House Targaryen: history, motto and coat of arms. Family tree Margarinov. "A song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin


2018-04-01 12:12:21




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The article talk about the house Targaryen. This Royal dynasty, which we find in the works of George R. R. Martin and in a wonderful series «Game of thrones”. We will examine the history of the house, whose motto is "fire and blood", family tree and other details, which few people know.

The Beginning

Initially, the family lived in Valyria. Here she was one of the forty most wealthy and noble houses that fought for power. All the power-hungry house owned by dragons, and I have to say that house Targaryen was not the most powerful. What was the beginning of the story for readers? The history of house Targaryen starts with the fact that the daughter of Einar Targaryen 12 years before Valyria Rock in the fire saw the fall. Danes, persuaded his father to move, and he his slaves, wives and all the riches moved to Dragonstone. It was the extreme West point of Valyria, the old island fortress, which was under the steaming mountain. The inhabitants and rulers of Valyria such an act was interpreted as a recognition of the weakness of house Targaryen


This dynasty ruled for a long hundred years. This time, it was called Bloody century not in vain, because Einar was cruel and even insane ruler. Rich allowed location. Targaryens and their allies lived very close to Cernovodeanu Bay. Because of this Ilarioni and Targaryens are collecting huge fees from the trading ships that passed through the Gulf, and around it was impossible. Two families from Valyria, who were allies of Lord – Valeriani and Celtigar – guarding the middle part of the Strait, while the Targaryens had control of the situation from the sky, sitting on their dragons.


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Genealogical tree Tugarinov

A Brother and spouse, Denis of Snovideni was Geymon, who was succeeded by Einar and became known as Gamonal Nice. The couple had two children: son Aegon and daughter eleyna who ruled jointly after the death of his father. Then the power passed to the son Alany Magoo, his brother ARIS. Then the throne was occupied by the sons of Ayres – Balon, Damion and Alex. Inherited Dragonstone is the son of one of three brothers, Arion, who took to wife a girl of the genus Velaryon. They had one son, who was destined to become a Conqueror. Aegon married both his sisters – Reinis and the dragon


Their policy in the book ‘a Song of ice and fire" Targaryens are more directed to the East, and Westeros until a certain time they are almost not interested. Thoughts on the conquest of the Sunset kingdoms first visited Aegon I. He ordered the creation of a Painted table in the shape of the continent of Westeros with the application of all geographic objects. Later Volantis invited the Conqueror to join him to destroy the remnants of the Free Cities. However, Aegon has supported Storm King. No wonder the motto of house Targaryen are the words "fire and blood”.

In the days of the boards of Aegon Westeros consisted of 7 States. The last Storm King Argilac Duranton suggested Aegon to strengthen its ties through marriage. In addition to his daughter Argella, the king suggested and the earth. It was a territory, in fact belonged to the Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers, despite the fact that Argilac thought about them. And if Aegon took the land on its own behalf or on behalf of Argilac, it would mean inevitable war between the two States. If the Royal troops and resisted, that new acquisition would be just a buffer between enemies. However, Aegon did not like, and he put forward the counter. Hand Argely he offered his brother Oris Baratheon. However, Oris was illegitimate, so Argilac considered such a humiliating proposal and rejected it. He ordered to chop off the hands of Aegon and blood

This situation prompted Aegon to action. He gathered his vassals and sent the rest of the Royal ultimatum that they should recognize him as the king of Westeros, otherwise there will be bites the dust.


Aegon to conquer Westeros. He landed on the Blackwater, where you will later founded the city of king's landing-the capital of all the kingdoms. Someone immediately obeyed the dragons, and someone tried to fight. Soon the ruler of the red dragon created a Small Board and divided into three parts the army.

Army Hovering Targaryen went to the Valley of Arryn, however, suffered a defeat there have Chayachiy city. The army, led by Reinis, went to the stormlands. Orys Baratheon defeated the army of Argilac and killed him. Aegon went to the Iron Islands, which rules Harren the Black. Lord Tully, along with his subjects defected to the invaders and helped in the siege of the castle of Harrenhal, Harren where he was hiding with his army. Dragon, Balerion burned to the ground the castle of Harren and himself. This allowed Targaryens to seize power over the banks of the Trident.dynasty Targaryen

Strong opposition

Other opponents of house Targaryen was able to provide a stronger and more serious opposition. King of the West and King of Space United. Army MERTa Gradener and Lorena Lannister spoke out against enemies. Troops Aegon was 5 times smaller, despite the fact that most of them were the river lords, who only recentlysworn to the king and on which too much reliance should not have.

But that didn't stop Aegon, and he went at the rebels with his sisters and dragons. The armies met near the town of Stone Septa, where later there will be a Golden Road. The battle took place on open field, near the Blackwater. The red dragon managed to win, despite the small number. The dragons proved to be a powerful advantage. The king of Space killed on the battlefield, and the genus of the Lannisters captured, where he soon swore fealty to Aegon.the history of house Targaryen

Attack the Starks

Knowing that the situation is so stark still decided to oppose the conqueror. Torrhen stark mustered his troops and set up camp on the North side of the Trident. His brother Brandon snow planned to kill dragons, but Torrhen in the course of the battle suddenly changed his mood and recognized the power of the Targaryens. At this time the Queen of the Mountains and Valleys of Sharra Arryn was engaged in strengthening his castle, preparing for siege. Hover flew into the valley on his dragon and forced Sharru take the side of the invaders, but not by force but through diplomatic above.

