, people distinguish the following advantages:

  1. High resistance to corrosion.
  2. Excellent heat retention.
  3. Long lifetime.
  4. An Impressive cross-section of the radiator.
  5. The inability to electrochemical corrosion.

Excellent resistance to corrosion described in the article of radiators, in the opinion of the users due to the fact that when using the surface is covered with dry rust. It excludes the development of corrosion processes. In addition, cast iron is durability. So it does not harm the debris and stones that fall inside of the heating pipes. Buyers have like a cast-iron radiator MC-140, specifications of which will be presented below, yet for the reason that it has good heat retention.

cast iron radiators, MS 140 500 specifications

Persistence and lifetime

As emphasized by the buyers, even after 60 minutes after turning off the boiler the batteries will retain 30% of the radiated heat. But for steel radiators, this figure is only 15%. Not to mention the long life. If it is a quality radiator made of cast iron, to serve for such equipment will be able to 100 years, though producers say only about 30 years.

Due to an internal section of the radiator, these units rarely require cleaning. In addition, cast iron just cannot be the cause of electrochemical corrosion. Experienced users say: this indicates that any conflicts with steel or plastic pipes arise simply don't have.


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cast iron radiator heating MS 140 specifications

Technical characteristics of the radiator MC-140

Cast Iron radiator MC-140, specifications which force consumers to choose this equipment, manufactured in Russia and Ukraine. Maximum coolant temperature up to 130 °C, while the maximum operating pressure is 9 bars. One section has two channels, which allows to assert that the design of such radiators is sectional. In one such plot fit of 1.35 liters of water.

How to calculate power dissipation? This can be done by knowing the indicators of one section. So, its dissipation is 175 watts. Section weighs 6.2 kg. This should be considered prior to installation. The width of one section is equal to 98 mm, and the diameter of the nipple hole is 5/4 inches. As the intersection of strips of such products, a heat-resistant rubber.

Considering the cast-iron radiator MC-140, photo in the paper, you should pay attention to what section and tube are manufactured according to the state standards 1412. As the material for them is the MF-10. But the material for the nipple is of KCH-30-6F. Made this part of the radiator according to GOST-1215. However, after reviewing the benefits of these devices, do not rush out to buy them. After all, before that you need to know how many sections will be needed to the heating system work efficiently.

the cast-iron radiator MC 140 features

Additional features

Cast-Iron radiators MS-140, technical specifications which must be known to the consumer before buying the product, have many advantages over analog models. For example, low chemical activity of the metal ensures long life of the heating networks in Russia. But low hydraulic resistance allows to use them in systems with natural circulation.

The customer Reviews say that the working environment temperature is quite high. No other similar device is not capable of withstanding +130 °C. in most limit is 110 °C. These devices have low cost and high heat dissipation. All batteries made of cast iron this feature is in the section “flaws”. But models MS-90 and MS-140 thermal capacity of the partitions compared with metal and aluminum radiators.

For MS-140 heat output can vary from 160 to 185 watts. The final value will depend on the manufacturer. Cast iron radiator heating MS-140 can be used even with continuous coolant. The internal surfaces will not corrode.

cast iron radiator heating MS 140

Feedback about the choice of cooler given sections

According to users, the number of sections will depend on the configuration of the room. As the main parameter is the area. However, there are other equally important factors. Among them are buyersthere are:

  • The presence of glass;
  • Zoning;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Floor;
  • Niche dimensions;
  • Windows.

People argue that if some of the Windows, the radiators should be placed under each of them. This will reduce heat loss. If cast-iron radiators MS-140 is expected to be installed in the corner room, it is best to choose a more powerful model. They are filled with added sections in the number one or two. Users claim that this requirement is due to the additional thermal losses that will affect the comfort of the person.

If the room ceiling height does not exceed 3 m, and the area is equal to 50 m2, you should use a specific formula for calculating the number of sections. This area should be multiplied by 100 watts, and then divide the resulting value by the heat emission of one section. If you get a fractional number, users are advised to round it out in a big way. This will ensure the supply of power.

radiator iron heating MS 140

Feedback about the features of the installation

Cast Iron radiator MC-140, specifications of which were presented above, in the opinion of the users should be certain standards. The first step is to match fixing. They can be angular or pin brackets. Latest used to secure panels on the wall of plaster or brick. As for the corners, they are designed for wooden walls. For fixation of cells on the corner consumers are advised to stock up with plugs and screws.

the cast-iron radiator MC 140 photo

Recommendations consumers

Cast iron Radiators, MS-140 500 specifications presented in the paper must be installed after the right choice. One radiator must have 3 or more bracket. Using dowels and drill the brackets are fixed. In the next step, according to customer feedback, you can begin to mount the radiator. Should not rush to remove the protective film from the appliance. Initially, you need to install it on the bracket. Otherwise the battery can be scratched.

cast iron radiator MC 140 specifications


The cast-iron Radiator MC-140, the characteristics of which mostly only positive, has some disadvantages. Customer reviews indicate that they include impressive weight. The mass section at the intersection a distance of 500 mm will vary from 6 to 7.12 kg. Such will require 6 to 14 in one room. This allows you to calculate what will be the total mass. Now you can imagine that this product would first have to bring, and then hung on the wall. This feature can be called a drawback, which is expressed in a complex installation.

Among the disadvantages buyers call and fragility, which isn't the most pleasant characteristics. With its massiveness the products described here require careful handling. After the kick, they can simply burst. Fragility refers and not the high pressure is 9 bar. As for compression, it varies from 15 to 16 atmospheres.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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