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Every year there appears more and more unsuitable to our natural conditions of vegetables and fruits. If you follow certain recommendations for their care, and we have a foreign culture take root. To meet the stores unusual or radish, or radishes large size and of white color, it is possible for a long time. This exotic vegetable came to our tables from Japan, but already perfectly acclimatized and successfully grown in domestic gardens. Planting daikon, the terms of which depend on the region, is carried out according to familiar rules that you need to talk more.
Most gardeners are concerned with the question, what is daikon? Planting and care, planting dates, disease and pests of vegetable will also be discussed in the article, but about all under the order.
This root vegetable often called "Japanese radishes" because it is a hybrid of radish and radish, but with a very tender and juicy taste. It is due to lack of vegetable and mustard oils. At home plants bred over 400 species, many of which have a pinkish hue of the fruit, but in Russia only grow white.
Externally, the roots are spreading wide leaves, rosette which reaches 40 cm in diameter. The shape of the leaves lobed, depending on variety, may have the edge. Green weight without pubescence is often used in food. The root can be rounded or elongated oval that also depends on varietal facilities. In some cases, a third of the fruit peeking out of the ground. So, Inovasi daikon, planting and care, planting dates and other features which is ideal for our climate, the growth gradually protrudes from the earth.
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Eating a large Japanese radish in fresh, boiled or salted. To obtain a quality crop, it is necessary to select varieties with a maturity of not more than 90 days.
Daikon Radish planting and care, planting dates and other details of cultivation which depends on the type, are valued by domestic gardeners for stable yield and easy maintenance. Also already ripe fruits can be stored for several months without loss of the presentation that is important.
In Addition to the product qualities that can be seen all at once, the use of the root is manifested in the high content of vitamins and minerals.
So, every vegetable can boast of having:
Also the root cleans the kidneys and liver of toxins and removes stones. With all this daikon is not available at all or contains minimal amounts of mustard oil, which imparts bitterness and pungency of the vegetable. This gives the vegetable a huge advantage over other counterparts because it is safe even in the elderly.
All this has led to the fact that in their homeland daikon is the main vegetable grown in culture. So, what the timing of planting daikon in the territory of our country?
The Timing of planting daikon in the open ground is usually reduced to the beginning of July that gardeners can obtain a quality crop roots. For planting vegetable on the greens, you can move the time later, at the end of the summer. Depending on the variety and place of cultivation, the timing can vary slightly. So, daikon Sasha, planting and care, planting dates which are the same for absolutely all areas of the country, can be planted in any region at one set time, because it Matures quickly. The shape of this vegetable is round, small, which allows to obtain ripe root vegetables before.
If you grow daikon in the production scale, it is best to do it on a light soil, well fertilized and neutral, as this will facilitate pulling of root crops after ripening. These rules are especially to keep in mind when planting deep varieties.
In General, daikon, planting and care, planting dates which do not differ much from those for the normal radish or radish, has a similar them advice on agro-technical measures. To grow for personal table vegetable in any soil, and care for him is not difficult.
The Timing of planting radish and daikon the same in many ways, like other features of the sowing. So, make great garden beds is not recommended, it is better to pay attention to the small areas with half-meter spacing. To fit daikon, the timing of its maturity and other yields were optimal, it is best to pre-soak the planting material for at least a day so the seeds have time to hatch. To plant them in the ground should be at such a distance that in the free space could then fit adult roots. In each prepared hole put 2-3 seeds, so when the first leaves appear, select the strongest sprout and leave him alone. Others simply pulled out. They can be discarded or transplanted to another hole.
Interestingly, daikon radish planting and care, planting dates and harvest which are suitable for most parts of the country may well be used as a secondary culture, because at the moment of her landing, July, some plants already harvested from the garden beds. So, the predecessor of the Japanese radish can easily become green onion, dill, parsley or salad. Ripe juicy roots will delight gardeners in salads and other dishes throughout the winter, making the table more varied and refined.
The Timing of planting of daikon radish in the open ground do not vary greatly across the country, as well as rules for the care culture. The main recommendation is a deep weeding of the vegetable, which gives him breath and the formation of dense large fruit. To carry out a event it is necessary at least twice per season, and can be done more often.
Fertilizing radish requires a highly absorbable mineral complexes. As organic matter greatly affects the taste of root and disfigures its form, its use is strictly forbidden, even rotted manure harms and degrades the shelf life of the vegetable. Watering daikon should be moderate and regular. Excess moisture leads to rotting radishes directly in the ground, so when frequent rainfall from irrigation it is better to refuse.
The Planting of daikon, the terms of which are already known, due to temperature conditions optimal for obtaining a good harvest of root crop. A sow radishes this spring with other cultures, considering that so will get the harvest, but it's not easy. The cold spring air, along with long daylight hours leads to the fact that practically all landing goes in the arrow. So, not a vegetable left in the seeds, should strictly observe timing of planting daikon in the middle lane, which defines the beginning or end of July (depending on location).
When you store the already harvested crop is also important to observe the correct temperature. Best of all the root vegetables are in plastic bags or boxes with sand in the cellar or the fridge. Temperature fits from +1 to -5 degrees. With increasing of these indicators is observed deterioration of the fruit white rot.
Depending on grade changes and age of the vegetable, so harvest can be done at different times. Most often, domestic gardeners choose varieties with a maturation period of 1.5-2 months, but there are instances, growing and 90 days. Because the timing of planting daikon in the suburbs will not allow you to get a quality crop with a long gestation period, it is better to pay attention to early ripening varieties.
