Viennese classics: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. The Viennese classical school


2018-11-15 23:00:52




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Viennese classics entered the world music history as the biggest reformers of the musical genre. Their work not only unique in itself, it is valuable that determined the further development of musical theatre genres, styles and directions. Their writings laid the Foundation for what is nowadays considered to be classical music.

General characteristics of the era

These authors have in common is that they worked at the juncture of two major cultural-historical periods: classicism and romanticism. Viennese classics lived in a transitional time, when there was an active search for new forms not only in music but also literature, painting, architecture. All this has largely determined the direction of their activities and perspective works. XVIII - first half XIX century has been marked by major political upheavals, wars that literally turned the map of Europe and had a strong impact on the minds of modern intellectuals and the educated circles of society. No exception and the Viennese classics. For example, a well-known fact that the Napoleonic war greatly influenced the work of Beethoven, who in his famous 9th Symphony ("Choral") held the idea of universal unity and peace. It was a kind of response to all the disasters that shook the European continent during the time.Viennese classics

Cultural life

The Viennese classics lived in the period when Baroque faded into the background, and the leading role he began to play in a new direction. It sought harmony of forms, the unity of the composition and therefore refused the magnificent forms of the previous epoch. Classicism has come to define the cultural character of many European States. However, even then the tendency to overcome rigid forms of this trend and the creation of strong works with the elements of drama and even tragedy. It was the first signs of the emergence of romanticism, which determined the cultural development of the 19th century.


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Reform of the Opera

The Viennese classics played a decisive role in the development of all musical genres of the period under review. Each of them, so to speak, specialized in any one style or musical form, but all their achievements were included in the Golden Fund of world music. Gluck (composer) was the largest and one of the most famous authors of his time. Its role in the development of the theatre it is difficult to overestimate: it was he who gave the Opera genre the finished form in which we know it now. The merit of Christopher Gluck is that he first departed from the understanding of Opera as works to showcase vocal abilities, but subordinated to the beginning of the musical drama.

glitch composer


The Glitch - the composer who made the Opera a real performance. In his writings and in the writings of his followers, the vocals became largely dependent on words. Story and song, and most importantly - drama, began to define the development of the musical line. Thus, the Opera ceased to be exclusively the entertainment genre, but turned into a serious musical creations with complex drama, is interesting, from a psychological point of view, characters, exciting composition.


The Viennese classical school formed the basis of the entire world of musical theatre. Much credit for this belongs to Glitch. His Opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" was a breakthrough in this genre. The author focused not on the virtuosity of performance, and the drama of the characters, so the product has received such sound and turns so far. Other Opera "Alceste" is also been a new word in the world of music. Austrian composer again focused on the development of the storyline, so the work had a powerful psychological overtones. The composition is still performed on the best stages of the world, which suggests that the reform of the operatic genre, conducted by Gluck, was of fundamental importance for the evolution of musical theater in General and determined the further development of Opera in the specified direction.

Stage of development

The Austrian composer Haydn, too, belongs to the famous galaxy of writers who have made a significant contribution to the reform of musical genres. He is known primarily as the Creator of symphonies and quartets. Thanks to them, the Maestro has received wide popularity not only in European countries but also beyond them. The most widely known are his works, which are included in the repertoire under the name “Twelve London symphonies”. They are sense of optimism and cheerfulness, which, however, is typical of almost all works of this composer.

children's Symphony Haydn


A Characteristic feature of the works of Joseph Haydn was their connection with folklore. In the works of the composer very often you can hear a song and dance explanation, which made his work so recognizable. This reflected the attitude of the author, who largely imitated Mozart, believing it to be the best composer in the world. He borrowed a joyful and bright melody, which made his work is extremely expressive and bright sounding.

Other works of the author

The Operas of Haydn do not use suchwidespread popularity, as his string quartets and symphonies. However, this musical genre is featured prominently in the works of the Austrian composer, so you should mention some of his works of this kind, especially since they are a significant step in his creative biography. One of his operas is called the "Pharmacist" and was written for the opening of the new theatre. Several works of the kind Haydn had created a number of new buildings of the theatre. He wrote mainly in the style of the Italian Opera Buffa and sometimes combined comic and dramatic elements.

