How to spackle a car? Consumption of putty. Putty car


2019-11-24 14:00:16




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If due to accident or other reasons you will need plaster of the car, and you don't want to turn to professionals, you need to know a number of nuances. To some it may seem that this is too difficult, and some - on the contrary, that there is work for half an hour. In fact, to tell you how it is correct putty machine, you can have a very, very long time. But let's talk about the most to spackle a car

Step one: preparing your car

You probably already know that before updating any surface, it is necessary to prepare. This is the case. This is done in order to get coverage better and more reliable. The first thing you need to do is carefully Polish the surface and remove any dust. In addition, you will need to degrease both the metal and plastic parts. Well, the final stage in this section - processing of the prepared surface anti-corrosion primer. Simply put, it is protection against rust. Let's talk about each of the items in more detail, then you will understand how it is correct putty machine. You should pay your attention that an important role plays the quality of work, so each procedure should be done on the to spackle a car

A Little about sanding, removing dust and degreasing

So, we don't need to invent the wheel, so we will use the previous experience of the owners or of the plants that are recommended for working with metal products use abrasive paper P80 brand. Dust removal it is best to use the blasting guns. Air consumption per minute should be 140-160 L. Thus, you can save, because most of the coolant hoses have consumption in the order of 900-1000 L. And a loss of 70% of the electricity on the wind. Also not be amiss to say a few words about the degreasing of the surface. There is need to pay special attention to and to choose those means, which contains the least number of aggressive substances. This is due to the fact that they violate the state of the polished sections. And now, let's move on to the question regarding putty. As noted above, there are a lot of nuances.


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Putty automotive: General information

You Need to understand that there is a huge selection of this material. In addition, the filler can be of different types, for example, finishing, roughing, universal. If we talk about the first layer, it should run rough plaster or universal. For this we need a special rubber spatula. It is necessary to acquire and hardener, why - let's say a little later. Please note that during application of the material to the surface of its possible shrinkage, that is, the appearance of small dents and bumps. In the first case, you must tint, the second cutting with a knife. But that's not all, as next is saskura. Here it is desirable to use fine-grained sandpaper as it rubs a very small layer of putty, and clean on the fine smoother coarse-grained counterpart. Of course, if there are too rough areas, then use the first medium paper and then fine-grained.

putty road

How to spackle a car

Now I would like to say a few words about the shrinkage during the execution of the works. The fact that it is because of this properties most newbies and they quit half way. To this figure was optimal, the amount of solvent in the composition should not exceed 30%. At least, that recommends that the majority of professionals in this field. If we talk about the quality of filler, the shrinkage is not more than 2%. By applying a thin layer of material visually it is nearly impossible to determine. For low shrinkage it is best to gradually cut the old coating. If this is done abruptly, then instead of 2 µm shrinkage we get 20, that is not good. If you use low quality solvents and resins, the probability of appearance of secondary shrinkage.

How to apply weight to the surface

consumption of putty

Well, now just move on to the practical part and learn how it is correct putty machine. Before you begin, it is necessary to mix the material with a solvent. This should be done until then, until you get a homogeneous mass. We need a variety of spatulas, a set can be purchased in specialized stores. Below the surface was as even as possible, it is necessary to do work quickly, but carefully, applying layer after layer. If we are dealing with a large dent, then align it in 2-3 layers. Do not try to do everything at once. It is recommended to use a universal filler. While it will harden, and it's 15-20 minutes you can do another portion of the damaged surface. After the mass hardens, you can go directly to alignment, that is, grinding.

We work

how to spackle a car

You Should pay your attention to the fact that once you almost leveled deep dents, it is betteruse finishing putty. You must wait until it dries, then use emery paper P240. As to putty the car thoroughly, and grinding is performed better. Need to handle not only the dent but also in neighboring areas, which will allow to achieve an optimal result. In order to cover the damaged area, we need to form a smooth transition, and for this it is best to use a fine grit. After all this is a degreasing and of course, primer. But that's not all, as there are other problems that need to be addressed - for example, the exudation of bands from the spatula on the surface. Let's see how to avoid it.

Remove contours from spatula

putty auto

First, it is the most important thing: do not attempt to remove the protruding strip before the material is frozen. Not only that, so you do not correct the situation, but also make extra recesses. But when the material is fully cured, strip the cut is quite difficult. It will take quite a lot of time and effort. However, there is a period of time when it is easiest to make. After about 5 minutes after application the material is like rubber, this time with a sharp blade or something like that, you can safely cut all strips. To understand, when it came that moment, you need to periodically check the surface temperature of the hand. If you experience a chemical reaction it will become hot, therefore, it's time to take the knife or razor blade. As you can see, putty car - it is though not complex but involves a lot of nuances. And now, let's move on to the final part of our articles and decide how many we need of the material.

How much to buy the putty?

This issue does not respond. This is due to several factors: for example, a number of deep indentations, the total area that will be treated, etc. Can only say that the least economical is a universal putty. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:20, and apply for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is no longer suitable. If the number of deep dents are small, you will need more finishing putty. Again, a lot depends on how many surfaces we need to handle. Under any circumstances it is desirable that the thickness of the layer was not less than two and not more than four millimeters. As you can see, the flow of filler depends on many factors, and therefore it is impossible to give an exact figure. Well, here almost everything on the subject. Although it is worth saying a few words about how putty car.

how to putty auto


So all the same - how to spackle a car? First please note that after applying the next layer it is necessary to withstand a certain amount of time and give the surface to dry. Then produce grinding. And only then apply the next layer. So you receive the most smooth surface. And it is better to do it right the first time, it's a very costly lesson. Therefore, pay quality attention and don't be afraid to spend a little more of your time. Plaster finish is the last layer to get smooth surface, do not forget to degrease and then proceed to the primer. I would like to say that if you do it right, and then paint it, you'll be amazed how she looks. Well, perhaps, all that can be said about how to spackle a car. As you can see here all the stages are important, and without fulfilling any of the terms and conditions you will not achieve the expected result, and all work will be negated.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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