City functions. Classification of cities according to functions: examples


2018-03-27 22:06:17




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The City does not occur by itself. Since its birth it is inextricably linked with any kind of activity that is its function.

Facts from the past

The long history of mankind testifies to the fact that functions can change frequently. So, in the middle ages, towns arose for defensive military and trade-craft purposes. At first, they built a fortified settlement. City it was only after it had acquired the commercial and craft quarter (roundabout hail). In that period most were developed in the administrative-political functions of cities. Examples of these settlements there will be no obstructions. It many cities of Russia, such as Pskov, Velikie Luki, Pskov, etc.

small towns

At the end of the 18th century, all the cities that are centers of counties, was assigned to the administrative function. But they did not stop. The cities have given their distribution and management functions. This alignment has been preserved to our time. All of these features are inherent in the centers of the administrative districts.

In the early 20th century larger settlements began to play the transportation and industrial role. This has been especially true in the towns through which the railroad passed. The development of transport links contributed to the rapid growth of industrial enterprises. Examples of such cities can be Porkhov and Novosokolniki, Velikiye Luki and Pskov.

The Functions of cities in the second half of the 20th century has shifted more towards administrative. They began to combine with cultural and educational activities.

Basic functions

Each locality has a role in the life of the region. Functions of cities are their socio-economic characteristics. Consider them a list.

functionsMain functions:
demographic-population distribution;
- administration and management;
- production (creation of wealth);
- social;
- educational-cultural;
- innovative and scientific-technical;
- foreign trade;
- distribution.
transport communications;
- recreation and tourism;
- sports;
- social and environmental.


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As you can see, the list is impressive. These are the basic functions that distinguish them from the list of small settlements.


What are settlements? There is a classification of cities by functions that are inherent in them. Among them are:

1. Multifunction. These cities are cultural, administrative, political, and economic role. These are the most important ionoobmennaya centers. There is a complex territorial organization, there are a variety of broad communication.
2. City on the values which predominate are the transportation and industrial functions. In General, such settlements are divided into several types. It is a transportation, industrial and industrial transport.
3. The city, which is dominated by other functions. Their transport and industrial value is expressed not so bright. It's a small town, local centres. They play organizational and administrative role for the grassroots areas.
4. Resort town, with specific features.
5. Scientific experimental and research centers.

Functions inherent in all human settlements

The City is a particular type of settlement. It is generated by division of labor. The functions of the city without exception? They are called gradoobrazujushchimi. This activity turned inward and has value only for the settlement.

basic functionsThe functions of the city? Backbone. Such activity allows to consider the settlement as one of the elements of the system of settlements located in a particular region or state.

In the modern world of city-forming functions are life-based. They allow to solve the political and the administrative, industrial and residential, cultural and commercial, scientific and educational, and utility and engineering tasks. All these functions are closely linked and cannot exist separately. New settlements arise in order to meet the demand of the whole country or its regions. The classification of cities according to the functions depending on the role that they play.

A Typology of city-forming activities

Functions, which is its vital base, are divided into Central and special. The first group includes those activities, which is the different types of services, as well as farms located in the surrounding areas.


Typology of cities within a country has its own classification with a strict hierarchy. On the upper step is Moscow. The capital of the Russian Federation serves the entire state. The following level is reserved for the centres of major economic areas. The functions of Russian cities in this category (Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk) are the service areascenters which they are. Next level – regional. At this step of the hierarchy are centres, whose task is to serve several administrative districts. Such cities include, for example, Orsk and Buzuluk.

The Next step of the hierarchy is the regional centers. These include including the Priozersk and Vyborg (Leningrad oblast). A rung below are the intra-centers. The functions of Russian cities at this level are to a certain territorial administrative district. These cities include Vereya and Aprelevka (Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district).

Special feature

This role throughout the country is given to the branch centers. The bulk of Russian cities is a major industrial entities (Novokuznetsk, Magnitogorsk, etc.) and transport nodes (Nakhodka, Novorossiysk). Much rarer in our country, the city of science (Dubna, Obninsk, Russia), tourist and resort centers (Suzdal, Pyatigorsk, Sochi).