After a while Aegon took the Oldtown. Here the high Septon held a celebration, which was dedicated to the glorious conqueror. The Aegon even managed to conquer the Iron Islands, where the people originally elected the rulers of the Greyjoys.

Disagreement Martell

Meria Martell refused to swear allegiance to the new king. The army managed to invade Dorne and even capture the main castle of the Solar Spear. But the price for this was death Reinis and her dragon. Because of this, the dornishmen rose morale, and they started a successful uprising.

However, in this confrontation, the town Hall is still dead. Her heir Nimor during its maturation has seen enough on the consequences of war, and therefore he was inclined to make peace. He sent his daughter Deriu to bring peace and skull Marxes. The terms of peace were such that the Martells would not swear allegiance to Targaryen and asked to leave Dorne an independent. Of course, such conditions outraged the court, but the document was accompanied by a letter addressed personally to Aegon. The king read it and was angry, but the conditions of the Dornish agreed. It gave them a half century of tree margarinov

After Aegon

The coat of Arms of house Targaryen weakened. Ainis, was weak and sickly, he lost power over many lands. After ascended to the throne Magor Cruel, who died on the Iron Throne during the uprising against him. To resolve the situation failed Jaeherys Peacemaker – son Ainisa. His reign is remembered as a time of peace and prosperity. Next to the throne Viserys, who ruled in peace, but his personal life has been chaos, which later turned into a tribal war, during which they killed the ordinary people, the lords and members of house Targaryen.

On the throne sat Daeron I, called the Young Dragon, because he ascended the throne at the age of 14. He immediately decided to conquer Dorne, and he did it, but to hold in their hands such a strong state the guy could not. After him on the throne sat his brother Baelor, who were particularly pious. He ruled peacefully and quietly.

After he became the ruler Viserys II, before former hand. A year later he died and ascended to the throne Aegon IV. He began the reign of the great, but finished it being an old perverted old man. His four bastards before dying legalized. The throne was taken by Daeron. After the power passed alternately to all his sons. King Aegon V the people loved him, but he ruled briefly. In his place was his son, Jaeherys II, which remained in power for only 3 years. Then began the time his son Aerys, whom the people nicknamed Mad King. In his youth he was a good king, but everyone noticed his unjustified temper, who in adulthood became its scourge.coat of arms house Targaryen

To overthrow

The dynasty of the Targaryens sooner or later had to come to an end, and he came. King Aerys II suffered from a mental disorder that manifests itself in excessive cruelty, frequent hallucinations and paranoia. He became close with Pyromancer that I didn't like the lords and people. Later at Harrenhal was held a famous jousting tournament that came to see the Mad King, as he feared the evil intentions of his eldest son. Tournament was won by Rhaegar, who called Leanne (the daughter of the warden of the North Ricarda stark) the most beautiful woman. Simultaneously, Jaime (the eldest son of Tywin Lannister.) joined the ranks of the Royal guard. After some time Rhaegar kidnaps Leanne at the Tower of Joy (Dorne).


Rickard stark and Brandon asked Aerys to justice, but that they are brutally executed. After that, he demanded that Lord Jon Arryn (the eyrie), that he gave him Eddard stark. Eddard became the new heir of Winterfell after the death of his father and brother. The King demanded to give him Robert Baratheon, who was the Lord of Storm Limit and groom Lenny. To happen is to prevent the Keeper of the East. Do not waste time and other participants of process who are facing the penalty. Eddard stark arrived to the North and armed his vassals, did the same andRobert Baratheon. Against Robert made Mace Tyrell-Lord of Highgarden, who with the help Rendille Tarly defeated the Baratheon army and laid siege to their family castle for a year. At this time, Jon Arryn and Eddard stark enlisted the support of Lord Tully of Riverrun, taking to wife his daughters Lisa and Catelyn.

Bell battle failed to prove that the house Targaryen came to an end, but the Mad King clearly knew what he resists a powerful and United force. Aereas, addressed to the Prince of Dorne Libnah Martel and enlisted his support. The ruler came up with an amazing plan – to mine the battlefield. Rhaegar led an army against the enemy, and on the banks of the river Trident was a battle, but the Targaryens were defeated, and the Prince of Dragon Stone killed Robert Baratheon.

Mad King sent his pregnant wife and son Viserys on Dragonstone. Along with this, to the walls of the capital came the army of Tywin Lannister. Maester Pycelle persuaded the King to open the gates and it became a global error ruler. Jaime killed the Mad King. Stark captured the capital, and Baratheon have made peace with Tywin by marrying his daughter Cersei.

Faithful people Targaryen had hidden his wife and children in the Free Cities. In the future daenerys Targaryen will try to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.

Marriage tradition

House Targaryen kept the purity of blood. Since the beginning of time brothers took to wife their sisters. That's why in the TV series «Game of thrones” it says that in the body of Daenerys flowing Golden blood of old Valyria. In the case when the family is not enough unmarried men or women, they were looking for in an ancient Valyrian family Ilarionov or in the Free Cities.

Those who have not read the book, expect continued aggressive policy daenerys Targaryen in the series.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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