The Harvest on private land can be made manually, if the soil allows. To do this, the roots just pulled out for the tops. If the soil is very dense, it must be lightly opposed to undermine the vegetables with a shovel. It is important to do this in dry weather, from otsortirovyvaya high-quality fruit from being damaged.
Even when planting daikon in time, you may notice a small number of plants, the release of the arrow for seed. To avoid this completely impossible, because this behavior is completely dependent on weather conditions and photoperiod. Only reduction able to slow down the reproductive function and favorably affect the development of the fruit.
To get a good harvest, it is important not only to comply with all the rules of growing crops, but also to choose the right variety for your conditions. These include not only climatic characteristics of the region, and the composition of the soil on the site. At home daikon variety selection is so wide that it is possible to find the best option for any soil, but the domestic market is not so simple. Among the abundance of varieties it is best to pay attention to those that have already been tested by many gardeners on various types of soils.
So, it is recommended to grow these varieties:
Good yields of these varieties is provided a deep submergence into the ground. Of course, the timing of planting daikon in the Urals in the summer has not been canceled - that's the middle of summer. Only a comprehensive approach to the cultivation of a culture can demonstrate the result of maximum productivity.
Interestingly, even with a too early sowing, when the majority culture rooted in the seeds, roots do not lose their taste. They are all the same juicy and not subject to lignification, distinguished only by their size. Roots do not grow to the stated dimensions, if the release of the arrow.
Maximum level on the territory of our country is a yield of 10 kg per 1 square meter.
It can demonstrate varieties such as:
Such popular varieties as Daishi, Bluskay and Haruni, can boast of indicators, only 7.5 kg provided maximum comfort for growth. Further, the yield ofvarieties is on the decline, but these species at the stated indicators are able to give fruit weighing up to 3.5 kg each. Of course, to achieve such targets in the backyard turns very rarely, mostly roots not weigh more than 500 grams. This is especially true for late plantings when seeding daikon is produced in late July or early August, as is done in Siberia. In these conditions the yield does not exceed 5 kg per meter, and each fruit weighs about 300 grams.
Interestingly, in the homeland of the vegetable has a variety that can give fruit weighing up to 40 kg each. It is called Sakurajima.
Since the overseas vegetable still haven't adapted to our climate and farmers have largely adapt to its characteristics, local breeders decided to start work on an adaptation of the popular root crop under the conditions of the Russian climate. The first and most common hybrid production Russian breeders is the variety of canine. It was obtained by crossing radish Tangun and the Chinese sample.
The vegetable has lobed leaves with round shape of each share. Altogether there are about 20 pieces that are 20 % by weight of the whole plant. On the surface of the whole green mass has a small pubescence, which does not allow to consume the leaves themselves. The root class has a cylindrical elongated to 22 cm each vegetable is equal to not more than 9 cm, which makes it not very large. The maximum weight of such a fruit is 500 grams, and the average figure ranges from 300 grams. The taste of Fang sharp-sweet, and the growth of roots raised above the ground, so are easily removed manually.
Variety is Sown to produce seed for next year in early spring, but for the quality of root crops require planting not earlier than the first of July.
The Timing of planting daikon in Siberia and in the Urals, do not differ from described earlier. To obtain a quality crop in such a climate, it is only necessary to follow certain rules of care culture. It's important to regularly loosen the soil below the root flowing to the fresh air helped them quickly gain weight. Besides, it allows you to keep the planting clean.
Pour enough daikon for not more than 1 times a week, but frequent rainfall this frequency should be reduced. Heavy rains can cause blurring of soil that you need to eliminate podmazyvanie culture. All seedlings were strong and sturdy, you need them in a timely manner to thin out leaving the strongest shoots. Is possible the pick of culture at the time of the second appearance of this leaf, and then plant the sprouts at a distance of at least 6 cm between each other.
Feed landing is only necessary mineral compounds, because organic matter does more damage to the crop.
As already mentioned, a large part of the spring planting itself goes to hands due to the climate at this time of year, but there is another way of producing planting material. Guaranteed to grow daikon seeds at any time of the year, it is necessary to take vegetables that ripened just after spring planting. They completely removed the tops, leaves only cuttings not more than 10 cm, after which the vegetable is placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. When will the prescribed period, the plant is planted in the open ground at a slight angle. This vegetable is definitely let go the arrow, and after its full maturity, it will be possible to collect quality seeds for subsequent planting.
Modern chemicals, which are processed by a plant from parasites and disease, provoke the pests to develop immunity to existing substances on them or to move to other crops. So, no luck and exotic daikon, which quickly began to eat the local vermin. Because the vegetable belongs to the family Cruciferae, and pests stuck to it those that eat radish, cabbage and other vegetables. Often can be found in the Japanese radish slugs, sacral, flea and vegetable scoops.
Because eating damaged by these parasites vegetables impossible to deal with them is necessary before the appearance. To this end, the perimeter of the garden beds sprinkled red pepper or ash. Better to do it in a specially done grooves. You can pretrazivati ash all the landing site immediately after planting, then after the first germs continue with the same frequency.
As it turned out, to get a good crop of daikon, followed by careful care. If you follow all the recommendations that were described above, you are guaranteed to enjoy the dishes from this vegetable.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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