The Process, enhancing the role of towns in the development of the whole country caused by changes in the demographic and social structure of society, its lifestyle, culture, etc.

city of scienceMany regions of the country have significant differences in the degree of urbanization. And it is obvious not only on that level, which is the major economic areas, but where a small town holds the administrative-territorial functions.

The expansion of cities in recent years significantly increased. The many settlements rapidly expanding. While the industry and the population dispersed to adjacent areas. In this regard, intensify the functions of cities as economic and cultural. A large settlement turns into a single urbanized area, where it plays the role of the main center.

Differences in the functional purpose are found in list of urban-type settlements. It can be building centers, which are associated with the construction of large industrial facilities. In addition, a purely residential functions have suburban towns. In Moscow region these are Springs, Semkhoz, etc. There are also towns that do not have the functions of the city. It is observed in those localities where already closed factories, and external labor relations are not available. Settlements of this type are most often found in the Eastern and Northern parts of the country where in former times there was a development in mining.

Classification of cities by population

In the case when one concentrated settlement many different features, it will quickly grow and develop. That is why all the major cities are designed to ensure the activities of the various spheres of existence of society and Vice versa.

functions of cities of Russian

Small towns, usually monofunctional. All settlements are divided into the following types:
- the smallest, the population does not exceed five thousand people;
- small – 5-20 thousand people;
- polusrednem – 20-50 thousand people;
medium – 50-100 thousand people;
- large - 100-500 thousand people;
- the biggest – 500 thousand-1 million people;
- the city of millionaires-more than 1 million people.

The Number of inhabitants of any locality depends on the diversity of tasks assigned to it.

A multiple-functional city

Human settlements, playing a specific role in society, can be attributed scientific, and resort centers. What are their functions?

The city of science was formed for the implementation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities. In these settlements produce testing, experimental design, carry out training according to the state priorities of development of scientific and technological industries.

The functions of the resort towns include the following:

- carrying out of medical rehabilitation patients;
- Spa treatment;
- recreation;
- the adoption of measures of prevention of diseases;
- cultural entertainment and educational activities.

To implement the first three functions are natural physical factors.

Functions the Northern capital of Russia

What is the role of Saint Petersburg in the lives of its people and the country? Currently, the main functions of the city are quite wide. the functions of the city

He is:

- historical and cultural center of the world level;
- innovative, scientific and educational center;
business city.
- tourist centre;
- transport-transit hub.

Future development

Functions of any city remain the same. Over time, some of them several modifierade, and others – are disappearing, being replaced by new ones. The same processes are characteristic of St. Petersburg. The most promising feature of the Northern capital can be determined on the basis of the analysis of the external environment of the city, its competitive position and increasing role of human capital. The strategic planning involved in the government of St. Petersburg.

Classification of functions North of the capital

All the activities of the city, which aimed at the implementationtasks are divided into two groups. The first one includes such functions which are almost constant over a long period of time. They are basic. In the second group include more volatile industry functions.

What is the mission of the Northern capital will take the first group? This is a function of the city of Saint Petersburg as the place for a comfortable stay. This role, despite its obviousness, has not always been decisive and leading. Today, things have changed. A successful city has become a place where free, rich and comfortable home to talented, enterprising and creative people. In this function, St. Petersburg successfully competing with such cities as Moscow, Paris, London, etc.

Northern capital also inherent in the function of a research center. This is facilitated by numerous educational institutions. Besides in the city in the field of science employs highly qualified professionals.

In recent years significantly increased geopolitical influence of St. Petersburg on the development level of other regions. This is expressed by the capital function city. It hosts various international conferences, summits, forums and exhibitions. Thus, the city successfully implemented a second strategy of the capital.

classification of cities for the functions

A Constant feature of St. Petersburg is its role in historical and cultural center of not only Russia but the whole world. It contributes to the development of tourism and attraction to stay educated people.

The Functions of St. Petersburg as an industrial center gradually modifierade. In the town of new enterprises, forming the new field of modern production. They made automotive components, deployed sector autobuild. The Northern capital can be proud of and created on the latest technological level of the pharmaceutical industry. In the city operate many branches of the world's leading companies. In other words, Saint-Petersburg there is a huge potential to emerge as a centre of modern high-tech industry.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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