The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and sons" (essay writer I. S. Turgenev)


2018-04-02 01:26:11




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One of the most famous novels of Ivan Turgenev was written during 1860-1861 years, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In Russia at this time, there was a turning point, junction of conservative and innovative thinking, a struggle of ideologies. This conflict was demonstrated on the example of the family Kirsanovich, as well as the most important problem-the confrontation between generations: fathers and sons, which was founded in the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons”. Brief description of the plot and subsequent analysis of the product suggested below. However, you must first contact the name.

The meaning of the title

Undoubtedly, the most important question with respect to the work - the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons”. Essay Turgenev should not be interpreted too literally. The work depicts two families, two fathers and two sons. But the body of the novel is not a description of their activity, and the global differences in worldview. The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons" is that between the two generations will always exist a contradiction, parents and children are opposed to each other, separated by the Union in writing. In fact, they are separated by a wide Gulf – a quarter-century or more. For a period can completely change the political, economic, cultural situation in the country and, of course, the views of the public. One generation saves their world, another – acquires own and it happens regularly, looks at the lives of the fathers, and children rarely coincide. This is the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons”. Essay by I. S. Turgenev teaches us that such antagonism there is nothing prejudicious only important respect to each other on both sides, respect for parents, accepting their advice, hints and good wishes.

Ideology in the novel

The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons” Turgenev also related to affiliation sons and fathers to different ideologies, contemporary to every generation. The book introduces two families – Kirsanovich and Bazarovich and several ideological ideologies: conservative, liberal and revolutionary-democratic. The latter belongs to one of the key figures of the novel – nihilist, a follower of the German materialists and future doctor – Yevgeny Bazarov. Bazaars creates a main resonance in the work. He argues with the brothers Kirsanove, teaches Arcadia, openly despises pseudonigrita Sitnikov and kukshina, and after contrary to their views unrequited falls in love with a rich widow, Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov.

Description and analysis of characters

Conservatives in the novel are Bazarov's parents. Army doctor and devout landowner lead a regular life in his village. They loved in a son, but the mother is concerned about the lack of faith. However, Bazarov proud of Eugene and his success, they believe that it has a great bright future. Basil Bazarov is reported that in all her life, Eugene did not take a penny off them that my son just prefers to make his own way. These traits characterize him as a man strong, self-sufficient, advanced. This image is relevant for the modern era. the meaning of the title of the novel fathers and sons is that


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Pseudonigrita Arkady Kirsanov

A Close friend of Bazarov, Arkady Kirsanov is struggling to meet Eugene in his confession of nihilism. However, in his case, it looks unnatural, far-fetched. Arkady did not fully believe in the negation of spiritual values. He loves the awareness of his own advanced views, he secretly prides himself for condescending to his beloved father – the maid of the house Kirsanovich and openly admires Bazarov. While Arkady is sometimes forgotten, the mask falls from his face, and he talked about his true feelings. Even being a staunch nihilist, Arkady was also in love with Madame Odintsov, but later prefers her sister Catherine. meaning of the title of the novel fathers and sons Turgenev

Outlook "fathers"

The Brothers Kirsanovy – Nicholas and Paul – advocates of liberalism. Nikolai Petrovich – is a man of fine mental organization, he loves poetry and literature, but also nourishes tender feelings for his maid Baubles, girl commoner who nevertheless is the mother of his youngest son. Nikolai Petrovich is ashamed of his love for a peasant girl, while trying to pretend that is far from prejudice, has advanced views on everything, including on agriculture.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov – Bazarova main opponent in the debate. Between men with the first glance, there is hostility, they are complete opposite of each other both externally and internally. Well maintained Pavel frowns in disgust at the sight of long hair and sloppy clothes Bazarov. Eugene is laughing at the mannerisms and affectations Kirsanova, do not hesitate to use sarcasm and painful stab the enemy. meaning of the title of the novel fathers and sons quickAlso Varies the pronunciation of key words “principle”. Bazarov says it sharply and abruptly – “pryntsip”, while Kirsanov slowly stretches and puts the accent on the last syllable in the French manner – “Principe”. The relationship between enemieshave reached the peak that the disputants even fought duels. The reason for this was an insult to Bazarov honor of Baubles, which he kissed in the lips. Pavel Petrovich himself felt for the girl unambiguously sympathetic, and decided to protect her name by calling Bazarov to a duel. Fortunately, the outcome was not fatal, the Kirsanov was only wounded in the leg, Eugene and did the same remained unharmed.

These examples illustrate quite the opposite of the attitude of representatives of different generations and different ideological views to typical life situations and also reflect the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons”. Essay by I. S. Turgenev is much deeper than it may seem at first glance. meaning of the title of the novel fathers and sons essay

To summarize, we can say that the interest of literary critics today and in the past is not only the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and sons" of the essay Turgenev also remarkable for its heroes – the multifaceted and ambiguous, complex but memorable. Each of them demonstrates the talent of the writer, his understanding of human nature and subtle psychology.

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