As in "Contact" to read someone else's conversation? How to read other people's messages in "Vkontakte"?


2019-03-07 07:00:36




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Almost every one of us there is such a peccadillo as excessive curiosity. Despite the fact that we trust the people close to us, the desire to know more about what's going on in their head, as in fact they treat us, what secrets are stored, sometimes makes to go on the most risky actions. The first thing that comes to mind, of course, personal correspondence. Today, few are using email or SMS, as it was ten years ago. But social media sites for you: fast, free and convenient. That is why many of the curious are interested in the question of how to "Contact" to read someone else's conversation. Today this social network is the most popular among Russians. Well, if you decide to go down this slippery slope, then read the options.

as in someone else's conversation

Parting words-warning

To Read other people's posts in the "Contact" offered by the developers of the various "spyware" programs. They arranged a very clever way and manage to access the most confidential for many users - personal correspondence. Immediately should warn that they are not as harmless as it may seem. For example, don't be surprised if your computer resulting from the use of these applications will get viruses, or your phone will remove any N-th sum. To insure this, no one can, in the end, you decide to risk, and therefore be prepared for such outcomes. We only let you options (we'll call them tips), which give at least some chance to read someone else's conversation in "Contact". The first two methods - special programs.


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Program PageHack

PageHack app, which offers a wide variety of functions to its clients. Among them is the ability to view closed photos and videos, read hidden comments in the "Contact" and, of course, to access the personal messages you are interested in the subject. You can do it only in case if the person assumes surveillance, you have friends in this social network. Otherwise, the crank case will not work.

 read messages other contact

The algorithm of the application

So, let's say, your "victim" has already made friendship with you in "Vkontakte", what's next? And then the following:

  1. Download to your computer program PageHack and install it. Here, the developers advise us to disable antivirus, ostensibly in order to conduct a successful hack somebody else's account (what defender in the form of antivirus will prevent). You decide to continue working or not, at your own risk, as they say.
  2. The Next step is getting the ID of the user you are interested in. It allows you to read someone else's correspondence in "Contact". Copy this number from the address bar pre going to your account on the user page. Need not the whole address, but only the one that starts with id and then (usually a number or name in Latin letters).
  3. Insert these data in specially designed a string in the program window. Click to watch and voila! Before your eyes should appear desirable pattern, namely, personal correspondence of the subject of your interest.

So easy to use the program (but safe?) will allow to answer the gnawing questions of "with whom the second half", "what they say about you to your friends (and say)", "with whom your minor child", etc.

In General, the developers promise that the app PageHack will help solve many of your problems. But think about it, decide whether it is them or, on the contrary, will create. Whether you need detailed information about the personal lives of loved ones?

 read other people's posts in contact

Resource Vkmass.narod

There is another interesting service that promises to answer the question troubles many “like in "Contact" to read someone else's conversation”. It's called Vkmass.narod and promises to come all the way from obscurity to the moment of receiving access to confidential information in only three steps. Try?

Usage instructions

  1. The First step is getting a reference to the desired user (or users). The fact that this program provides access only to messages sent to a specific person. If you are interested in something like in "Contact" to read someone else's conversation, not only one-sided answers, you will need links to the two profiles, the dialogue between which you need. Enter the data into the appropriate boxes.
  2. Next, you need to specify the period for which you want to see the correspondence. Enter the start date and the end of the conversation.
  3. The Third step will be your personal e-mail (either created specifically for this insidious purpose), you will receive a detailed answer to your question in the form of personal messages or dialogue to interest people.

And here is a setup! To complete the process you must enter in the appropriate field code word which you will receive on your mobile. The cost of the treasured TEXT messages to receive 300 rubles. Ready to pay?

read hidden comments in contact

Option for the talented "actors"

Is There any other way to "Contact" to read someone else's conversation, without the help of allthese suspicious programs? Yes, it is. But it is much more complex and requires certain abilities, or rather, tricks. Please read it and decide whether you have such an option.

Before you begin, you should know important details: to turn this method will work only if you have access to a mobile phone the right person, and if his account is linked to the current room. For example, if your significant other or a child, then take advantage of this option work. And if any familiar or unfamiliar, it is unlikely.

read someone else's correspondence in contact

Method Description

  1. First we need to register a random user account by entering fictitious name, and in the field "phone Number" enter the one that belongs to subject of your interest.
  2. You will receive a warning that it is already linked to another page. Agree with what you posted and this is your room.
  3. Will Open another alert window, designed to make sure that you really want to bind the new page to the same number. There is nothing that pushing is not necessary.
  4. First you need to seize the user's telephone (e.g., to do it discreetly or ask to call), you now need to show imagination and acting ability.
  5. When the coveted mobile in your hands, push in the "Yes, use number XXXXXXXXXX". Should receive a TEXT message with the code to confirm the binding (don't forget, using it, delete traces in the form of SMS). The resulting code is entered in the appropriate field below, enter the password (invent any).

As a result, we get to the coveted page of the user account which logged in. You can read other messages in "Contact" or to not spend a lot of time to copy the dialogues. You can do this quickly, using Vkbot. You can just open a specific dialog and save it to HTML, using CTRL+S.

Do Not forget that it should be done carefully and when the user is offline (because in the process of fraud he will change the password).

This method does not represent any danger in terms of infection by computer viruses and loss of money. But before in "Contact" to read someone else's conversation, have to worry, because here you need to act very carefully and cleverly.

reading someone else's correspondence in contact


You have been offered three options to gain access to the personal conversations of the user. You can choose either the most pleasurable. Each of them carries an element of risk and danger. But before deciding on such actions, think if you need to get into people's private lives (even loved ones), learn their secrets, the more dishonest and will agree, not very beautiful way. Sometimes it's better just to trust the person not to try to expose him to something (and can, and do nothing to expose), because each of us needs to have space for their own little secrets.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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