National identity of Russia


2018-03-27 07:08:07




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The development of the consciousness of the people has become a pressing issue since, started understanding culture as a phenomenon relating to the history of mankind. Actualization of the issue is the fact that each nation has its own cultural heritage.

Today, the Russian national consciousness draws to itself special attention. It is the result of modernization on the background of globalization and the need for the formation of civil society in the country.

National consciousness with their pluses and minuses in the modern world is an essential part of understanding historical reality. One of the pressing challenges in our days the modern social philosophy is the definition of positive and negative aspects of understanding of the people himself. Without a solution to this issue, according to many researchers, impossible a free and responsible cultural education.

The Ability to control the course of historical events is provided in the conditions, when the historical and national consciousness have a certain quality. And this quality should be identical in content actual interpretation of culture cash.

National consciousness as a separate category in the literature of socio-philosophical has not yet accepted definition. Along with these individual characteristics of this concept are quite clear wording.

National consciousness is qualitatively determine a component of historical comprehension. This component largely determines the specifics of social work for each cultural region. The researchers attribute this specificity historically formed mentality of the people, its mentality, degree of ethnic identity, traditional norms and practices that have come from the depths of time. The influence also possess the circumstances of the present, causing people make their own cultural experiences and provoking reaction to the other environment.


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National identity of Russia is a complicated system of subordination of the elements of religious, ethnic, socio-political nature. According to some authors, these components was complicated by some "pseudoculture heritage" double standards of perception of the world imposed on peoples. In addition, the researchers noted the presence of certain "reflexive systems", reflecting the frustration of national consciousness of the peoples of Russia, provoked by the collapse of the mighty Soviet Union, the greatness of which has caused the pride part of it ethnically based entities. However, these "reflexive systems" are a and the expression arose during the disintegration of the opposing aspirations to self-understanding of themselves as a separate ethnic groups, moving in certain situations, in mutual rivalry or even enmity.

Paying attention to the problems associated with the peculiarities of the development of national consciousness of Russia, the researchers point to the original mosaic of the identity of peoples. This is mainly due to the diversity of the cultural roots (religious, ethnic, event and historical). The researchers note some limitations resulting from the announcement of the religion major structure-forming core in the formation of national consciousness of the country.

It is worth noting that the problems of self-perception of the peoples of Russia are a special case of a General world issues. This is obvious be a movement of Autonomous groups to global unity.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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