Tomato wild rose: characterization and description of varieties. Reviews of gardeners


2020-04-09 04:00:13




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Pink tomatoes truckers are very popular. Among them there are interesting sort of "wild rose", which received good reviews gardeners. The pink is representative of tomatoes resistant to heat, not picky to soil, easy to care for and tolerates mistakes novice gardeners. Tomatoes "wild rose" (photo attached to the article) are suitable for cultivation in different regions and encouraging a plentiful harvest. Their taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

tomatoes wild rose photo


The Variety of tomato wild rose bred by Russian plant breeders in 1999. The crop can be grown in greenhouses and in open areas.

Tomato wild rose: characterization and description of varieties

This is a high yielding, indeterminate, mid-season variety, perfectly tolerate drought and temperature fluctuations. The harvest is carried out in the period of technological maturity (from germination to fruit ripening – 110–115 days). Collected tomatoes perfectly stored and well dostavayte at home.

Since it is a tall corn crop reaching a height of 2 m, it requires a mandatory garter to the trellis or tall stakes. This is an important procedure in the period of care of a plant. Mount branches saves Bush from fractures, prevents the fruit to fall to the ground. Squirting brushes with tomatoes get much more sunlight.

The Sort of "wild rose" is fruitful, but there are reviews of gardeners who are dissatisfied with the amount collected per plant vegetables. With proper care, with 1 m², you can collect up to 6–7 kg of the Culture are resistant to many diseases.


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variety of tomato wild rose

Description fruit

What else is characterized by a tomato "wild rose"? Characterization and description of varieties requires more focus on the fruit. Tomatoes round, large, slightly flattened. Weight is up to 300–350 g. Color during the ripening process of the fruit varies from spotty-green to pink. The pulp is quite juicy, but not watery. The taste is rich, sour-sweet. The moderate acidity of the fruit, the sugar content of 3.7%. Tomatoes are consumed fresh (tomatoes, prepared salads, delicious sauces, purees, juices, etc.).

Tomato wild rose: reviews, photos

Among the main advantages of varieties of vacationers said:

  • Beautiful and large fruits;
  • Great taste;
  • Good yield;
  • Resistance to heat, ease of cultivation;
  • The possibility of cultivation in greenhouses and in open areas.

According to the reviews the gardeners, the main difficulty in growing is the fact that the high Bush needs to be tied to stakes or trellis. And there is also a separate guest disgruntled yield.

tomato wild rose feature and description of varieties

Characteristics of growing

The Yield of any crop depends on the correct care for her. This is especially true of tomatoes. Despite the fact that the sort of "wild rose" is considered to be low-maintenance plant before it grow, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances.

On the seedlings seeds are sown in early March, the soil should be fertile and easy. Good to use garden soil mixed with humus and sand.

The Soil before planting, per day, it is recommended to bake or to water solution of copper sulphate or potassium permanganate. Seeds are sown in furrows and prosypayutsya with little penetration negligible layer of peat. For speedy germination, the earth, moisten and cover with foil. The seedlings at a temperature of 23–25 °C will appear in 5-6 days.

The Film is removed after the sprouts appear. Plants are rearranged in a well-lit place. At the first strong leaves, the seedlings can be transplanted (to dive). For good growth and development of young sprouts the essential light, heat, periodic airing and moderate watering. Also seedlings of double-fed mineral fertilizers.

For transplanting plants in the greenhouse, the best time is mid may. The bushes are planted apart at a distance of 65–70 cm.

tomato wild rose reviews photo

In the holes before planting, you can add a comprehensive fertilizer and a bit of wood ash. The lower leaflets of the culture it is better to remove, it will improve ventilation. Adult Bush is formed in one or two of the stem.

Tomato a wild rose (characteristics and description of the varieties discussed in this article) every two to three weeks it is advisable to fertilize with mineral and organic fertilizers. However, there are opponents additional supplements that believe that the earth is capable of giving the plants all that is needed. For grade "a wild rose" is an option of care.

Watering the bushes should be moderate. The harvest is under way as of its maturation.

tomato wild rose reviews

Pest and disease

Tomato wild rose reviews, where mostly only positive, fairly resistant to fungal and viral diseases. For the prevention it is desirable annually in the greenhouse, to change the top layer of soil. Before falling asleep the new soil it should be decontaminated by treating with solution of potassium permanganate. A weak solution can also be sprayed and landing. In pest control effective soap solution or waterammonia. During processing care must be taken that the solution does not get into the soil.

Spider mites can be destroyed by using insecticides, but their use is required only before flowering plants. To protect shrubs from slugs will help mulching the soil with peat or straw.


Tomato a wild rose (characteristics and description of the variety discussed in the article) is the variety that is perfect not only for experienced gardeners who love to experiment. This is a great choice for beginners with some skills to remove side shoots. For reviews of truckers, the variety is undemanding in care, plenty of fruit, and the taste of the fruit will satisfy any.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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