Lisa Jane Smith is the bestselling author of "the vampire Diaries"


2019-02-24 21:00:33




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Books about vampires have always enjoyed strong popularity. Legends of the terrible night creatures that feed on human blood and found almost all peoples of the world. Different countries called them differently. The Slavs – vampires, Romanians – Strigoi, the Hindu vetala, and the ancient Sumerians – aksara.

Lisa Jane Smith

The myth of the vampire, which is now known everywhere, originates from Slavic folklore about the creatures appearing only at night and drinking the blood of people. A vampire can be killed if you cut off his head, stick in the heart of a wooden stake or sharp object made of silver and burn the body. These creatures are incredibly strong and fast. Until the nineteenth century, vampires were portrayed exclusively as horrible monsters. In the literature, the theme begins to be lighted in the nineteenth century. The full information is contained in the famous novel by Bram Stoker “Dracula”.

Nowadays there is a tendency to make these creatures heroes of romantic books. Left from this tradition to one side and Lisa Jane Smith.

the vampire diaries TV series


Future famous writer was born on 4 September 1965 in Florida. Her father, as she writes in the autobiography, was a football star at the University of Clemson. Then he decided to start a business, and therefore the family had to move several times. First, little Lisa lived with her parents in southern California, then they moved to the Northern part of the state.

Lisa Jane Smith always knew it would be a writer. Her mom told me that the girl is still long before learned to read, began to write poetry. She was thinking of different stories and then with their friends played. For example, with my friends Lisa loved to play adventure about princesses.


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The magic

The Girl grew up and, except for children's books and began to read and adults. As she spoke, she wanted to find something magical. The baby was waiting for that magic in her life will happen in 9 years, then – in 12, but it never happened. Lisa Jane Smith realized that waiting for magic is not worth to do it the most. Then she began to write stories and poems in the genre of science fiction.

First book

His first work, the future writer began to work in high school, and finished before graduation. It was a novel ‘a Midsummer Night”. Lisa found an agent who was able to send the manuscript in publishing house "MacMillan Publishers Ltd". The book has agreed to print, but with the condition that the author make some changes. It was a unique chance to publish their first book, and Lisa Jane Smith agreed to the repair. The novel was published in 1989.

the author of the book the vampire diaries

The Writer graduated from the University of California and received a bachelor's degree in psychology. She has two teaching diploma at the University of San Francisco. For a long time, Lisa Jane Smith worked as a public school teacher. And although working with children she loved, she increasingly felt that it was none of her business. In the end, she left school and devoted himself entirely to writing.

Books Lisa Jane Smith

The Author works efficiently and produces one book after another. All her characters – young and beautiful people or supernatural beings. Lisa Jane Smith prefers to write about the conflict of good and evil, light and dark side of the world. She loves the night, especially in a world flooded with moonlight. Maybe that is why many heroes of her books-vampires. In the late 90s see the work “Secret circle”, “Forbidden game», «Dark visions" unfinished "the Kingdom of the night”.

In 1998, and did not finish his last novel, the writer goes on a long sabbatical. The reason for this – problems in personal relationships. All of her older works have been reissued in 2007-2008.

Series “the vampire Diaries”

The Triumphant return of the writer took place in 2009, and then the whole world found out that there are talented author of the fantasy genre – Smith, Lisa Jane. “the vampire Diaries" is the book that brought the author great success and love of fans in many countries. Bestselling author said that he was very surprised by this success of his book.

books Lisa Jane Smith

In 2009, cycle “the vampire Diaries” was created by the series of the same name. This is the fastest adaptation of the work, because the book was published in the same year. The series has grown to include six seasons, which is an indicator of its popularity with viewers, especially among teenagers. “the vampire Diaries” are broadcast on the new CW TV channel which was launched in 2006.

In the center of the plot – the history of relations between ordinary girl Elena and two supernatural creatures, the brothers-vampires. Although with the passage of time in the film there were subtle changes, the creators of the series tried to keep the basic storyline as intended by the writer.

“the vampire Diaries” has received positive reviews from critics, though not from the first but from the second season. The actors playing in the film, gained the status of stars. The series has been repeatedly nominated for various awards, including the nomination “Breakthrough”.

Smith Lisa Jane vampire diaries

Personal life

The author of the book “the Diaryvampire” lives in seclusion in Northern California. Her house is located on the coast, near the Bay. The backyard was filled with flowers, who loves the writer. Mostly roses in different shades. Lisa has traveled extensively throughout Europe and was even in the far East in Russia. She says of all the countries most of all she likes the UK because of the numerous monuments and Japan with its bustling city life and tranquil mountain scenery. Lisa still enjoys mythology, constantly communicating with fans and reads a lot. With regard to the personal life of the author, she makes no comment and does not give information on this.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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