How to spend in private homes sewer. How to conduct a sewer in a private house


2019-04-29 04:00:31




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A Private house, not equipped with sewage system, not very comfortable to live in, especially in cold weather. You have to wash in a basin and toilet to run in the rain and frost. And what to do to the person who bought the mansion are not equipped with such creature comforts? And he will have to solve only a few questions:

  • Hold the drain inside the house.
  • To Hold the outer sewage system.

The article consider the main methods of laying sewers in private ownership. Will be shown and described kinds of sewage systems and some recommendations for their construction.

how to spend in private homes, sewers

General information

If the property is in a village that has Central sewer system, will be sufficient to issue the permission for connection, create a plan frame and scheme, where will be placed the pipes and sanitary devices, and to produce all the amount of work required. But if the Central line is not, then the situation becomes much more complicated, and a list of questions that will have to decide much longer. First, you need to decide which type of Autonomous Sewerage for private homes:

  • Septic tank;
  • The storage pit;
  • Filter structure.

Second, what will be the volume of the tank, which collects drains. It will depend on the number of people using the sewage system, and on its type. Third, to determine the type. What is domestic sewage? Pressure or non pressure? Fourth, where will be located the local building, collecting or purifying waste water. And now, in order consider these issues. Autonomous Sewerage for private homes


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How to spend in private homes drains inside buildings?

This problem is solved easier than others. New technologies allow you to place sanitary facilities, regardless of the distance from sewer pipes. And in case of impossibility to drainage by gravity can be applied a device providing forced flow (custom install). This option has many positive sides:

  1. Choice of location for the toilet or food do not depend on the place of passage of the main sewer pipes.
  2. Hardware compact size, modern design, no noise and ensures that no unpleasant smell.
  3. You Can do the pipes much smaller than the standard diameter (23 to 32 mm) that are easy to hide in the arrays of the walls.
  4. Setting can transport sewage to 100 meters horizontally and 10 meters vertically. diagram of sewage in a private home

What kind of pipe should I use?

To make the sewage system in a private home, the best option may be to call pipes, plastic, gray. If you plan to hide them in the wall, to connect them better with the help of welding or press-fitting. These tubes have several important positive qualities:

  1. They are not subject to corrosion.
  2. On their inner walls do not accumulate plaque.
  3. The lifetime of such products is tens of years.
  4. They do not require additional maintenance.

Rules styling

  1. First of all, there should be created a scheme of Sewerage in private house.
  2. On the riser pipe diameter-110 mm.
  3. The slope of the drain in the direction of exit from the premises, or septic tanks – 1-2 cm/m.
  4. On the pipe that runs horizontally, tees and elbows are placed at an angle of 45 degrees, and vertically – 90. Autonomous Sewerage private home TOPAS
  5. Trumpet goes against the current of the waters.
  6. Central riser is vented.
  7. Needs to be done to audit in the event that if the pipe is clogged.
  8. First is the riser, and then the wiring.
  9. Be Sure to check the tightness of connections before you plug them into the wall or into the floor.
  10. Pipe From the house should reach a depth of at least 50 cm or to be insulated.

Construction of external drainage system

Information about how to spend in private homes sewage, set out in detail regulatory documents SanPiN and SNiP. Consider mandatory the following points:

  1. Sewage Treatment plants are located at least 10 metres from the foundations and 8 metres from the adjacent plot.
  2. To the drinking water intake to the distance of not less than 20 m.
  3. Drainage System is installed below the water intake.


If the number of occupants does not exceed 1-2 persons, to conduct a sewer in a private home is more profitable with access to cesspool. It is a sealed structure or container intended for collecting waste water. This is the simplest design for such needs. The walls are laid out in wood, brick or stone. They promazyvaetsya greasy clay, and the floor is concreted, the top overlap is best done concrete with manhole for cleaning.

carry out the Sewerage in the private house

Septic tank

This is a setting that is designed not only for collection but also for wastewater treatment. Usually applied to biological anaerobic system. It is possible to do yourself. However, you can purchase, for example such as Autonomous Sewerage private home "TOPAS". Inwith completed enterprise systems, if there is a need to increase the capacity of the drain, you will just need to install another capacity. Homemade septic tank is a complicated design that cleans waste water through a special drainage system. First, dug a well in the amount of three daily volume of inflow. The scheme of sewage in a private house in this case should include the location of this well is at a distance of from 5 to 20 meters from the house. Its walls should impose blocks, stone or bricks and insulating floors and pour concrete. make a drain in a private house most Often a septic tank has a round shape and wall thickness from a quarter metre. The drainage network must be located a minimum distance of 30 meters from the house and below the level of the water intake. Sewer pipe should enter the pit at least 1.5 metres from the soil surface depending on the level at which the ground freezes. But the level of the inlet pipe into the well should be several inches above the level of the drainage outlet. Waste water removed from the septic tank through the tees. Their upper ends are left open, they installed pipes-drain cleaning, having the same cross-section. To the lower edges of the tees are joined by a pipe ending in two feet below the level of sewage in the septic tank.

Filter wells

Such facilities include sewage treatment mechanical means. Filtration wells, typically used for sandy soils. Around them is filled with sand-gravel and clay. The scheme of sewage in a private house with the use of seepage wells involves the laying deep in the ground, below aquifers drain pipe. While the waste water passing through the soil's natural filter-gravel, sand and clay are cleaned and go into the ground. Of course, that before carried out in private homes, the sewers, based on the work of seepage pit, you should choose a suitable location for this facility. First swarm of the required size of the pit. For example, for a family consisting of 4 people will need the volume of a 10 m3 (the size is about 3x1,8x2 m). The bottom of the pit is filled with sand and gravel, there is the need to install or build a structure. During construction make a hole to enter the sewer pipes, ventilation, overflow and discharge of treated wastewater. When the structure is ready, it should start to pull the pipeline. to hold the sewage in a private home

Styling external waste highways

Hold the sewage in a private home to a seepage pit in two ways: either dig a trench or trenchless method using pneumostome. Pipes for external networks is better to use plastic. Laying in the trench should be made on a pillow of sand and gravel at trenchless method, of course, to do. With regard to the construction of sewer manholes, they should be done every 15 meters, and the first from the house – at a distance of 12 meters. At every turn of the highway also need to build a well. The depth at which to lay the sewer line, not less than 80 cm If it is less you need to insulate it to prevent freezing in the cold time of the year.

In this article, we discussed how to spend in private homes, the sewers, and I can say that this case is not too complex and quite capable of responsible and hardworking person, ready to do everything yourself, with high-quality materials and necessary tools.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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