World culture and its history


2018-03-25 21:34:12




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World culture, as a phenomenon of social life, is of interest to many Sciences. This phenomenon is studied by sociology and aesthetics, archeology, Ethnography and other. Next, look at what is world culture. world culture

General information

Should start with a definition of "culture". The term is highly polysemous. In a special and artistic publications can be found quite a lot of interpretations of this concept. In ordinary life, a culture understands the level of manners and education of the person. In the aesthetic sense, this phenomenon is directly linked to numerous works of folk art and professional art. In public life also applies the definition of speech, political thought, culture.

Previous concepts

Previously, the level of culture corresponded to the achievements of the crafts and Sciences, and the goal was considered to make people happy. History of world culture goes to the very depths of the centuries. The concept was opposed to the savagery and barbaric of the people of his state. After a time, appeared pessimistic definition. A supporter of his, in particular, was Rousseau. He believed that the world culture as a whole is a source of evil and injustice in society. According to Rousseau, she was the destroyer of morality and did not make people happy and rich. In addition, he believed that human vices – is the result of cultural achievement. Russo was offered to live in harmony with nature, to carry out education of the person in her womb. In classical German philosophy, world culture was perceived as a sphere of spiritual freedom of the people. Herder put forward the idea that this phenomenon represents the development of the powers of mind. history of world culture


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Marxist philosophy

In the 19th century, the concept of "world culture" was used as a feature of human creativity and complex performance. Marxism emphasized the conditionality of culture with a particular manufacturing method. It was believed that it always had a specific character: bourgeois, primitive, etc. Marxism explored different manifestations: political, labour and other crops.

Understanding Nietzsche

The Philosopher sought to bring the tradition of criticism of the phenomenon to the limit. He considered culture only as a means of enslavement and repression of the person using the legal and other rules, prohibitions, regulations. Nevertheless, the philosopher believed that it was necessary. He explained that the man himself is being anti-cultural, power-hungry and natural.

The Theory of Spengler

He denied the view that the history of world culture combined with progress. According to Spengler, it is divided into several unique and independent organisms. These elements are not linked and are naturally several successive stages: the emergence, flourishing and dying. Spengler believed that a unified world culture there. The philosopher has identified eight local cultures: Russian-Siberian, Mayan, Western European, Byzantine, Arab, Greco-Roman, Chinese, Indian, Egyptian. They were regarded as existing independently and on their own. world religious culture

Advanced understanding

World culture – the phenomenon is diverse. It was formed in different conditions. The modern concept of the phenomenon is very diverse, since it includes a framework of world cultures. The development of each nation is unique. The culture of a nation reflects its future and historical path, its position in society. However, despite this diversity, the notion of the one. A great contribution to world culture has made the capitalist market. For several centuries it has ruined national partitions, developed in the middle ages, turning the planet into "one house" for mankind. Of particular importance to world culture was the discovery of America by Columbus. This event actively promoted the elimination of the isolation of peoples and countries. Until the interaction of cultures was a process for more local.

Main development trends

In the twentieth century there was a sharp acceleration of the convergence of national and regional cultures. Today there are two trends in the development of this complex. The first of them is to be the desire for uniqueness and originality, preservation of "face". This is most evident in the folklore, literature, language. The second trend is the interpenetration and interaction of different cultures. This is possible through the use of effective means of communication, active trade and economic exchange, and shared management structures that control these processes. For example, the UN operates, UNESCO – the organization responsible for issues of science, education and culture. In the end, the development process takes a holistic view. On the basis of cultural synthesis formed a unified planetary civilization, with a global culture. The man is her Creator. As culture contributes to the development of people. It people get the experience and knowledge of predecessors. foundations of world cultures

World of religious culture

This phenomenon involves many systems. They were formed on a national basis, linked to ancient beliefs and traditions and language. Certain beliefs have been previously localized in certain countries. Basics of world religious cultures are closely connected with national and ethnic features of the peoples.


This religion originated among the ancient Jews. At the beginning of the second Millennium, the people settled on Palestine. Judaism – one of the few religions survived in almost unchanged form. This belief marks the transition to monotheism from polytheism.


This form of religion is considered one of the most common. It arose in the first Millennium of our era. It was the result of rivalry between Jainism, Buddhism (young religion) and Brahmanism. basics of world religious cultures

Beliefs in Ancient China

The Most common in former times were such religions as Confucianism and Taoism. About the first to this day debate. Despite the fact that there is a lot of evidence to consider Confucianism a religion, many such, it is not recognized. Feature of it is the lack of a caste of priests and the rites officials of the government. Taoism is considered a traditional religious form. It provided a hierarchical stratum of priests. The basis of religion were magic spells and actions. Taoism is a higher level of consciousness. In this case, religion has acquired a supranational character. Under this form beliefs mixed representatives of different languages and peoples. They can both geographically culturally located quite far from each other.


This ancient world religious culture originated in the V century BC the Number of believers amounted to several hundred million. According to ancient records, as the founder is the Prince of India, Siddhartha Gautama. He got the name Buddha. As the basis of this religion acts as a moral doctrine by which man can become perfect. Initially, the commandments in Buddhism involve the negative form and have a forbidding character: don't take someone else's, not to kill and so on. For those who are striving to become perfect, these regulations have become absolute truths. contribution to world culture


This religion is now regarded as the most common. There are more than a billion believers. In used as the basis of the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments. The most important religious ceremonies are considered communion and baptism. The latter is regarded as a symbol of removal from man's original sin.


The religion professed by the Arabic-speaking peoples, a majority of Asians and people of North Africa. The main book of Islam is the Koran. It is a collection of teachings and sayings of the founder of the religion of Muhammad. value for the world culture

In conclusion

Religion is one of the main forms of moral system. Inside it the image of the true commandments the man must follow throughout his life. Along with this, religion is a social factor regulating interaction between people. This is especially important for those societies, whose members perceive their freedom in the form of permissiveness.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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