Alena from "Police Rublyovka": actress Tatyana Babenkova


2019-03-20 05:20:29




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Viewers who like domestic series, the easy answer to the question about who is Alena from “the Police with the ruble». The actress, who played brilliantly beautiful and self-confident owner of a network of sports clubs, suddenly became a star. What can be said about Tatiana Babenkova and her character?

“the Policeman with the ruble»: the story of the series

To Understand who is the future of the series «the Policeman with the ruble», to help knowledge of the plot of the TV show. This is the story of police Gregory Sochi, tasked with maintaining order in the exclusive village. Grisha constantly have to be aware of cases dealt with by the inhabitants of rublevki. From time to time he is forced to go beyond their powers for the sake of law.

future COP with the ruble actress

Izmailov is hardly an ordinary person. He is young, has an attractive appearance, do not know the need for money. The excitement and cynicism-is inherent in the police line. Grisha easily charms the ladies, he is not required to exert almost no effort.

Who is Alena from the TV series ‘the Policeman with the ruble»

The Vivid characters – one of the undoubted merits of the project, referred to in this article. One of them belongs to the owner of the network of fitness clubs, which almost immediately introduces the series “the Policeman with the ruble». Alena-young, beautiful and glamorous girl. She confidently goes through life, always achieves its goals and gives the impression of a classic bitch.


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a police series with the ruble Alena

Soon Enough the audience know that the girl has a secret that she carefully hides from others. The fact that she is madly in love with a police flashlight.

Tatiana Babenkova about your character

As described by Tatiana Babenkova his heroine of Alain “the Police with the ruble»? The actress claims that fell in love with this image as soon as I started to read the script. She likes that her character is an ordinary girl who suffers from loneliness. Misunderstanding is forcing Jill to put on a mask to hide his true nature in an ostentatious bitchiness.

actress from film the police with the ruble Alena

Babenkova liked that this heroine is free of all conditions. She's not trying to follow the rules set by others. Alena goes through life his way, without turning from her.

Biography of the actress

Voronezh-a city in which was born the role of the performer Removed from ‘a Police officer with the ruble». The actress was born in June 1991. When Tatiana Babenkova was a child, she had a lot of Hobbies. The girl was interested in keyboard instruments, she enjoys singing. Parents watched that daughter enough time devoted to sport. Excellent physical preparation was very useful Tatyana in adult life.

future COP with the ruble actress biography

By the end of the school managed to choose the future profession of the future “the Police with the ruble». Actress that's what she wanted to be. To continue her education she decided to Voronezh state Academy of arts and expressed a preference for the theater faculty. Talented girl easily managed to enroll in the course, the head of which was Sergey Nadtachaieu. Diploma of graduation, she got in 2013.


In the same year Voronezh chamber theatre opened its doors to a future of Alena “the Police with the ruble». Biography of the actress suggests that for the first time to attract the attention of the audience helped her performance of “the city Day”. In preparation for the role she had to master the profanity, but she withstood this ordeal. “Players”, “fools on the periphery”, “Profitable”, “Uncle Vanya”, “14 red huts” - best performances with her participation.

Alena from the TV series police officer with the ruble

Tatiana Babenkova and continues to play on the stage of the Voronezh chamber theatre. Of course, the talented actress from time to time come up with the idea of moving to the capital, however, until she abandons them. In native Voronezh she gets a major role after the other, whereas in Moscow you have to actually start all over again. Tatiana not yet feel ready for such a test.


When first turned on the set future the future of the film “the Policeman with the ruble»? The actress received her first role about a year before came the series that made her famous. Tatiana Babenkova debuted in the TV show “someone else's nest”, which tells the story of two warring families. She played Irina Peregudova that belongs to one of the clan.

In 2017, issued a series of “the Policeman with the ruble in Beskudnikovo”, which continued the favorite of many audience. In this project, of course, not without striking the owner of the network of fitness clubs. The role of Alena also played Babenkova.

In 2018 to the court audience will behistorical TV show “free certificate”. In this series Babenkova got a key role. Her character was Polina Lebedeva – the girl who suddenly transformed from mistress to slave.

Personal life

If you can meet with someone who plays Alena from the TV series ‘the Policeman with the ruble»? When a young actress asking this question, she answers in the negative. Currently Babenkova focused on his career. Of course, in the future, Tatiana plans to create a strong family.

The Actress doesn't hide from journalists and fans that she lacked confidence. Its very frustrating when someone is critical of comments on her abilities. Fortunately, the charming girl gets much more compliments than hear negative statements in his address.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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