Job description contract Manager 44 FZ (sample)


2020-04-12 23:20:13




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For the implementation of public procurement in public organizations formed a special structural unit or responsible person will be appointed – contract Manager. The Federal legislation contains provisions regulating this issue. Main regulating normative act is law No. 44. In accordance with the adopted local documents. As one of them is dAgnostina manual contract Manager. Will consider it in more detail. job description contract Manager 44 FZ

Scope of activities

Job description contract Manager budget companies defines the limits of the competence of the responsible person. Its main task is the implementation of the procurement. The activity starts with planning and selection of contractor (supplier, executor). At the final stage of the work is analysis of performance, assessment of the completeness of the performed obligations stipulated in the contract. Of course, Job description contract Manager budget companies contains a lot more items.


Before you can determine exactly who will act as contract Manager, the Agency head shall examine the provisions of the Federal law №44. Regulation act provides for two options. In the first case the head can form a special service. It should be more than two people. In between, you can allocate functional responsibilities. For example, one prepares the task, the second – reporting, third – establishes communication with the performers, and the fourth is monitoring and so on. Another option – to convey to each employee of the whole complex powers. In this case, the Manager can determine for each specific area of work. If their activities will cover the same areas, it makes sense to form a separate division no. In such a situation it is more expedient to appoint one person. Then make the appropriate Job description contract Manager. For 44 FZ, employee training is mandatory. job description contract Manager


The Manager must consider one more circumstance. In public procurement employees perform many different actions. Incorrect acceptance of a particular solution may entail various legal consequences – fines and other sanctions. In this regard, the responsible staff should be able when you need to get professional help.

Need for training

Earlier, before the entry into force of the Federal law №44, the duties included the preparation of the application and the control of correctness of placement of the order. Typically, this action responsible person limited. Today job description contract Manager 44 FZ Provides a significant amount of duties. The officer's mandate included the full support of the procurement process. In addition, the responsible person is currently implementing the calculation of risks and the likely consequences of its decisions. In this regard, the management of the organization should pay special attention to the training of employees. Staff with experience in procurement, specialized secondary or higher education, can once in 3 years to improve their skills. The number of hours can vary from 16 to 250. In the absence of vocational education, however, courses will not be enough. In such situations, it is advisable to retrain. job description contract Manager of budget institutions

Job description contract Manager 44 FZ (sample)

There is a standard normative document that establishes the main duties of the responsible person. Meanwhile Job description contract Manager may be supplemented by the supervisor. The duties of the employee in the first place, is to develop the procurement plan. The employee has the right to make adjustments. Some provisions are mandatory for employees regardless of the type of organization. For example, Job description contract Manager at school provides for the obligation of the responsible person to place the procurement plan in a single database. job description contract Manager 44 FZ sample

The Same requirement is contained in local acts other organizations.Job description contract Manager at DOU Includes the scheduling. The employee is also able to modify it and shall place it in the EIS. The tasks of the employee includes the drafting of contracts, notices of events, invitations to suppliers (executors), if they have a closed method. Responsibilities included procurement, execution of contracts. It should also be noted that job description contract Manager 44 FZ Instructs the employee to hear complaints from suppliers, prepare materials for dispute resolution complaint procedure and adversary proceedings. These tasks are considered basic. The head, as was said above, you may add certain items to a local act. However, this should not violate the interests and rights of the employee. job description contract Manager at school


Job description contract Manager 44 FZ includes duties the performance of which involves the Commission of multiple routine. The employee prepares documentation, collects necessary information and performs auditing and monitoring. He needs to interact with other employees, liaise with suppliers, contractors and performers. Placing information in the Internet monitoring and support of procurement of the duties of a Trustee. Specialist also necessary to solve various problems, to visit the Supervisory authorities, the courts. Work quite a lot. That one man was able to cope with it, it needs to have the appropriate knowledge and experience.


It is personal. Contract Manager is personally responsible for all its decisions, the consequences resulting from any of his actions. The basis for application of measures are different kind of violation. Depending on the seriousness and severity of consequences of liability can be administrative, disciplinary, civil, and in some situations criminal. job description contract Manager at Dou

Automating the process

Currently, many programs which are accepted by various management decisions. Automation of public procurement becoming more and more popular. However, the full program does not displace human labor. Automation speeds up many processes. For example, monitoring, preparation of plans, schedules, notification of vendors and other activities carried out by programs. Due to this significantly reduces the complexity of the work, and saving time.


Recently the field of public procurement is becoming very popular. It attracts more and more people. Today, specialists meeting the requirements of the Federal legislation becomes more and more. Many of them have not only the necessary knowledge but also some experience of relevant activities. It is worth saying that the activities of the contract Manager is difficult, but very prestigious.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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