Cabotage is.. Especially characteristic of cabotage


2020-03-27 06:20:09




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Have you ever heard of such a thing as "cabotage". It can be found in the environment of logistics, and historical literature, mass media. Let us examine in this article what is coastal transportation in the Russian Federation and other countries.

History definition

The Word "cabotage" comes from the French. a Cabotage, The origins of which, in turn, use Cabo "Cape". Cabotage is sailing a cargo or passenger commercial vessel between ports of the same state.

Historically, cabotage - navigation without going to sea, from Cape to Cape. Ships of many first navigable moved on the water surface in this way - the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Vikings.

Cabotage today

Today, cabotage is:

  • Swimming without going beyond the boundaries of a particular state.
  • Transportation services (including loading and unloading) made by foreign carrier within another country.

cabotage is

In this mode of transportation specializiruetsya special kind of fleet - ships are able to fly in limited areas at a short distance from both the shore and from the ports.

Cabotage is a good option in two cases:

  • Transportation between certain points by sea is more advantageous than rail or road.
  • There is No possibility of the strip between the start and end point of ground of the road. For example, the supply of the polar city of Norilsk coasters, because this locality do not store any road or railway track.

Types of cabotage

Cabotage of passengers and cargo are divided into two large groups:

  • Big cabotage. The carriage is between ports of different seas of one state.
  • Small cabotage. Routes between ports of one sea.

Both types of cabotage services have the following advantages:

  • Accessibility of the Maritime administration, which determines the ease and reliability of delivery.
  • Low cost.
  • Versatility - in dry containers can be transported all kinds of goods. In addition, a court-carriers are "heavyweights".
  • Convenience as loading and unloading of containers.

Cabotage in the world

In the coastal shipping leader in the world, Greece is the country with the largest number of units of the corresponding fleet.

In the former Soviet Union specifically for coastal shipping United conditionally in one sea:

  • The Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese.
  • The Arctic ocean and White.
  • The Azov and Black.

cabotage in Russia

Legal aspect of the issue

The Protection of the interests of their own merchant fleet forcing the governments of various countries to make cabotage closed to foreign vessels. In our country, similar restrictions were first introduced in 1784. They touched then only the black sea area.

And today in Russia cabotage is the prerogative of the domestic fleet. However, the law has some exceptions: if there is an urgent need for transportation, but suitable vessels under the Russian flag not, for the purposes of cabotage is allowed to use foreign water transport. This is done only with the permission of the Ministry of transport of the state under the strict control of the customs laws, and without the right of entering the ports closed for foreign vessels.


Cabotage road transport is the implementation of various movements of goods in the territory of a particular country foreign transport company. This phenomenon, however, banned most of the world States. In a number of other such activities necessary to obtain a certain kind of license.

 cabotage road transport is

Russia here is no exception. After crossing the Russian border foreign trucks must first point their stop to unload its contents all at once - to take him further eligible only domestic carriers. Regulates avtokarta article 7 of the Federal law "On state control over implementation of international road transport and liability for violation of the established order".

In particular, the law prohibits commercial transportation of both cargo and passengers foreign transportation between any locations on the territory of the Russian Federation. The driver in case of violation of the imposed a fine of up to 20 minimum wages, on the customer up to 50 minimum wages.


In this age of globalization, unfortunately, not available everywhere, the possibility of free crossing of borders of the countries by air. Many States prohibitflights from planting on their lands or even flights of foreign aircrafts between domestic airports on the territory of the country. There are States that do not put such restrictions. Unfortunately, Russia is not yet past.

cabotage cargo

Today, Cabotage is not only sea, but also automotive, aviation and transport various goods and passengers. However, they are all strictly regulated by the governments of the world countries, including and Russia.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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