How much hay a cow for the winter? Features of animal welfare


2020-04-29 20:00:14




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Summer & ndash; hot time for those who are professionally engaged in the breeding of farm animals. In this period the farmers need the time to prepare such a quantity of feed for cows to be enough for the whole winter. After reading this article, you will learn about the main features of the cattle in the cold season.

What to give the animals in the cold?

Every owner needs to take care of the food for his cattle, so many inexperienced farmers are concerned about what to feed the cow in winter. In the colder months, the basis of the diet of lactating individuals should be hay, roots, and silage. If you lack in the dry grass, then the situation can be corrected. In this case, can be partially replaced by chaff and straw of spring. By the way, the nutritional value of the latter is in no way inferior low quality dried grass.

how much hay a cow for the winter

For Those who are interested, how much hay a cow for the winter, care should be taken to procure sufficient amounts of other feed. So, in this period in the diet of cattle must be the beets. It contains amides, contributing to milk production. This root vegetable is rich in sugar but very little protein. That is why it is recommended to give in combination with feed, bran, barley or oatmeal.

What to consider when stocking up on winter feed?

Despite its apparent simplicity, the hay & ndash; a complicated process that requires certain knowledge. Should not just in time to mow the grass, but also to properly dry it. Depends on the quality and nutritional value of the finished hay. So that in the finished product is preserved as much as possible of vitamins and other valuable substances, it is necessary to quickly dry the grass. You should not do it in direct sunlight, since, in the case of the mowed vegetation will evaporate the lion's share of useful components.


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It is Important to take into account the fact that the beans are dried longer grass. Special attention should be given to flowers and leaves, as these parts of the plant contain many valuable substances. Haymaking in the forest-grassland regions includes a preliminary drying of cut grass, followed by pressing in loose rolls.

Features of pet care in the cold season

Those who think that the changes only affect the diet, deeply mistaken. Despite the fact that many owners prefer to lock the animals in the barn, fearing that staying in the cold will lead to hypothermia and reduction of milk yield, the cows in the winter assumes a short-range flocks in the fresh air. Really healthy individuals will not hurt a two-hour walk in the paddock, located near the farmyard.

feed for cows

It is Important that the dog place was as protected from the cold wind. It is desirable to equip the enclosure feeders filled with fresh fir or pine branches. To such walks animals should be introduced gradually. Better to do it in autumn. It is not necessary to release the beast outside in twenty degrees of frost, in rain and snowfall.

How much hay the cow in the winter?

There really are no clearly defined standards. This figure depends on many factors, including the weight of the animal and the volume of milk received. Plays an important role and in which period of pregnancy will be one or the other individual.

how to feed the cow in winter

Those who wish to understand, how much hay a cow for the winter, will be interested to know that it also depends on the quality and quantity of the entire feed database. The average rate of one animal is about fifteen pounds. But if the diet of cattle in addition there are various food waste, concentrated and succulent feeds, this number will decrease.

It is Important to influence the quality and nutritional value of the hay. If it is easy and low in calories, its consumption will be increasing. Based on the average daily rate of fifteen pounds of hay, will have to prepare three tons of this product per season.

The Insulation of a barn

To Determine how much hay a cow for the winter, it is important to say a few words about where you should live these animals in the cold season. If possible, you should insulate the shed, intended for the cattle. This should be done in advance.

cows in winter

If necessary, glaze Windows and repair front door. You also need to ensure good exhaust ventilation pipe. It is important to remember that, according to established standards, the optimum temperature in the barn where the cows live, is from eight to twelve degrees. As bedding it is recommended to use pre-dried sphagnum peat moss. In case of shortage of this material it is possible to partially replace sawdust, fallen leaves or wood chips.


The basis of the diet of cattle is hay. It should be harvested in winter at 3-5 pounds per hundredweight of live weight.Consequently, one cow in a day can eat about 15 kg of the product.

To calculate, what quantity of hay you need to prepare, multiply the average daily rate for the duration of the stall period. In addition, one cow, it is recommended to feed about five pounds of chaff and straw. They also must be reserved in advance.

An equally important role in the diet of cattle is given concentrated feed. For these purposes it is better suited to fodder crops, including barley, wheat and oats. It's important to watch the animal ate moldy grain, as it can badly affect his health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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