Most famous works

Quartets of Haydn is rightly called the pearl of the world of classical music. They merged the basic principles of the composer, the elegance of form, the virtuosity of execution, optimistic sound, the thematic diversity and original way of performance. One of the known cycles called “Russian” because dedicated to the Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich, future Emperor Paul I. Another group of quartets is designed for the Prussian king. These compositions were written in a new manner, because it was an extraordinary flexibility of sound, a wealth of contrasting musical colors. It is with this kind of musical genre the name of the composer has received worldwide importance. It should be noted that the author often resorted to the so-called “surprises” in his writings, making unexpected musical passages in places where the audience least expected it to be. Among the more unusual works belongs to “Children's Symphony" of Haydn.

General characteristics of creativity Mozart

This is one of the most famous authors of the music, which still is extremely popular fans of the classics and loved throughout the world. The success of his works is due to the fact that they are different logical elegance and completeness. In this regard, many researchers attribute his work to the era of classicism. However, others believe that the Viennese composer was a harbinger of romanticism: because his works have a tendency to picture strong of outstanding images as well as a deep psychological study of the characters (in this case it is about Opera). Whatever it was, but the works of the Maestro are deep and together with the extraordinary ease of perception, the drama and optimism. They are easy and accessible for everyone, but at the same time very serious and philosophical in its content and sound. This is the phenomenon of his success.


The Opera composer

The Viennese classical school played a decisive role in the development of the operatic genre. Huge merit in it belongs to Mozart. Performances put on his music, still enjoy enormous popularity and love not only East music lovers, but the mass public. This is probably the only composer whose music somehow know everything, even if you have the most remote idea of his work.

Most famous Opera is probably the “marriage of Figaro". This is probably the most cheerful and funny at the same time an extraordinary essay of the author. Humor sounds almost in every party that brought him such popularity. The famous Aria of the protagonist the next day was a real hit. Mozart's music is bright, playful, naughty, yet extremely wise in its simplicity immediately won universal love and acceptance.

Mozart Concerto

Another famous Opera by the author – “don Juan". In popularity it is perhaps not inferior to the above: staging this play can be seen in our time. Indicative of the fact that the rather complicated history of this man, the composer presented in a very simple, yet serious manner, thus demonstrating once again his deep understanding of life. In this work, a musical genius was able to show and dramatic, and optimistic components, which all his works are inextricably associated with each other.

In our time no less famous is the Opera “Magic flute”. Mozart's music reached it climax in their expressiveness. In this essay, it is light, airy, funny and yet extremely serious, so one can only wonder how the author managed such a simple, harmonious sounds to convey a whole system of philosophy. There are other operas of the composer, for example, currently, you can occasionally hear "the Mercy of Titus”, both in theatre and in concert. Therefore, the Opera genre was one of the main places in the works of the genius composer.

Individual works

The Composer worked in a variety of ways and has created a large number of musical works. Mozart, "Night music" which, for example, have long gone beyond the concert performances and received wide acclaim, wrote a very simple and accessible language. Perhaps that is why it is often called a genius of harmony. Even in tragic works, sounded the motif of hope. In “Requiem” he expressed his thoughts about the best future life, so that, despite the tragic tone of the music, the artwork leaves a feeling of enlightened peace.

Concerto of Mozart is also distinguished by a slender harmony and logical completeness. All parts are subject tosingle subject and United by a common motif that sets the tone for the entire work. So his music is listened in one breath. In this view of the genre embodied the basic principles of the composer's life: a harmonious combination of sounds and parts, light and at the same time masterly sound of the orchestra. No one else could so gracefully to build your piece of music like Mozart. "Night music" composer – it is a standard of harmonious combination of different sounding parts. Cheerful and loud passages very rhythmically replaced by a barely audible virtuoso parties.

It should be noted that the masses of the author. They occupy a prominent place in his oeuvre and, like other works, imbued with a sense of light and hope and enlightened joy. You should also mention the famous “Turkish Rondo”, which went beyond the concert performances, so it is often possible to hear even in commercials on television. But the greatest sense of harmony possesses a Mozart Concerto, in which the principle of logical completeness has reached the highest degree.Viennese composer

Briefly about Beethoven's music

This composer belongs entirely to the epoch of romanticism. If Johann Amadeus Mozart is, as it were on the threshold of classicism and a new direction, Ludwig van Beethoven was entirely on the image of strong passions, strong feelings, and remarkable individuals in their works. He became perhaps the most prominent representative of romanticism. Indicative of the fact that, referring to the dramatic and tragic themes, he wrote only one Opera. The main genre for the remained of the Symphony and Sonata. He is credited with reforming these works, as well as the Glitch at the time, transformed an Opera performance.

