The franchise "Starbucks" in Russia


2020-05-06 07:20:17




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The Development and promotion of a recognizable corporate brand – almost the most important task for a novice businessman or already an established entrepreneur, contemplating the possibilities of new business ideas. But there is another way to make your business recognizable – the use of existing, proven brand. Franchise or the franchise, literally, the purchase of the owner of the popular and financial enterprises held rights to conduct business using its trademarks. The benefits of such a deal is difficult to overestimate. Together with the brand of the buyer (franchisee) receives a proven development strategy, recognizable business image, and if we are talking about catering, and signature recipes.

The Leader and most quickly repaid the object is recognized franchise restaurant business. Most “giants” catering willing to sell the franchise, of course, subject to strict compliance with all the terms of the license agreement.

However, those who are planning a similar cooperation with famous American company Starbucks in Russia, may face certain difficulties. What is the reason and how can I become a franchisee of the legendary brand?

About company

One of the most successful brands in America, coffee chain “Starbucks”, popular at home and around the world, not much inferior restaurants "McDonald's". Cosy “home” atmosphere of the institutions, high quality of the products, the welcoming attitude to every client and a varied menu – these are the qualities that coffeehouses “Starbucks” are in great demand. Among the visitors “Starbucks” often you can find well-known personalities, and most importantly the invention of the company – branded Cup for hot drink, has become a attribute of many Hollywood movies and TV series.


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franchise Starbucks

Brand Story: from a small shop to a symbol of America

The history of the legendary coffee chain started in 1971 with a store which opened in Seattle three young Americans. At the same time, entrepreneurs came up with the logo that is now famous all over the world – a stylized mermaid or siren on a green background.

Starbucks franchise

Outlet is specialized in selling coffee beans and specialty coffee equipment, at first not popular among local residents. Everything changed when the store Manager appeared Howard Schultz – the businessman who made Starbucks the way it is today. He proposed a new concept for “Starbucks” and sale of coffee in cups for the first time in the United States. Also later, as the new owner of the network “Starbucks”, Schultz came up with to standardize all institutions.

This policy “Starbucks” holds to this day. In institutions under this logo always recreated interior and cozy atmosphere of the first coffee houses, playing that music, free Wi-Fi, the staff is polite and very friendly, and the drinks and the food is consistently high quality. This also applies to any coffee shop where there is a deductible “Starbucks”, regardless of the country where there is an establishment.

What, besides coffee, you can buy in the coffee shop “Starbucks”

Institutions with green logo “Starbucks” offer visitors not only a first-class Cup of coffee. At the coffee shop has a large selection of teas and a wide assortment of desserts, hot and cold snacks. "Standard dial" American menu includes sandwiches, muffins, pastries, cheesecake, cookies, soft drinks. Foreign coffee shop “Starbucks”, the franchise granted to the American company, Supplement this list with local dishes of the country where the institution.

A Separate source of income – Souvenirs coffee shops. With a logo “Starbucks” can be purchased a popular invention of this company – plastic ring for mug with a hot drink and a variety of trinkets: badges, mugs, caps and much more.

franchise coffee Starbucks

Franchising “Starbucks” outside the U.S.

Note: “Starbucks” is one of those companies that say they do not sell the franchise, this information is even on the official website of the coffehouse. However, of all the institutions of “Starbucks”, operating in more than 60 countries, about 60% do not belong directly to American companies, and operate under the "license agreement” that they have the right to use the trademark and technology.

In Europe, as at home the company franchise coffee shop “Starbucks”, in principle, not available to anyone. The expansion of the network here is solely due to the purchase of the main office of the existing small network of restaurants and cafes.

Why it is profitable to cooperate with the company “Starbucks”

Despite the fact that to achieve a franchising company “Starbucks” task, incredibly complex, applicants for the cooperation with the company still a lot. Primarily, this is due to the high brand appeal to visitors, fast recoupment of all investments and an excellent reputation to the coffee chains. In addition to accessthe coffee shop under the famous brand “Starbucks”, the franchise of this company gives its partners a number of advantages:

  • The signature drink recipes, hot and cold snacks and desserts;

  • Access to an extensive range of network “Starbucks;

  • The possibility, in consultation with the company, to Supplement the traditional menu with dishes of national cuisine;

  • Support and advice in personnel training;

  • Recommendations for design of interior, according to accepted standards;

  • Advice on creating a cozy atmosphere, inherent in all institutions "Starbucks”: the music, the service, working with visitors and others.

how to franchise a Starbucks

Coffee houses Starbucks in Russia

The First franchise of “Starbucks” appeared in Russia relatively recently, in 2007. For a long time the Russian capital was the only city where you can visit a coffee shop, operating under the license of the network. To the present day to enter into license agreement to work in Russia much more difficult than in many other countries. The reason for this alert, and even the prejudiced relation to the Russian business by the company “Starbucks” not hiding – the appearance of this brand in our country was preceded by a loud trial of an American company with the Russian firm, just appropriated in 2004, the trademark of a coffee shop.

The Main difficulty is that the overall procedure of how to franchise a “Starbucks” on the territory of Russia, as a single price, still does not exist. Each application is considered individually, negotiating the amount of the transaction is conducted directly with the applicant.

To become a franchisee, candidates from Russia will have to directly contact representatives of the company, to leave on the official website of “Starbucks” application to coherent English. In the application, in addition to willingness to cooperate and to comply strictly with all requirements of the license, you must specify your data, contacts, your company name (if applicable), describe your achievements in the field of business and financial capabilities at the moment.

franchise Starbucks terms

Requirements “Starbucks” cooperation

The coffee Chain cares about their business reputation. High demands are made to their own coffee houses and institutions who have been granted The franchise “Starbucks”. The conditions put forward by the company to all franchisees, to someone can seem almost impossible. So franchise can be in the following conditions:

  • The Applicant must possess an appropriate placement is not less than 60 square meters, a lively area of the city, entrance doors located on the South or East side. Here the preference is given to facilities located in socially significant objects – the railway station, airport, universities, hospitals, and more.

  • The Presence of large sums of available funds.

  • The Chances of cooperation will increase significantly, provided that the applicant already have entrepreneurial experience. For example, your own successful business.

  • First consider bids from people famous and successful.

But even if the franchise is approved and the company started to operate, the company exercises strict and constant control over fulfillment of the terms, quality of products and services. When identified to comply with all the standards coffeehouses, franchise “Starbucks” may be withdrawn.

franchise Starbucks in Russia

How much is the franchise network of coffee houses “Starbucks”

Another feature of cooperation with this network of coffee houses that deductible “Starbucks” requires a fairly substantial investment. According to experts, arrangement and decoration of one square meter of coffee will cost 2 thousand dollars. “Lion's share" of high prices, of course, goes to purchase the necessary equipment and the interior. This sum includes costs for products, which are known, must be of proper high quality.

Thus, if you calculate the initial capital you have to invest in the organization and arrangement of a coffee shop, excluding the cost of the room, we can say that the franchise “Starbucks” in Russia cost about 150 to 180 thousand dollars.

How profitable is the investment of capital? The experience of coffee houses “Starbucks” acting in the capital and in St. Petersburg, we can conclude that all costs are fully recovered within modest by the standards of the business period – in about two years.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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