Vienna - Prague (train): travel time, distance. Tickets to Prague


2018-03-28 03:32:15




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The Journey is what fills your life with new emotions and feelings. Ancient monuments of art and architecture, medieval towns, stunning natural scenery - in order to see it all, it is not necessary to go around the world, looking into the most exotic corners of our planet. It's enough to make a thorough tour of Europe, not avoiding their attention is a real city-masterpieces, which is rightly called Vienna and Prague. Their amazing cultural and architectural heritage, of course, is to make a long trip before you see the sights closer. This trip will be an unforgettable trip that you will never regret. However, one desire is not enough. And often the enthusiasm of many burned at the stage of decision of organizational questions. For example, tasks associated with vehicles, a combination of schedules and the selection of the most favorable tourist carrier company. Many questions arise, especially for inexperienced tourists. How to get from Prague to Vienna? How many it is necessary time and money? How to buy tickets? The answers to these questions are given below.

 how to get from Prague to Vienna

Travel Europe

To arrange for himself and his family journey through Europe today has become not so challenging. The more that you plan your route can help a variety of resources, telling about the schedule of the traffic and allowing you to book or buy a ticket. Selecting the cities you want to visit, be sure to examine all the information on the available options for how to make the most of fast, convenient and economical to get from one to the other. This is an important part of journey planning. The remainder of this article we will look at how to get from Vienna to Prague, which vehicle would be most preferable.


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How to get from Prague to Vienna

There are several options of vehicles that will take tourists to the destination. Both these cities are important European transport nodes. Consequently, through them are regular flights, buses and trains. Travelers remains only to study the details of each of the options and to choose the most appropriate alternative. More detail they will be discussed below in this article.


The Most expensive option of transport in the direction of Prague - Vienna. The distance between these two cities the plane passes in less than an hour flight. This is useful for those who want to save your time more than material resources. Budget tourists, as a rule, this movement is not affordable.Prague Vienna distance


From Vienna to Prague and back every day runs a lot of buses. Their average cost is twenty euros on this route. According to reviews, most popular company "Student Agency". It is famous for its comfortable vehicles, excellent service, lower fares than the competition. You can buy a ticket on the official website, to print where and when you want, and bring the printed form when boarding the bus. The system is extremely simple.

tickets to Prague

Choose tourists

Many tourists long to decide how to get from Prague to Vienna. Although the number of options is limited, this choice may be given not as easy as it seems at first glance. If you dismiss the most expensive option (the plane), there are two acceptable alternatives for budget travelers, namely bus and train. And make a decision in this matter is sometimes really hard. What should govern?

So, as we have seen, the journey on the bus will be the cheapest option. This alternative for those who are willing to endure four-five hours of discomfort in order to save a little. Of course, if traveling family of three to four people, in the end, those savings can be significant. But be prepared for some inconveniences such as the lack of movement for a long time and not very diverse views. Especially difficult it is necessary to people who are hard to tolerate fragrances alien perfume. Unfortunately, the bus to avoid this would be extremely difficult. Otherwise, this method of movement can be considered acceptable. Most often it is chosen by more young people whose health, energy and enthusiasm make it easy to transfer the trip to any comfort level and any duration.

But there is another category of tourists. People who value comfort more than savings a small amount. Someone does not allow to spend a long time on the bus in a seated position without moving his health, someone just wants to arrive at their destination as fresh and full of energy for further walking and discovery. All the requirements of these travelers meet the trains of the Austrian and Czech Railways. Prague - Vienna is one of these. They are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable travel. So tourists prefer to choose for movement throughPrague - Vienna train. The price of this kind of transport, of course, somewhat higher, but nothing can replace the comfort experienced during the journey so, plus another advantage of the stunning scenery, and then flashing through the window of the car.

 train station

The benefits of train

For many high-speed train Prague - Vienna is even more comfortable way to travel than plane. Why do they have such impression? Despite the fact that the time spent on the road in the train and in the bus, most of them almost equally, travel by rail for many, undeniably more convenient. The tourists have the opportunity to move inside the cabin. It is much more comfortable than spending long hours in a sitting position. You can comfortably eat, read, enjoy the views of the surrounding area in the direction of the Vienna - Prague. The train is usually very comfortable cars. They are equipped with a TV and air conditioning.

Vienna Prague train


Ticket Prices for the Vienna - Prague (train) vary depending on the class. For example, the tickets in economy are the cheapest and therefore are most popular among travelers. This ticket will cost only thirty euros. While for the second class ticket will have to pay fifty Euro, but if you wish to become a first class passenger - that all seventy-five. Thus, the cost of travel on the Vienna - Prague (train) under certain conditions can be quite affordable. So to include a visit to these cities on their trip through Europe quite difficult.

Route Vienna - Prague (train): travel time

The time that the tourist would spend on travel depends on many factors. In General, it takes from four to seven hours. Details will be discussed further.

You Should verify proposals put forward by a variety of carriers. How long will it take to get to the destination train Prague - Vienna? The distance between these two cities is three hundred thirty-one kilometer by railway (and on a direct - only two hundred fifty-one kilometer). For example, Austrian trains "Railjet" cross this portion of the route in just four hours and ten minutes. In the same way to vehicles of the company "Evrositi" it will take four hours and twenty five minutes. The composition departs from Hlavní Nádraží (Prague main railway station) eight times a day.

There is another, perhaps even more comfortable opportunity. Between these two cities runs overnight Express company "Euronet Metropol". He arrives at the destination in the morning and in the dark, six hours and fifty minutes.

Vienna Prague train travel time

To purchase tickets

Many experienced travelers are advised to buy tickets in Prague directly at the station of departure. How effective it is, and are you willing to risk it, judge for yourself. However, judging by the reviews, the place is always. However, most tourists still prefer to get in advance tickets. Such a position is absolutely correct, because sometimes they're pretty save. So you want to spend the money on a good impression, not only on the road. It is therefore important to refer to the official website of the European railway systems which sell tickets to Prague. Sites-brokers sometimes overcharge. Thus, buying tickets online will help save a little, spending a lot of time and emotional energy.

Whether you still choose train

Choose the train as your means of transportation should be the case, if you value your time and comfort, but do not want or are not able to spend a lot of money. If your goal is to remain economical and thus to reach the point of destination, without experiencing any inconvenience.high-speed train Prague Vienna


If you still shred of doubt you have, review all the information again. In this issue the rush to anything. Explore information and reviews on different carriers about the terms of service and the services provided in transport, on the condition of the cars and the possible identification of so-called "pitfalls" when working with a particular transport company.

Remember that the process of search, selection and purchase of train tickets from Vienna to Prague and back is maximally simplified. Very high chance of getting a extremely comfortable trip at a very reasonable price. In the way you have to be about five hours, depending on which transport company you use, which means that all this time you have to spend with maximum convenience. This is only possible if the shipping company really cares about its customers and is ready to provide them everything they need in order to travel left a pleasant memories. Convenient carriages of the Austrian and Czech compositions fully meet all these requirements. And making a choice in their favor, you will not regret the small overpayment in five or ten euros, which you had to do, opting for the train instead of the bus.Prague Vienna train price

Someone is a fanadventures on the road, and someone who likes a relaxed trip, when you can pass the time to listen to your favorite music or watching a pleasant film. In any case, safety and comfort should be the constant companions of the tourist. Keep this in mind when making your choice. The reputation of the transport company is built on these two concepts to a greater extent than any other criteria.

And let your journey bring only joyful emotions! Be real happy campers!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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