A Striking feature of the composer was that the main theme of his works was the image of a powerful, Herculean will of the personality which by a great effort overcomes the difficulties and all obstacles. As a L. V. Beethoven in his writings took the theme of struggle and confrontation, as well as the motif of universal unity.

Some facts of the biography

He came from a family of musicians. His father wanted the boy became a famous composer, so I coached him through a pretty harsh methods. Perhaps that is why the child grew grim and harsh by nature, which subsequently affected his work. Beethoven lived and worked in Vienna, where he studied with Haydn, but these classes are very quickly disappointed both learner and teacher. The latter drew attention to the fact that the young author is dominated by rather gloomy motifs, which at that time was not accepted.

l V Beethoven

Biography of Beethoven, briefly narrates about the period of his Hobbies liberation struggle. The Napoleonic wars, he was received with enthusiasm, but later, when Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor, he abandoned the idea to write in his honor Symphony. In 1796, Ludwig began to lose his hearing. However, this did not interrupt his creative activity. Being absolutely deaf, he wrote his famous 9th Symphony, which was a real masterpiece in the world's musical repertoire. Biography of Beethoven (to tell briefly about it it is impossible) also contains information about the friendship of the Maestro with prominent people of his time. Despite the vicious and abrupt, the composer was friends with Weber, Goethe and other figures of the classical period.

Most famous works

We have already mentioned the fact that the characteristic feature of the works of L. V. Beethoven was a desire to portray strong, emotional characters, the struggle of the passions, the overcoming of difficulties. Among the works of this genre emphasize "Appassionata", which according to the intensity of the feelings and emotions is probably one of the strongest. When the composer asked about the intent of its creation, it relied on a play of Shakespeare “Storm”, which, according to him, was the source of inspiration. The author drew a parallel between the motives of the Titanic impulses in the work of the playwright and its musical interpretation of the topic.

moonlight Sonata

One of the most popular works of the author – “moonlight Sonata”, which, on the contrary, imbued with a sense of harmony and tranquility, as if in opposition to the dramatic melodies of his symphonies. Indicative of the fact that the very title of this work gave of the composer's contemporaries, perhaps because the music was reminiscent of the sea shimmering on a quiet night. Such associations arise in most listeners when listening to this Sonata. No less, maybe even more popular famous essay "For Elise", which the composer dedicated to his wife of the Russian Emperor Alexander I Elizabeth Alexeyevna (Louise). This essay is striking how the combination of light motives and dramatic passages in the middle. A special place in the Maestro's work, is his only Opera "Fidelio" (translated as “Loyal” from Italian). This work, like many others, imbued with the pathos of freedom and a call to freedom. "Fidelio" still does not come from the scenes of leading Opera theatres of the world, although recognition of the Opera was, as it almost always happens immediately.

Ninth Symphony

This work isperhaps the most famous among the other works of the composer. It was written three years before his death, in 1824. Ninth Symphony completes a long and long search for a composer in creating a perfect symphonic works. It differs from the previous ones because, first, it introduced choral part (on the famous “Ode to joy” by F. Schiller), and secondly, in it the composer reformed the structure of the symphonic genre. The main theme is gradually revealed through every part of the work. The beginning of the Symphony is quite dark, heavy, but even then it sounds distant, the motive of reconciliation and enlightenment, which is increasing with the development of musical composition. Finally, the finale sounds pretty powerful choral vocals, calling all people of the world to unite. Thus the composer has further highlighted the main idea of his work. He wanted his thought was expressed more clearly, therefore, not limited only to music, but introduced and performed by singers. The Symphony was a resounding success: at the first performance the audience gave the composer a standing ovation. Indicative of the fact that L. V. Beethoven wrote it as a completely deaf person.

biography of Beethoven

The Value of the second Viennese school

Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven became the founders of classical music, having a major influence on all subsequent music history, not only in Europe but throughout the world. The significance of these composers and their contribution to the reform of musical theater cannot be overestimated. Working in a variety of genres, they have created a bone, and works on the basis of which their followers were writing new works. Many of their creations have long gone beyond the concert performances and received wide sound in films, on television. “Turkish Rondo”, “moonlight Sonata" and many other works of these authors is known not only music lovers, but even those who are not familiar close with classical music. The Vienna development stage classics, many researchers rightly called decisive in the history of music, because in this period were laid down the basic principles for creating and writing operas, symphonies, sonatas and quartets.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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