The image of Aksinya in the novel "and Quiet flows the don" by Mikhail Sholokhov


2018-03-27 23:14:14




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Female characters of the novel "and Quiet flows the don" is extraordinarily expressive: the proud and the brave peasants, hardworking and gentle Natalya, majestic and wise Ilinichna, direct and young Dunyasha. This work, created by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, took parts in the period from 1928 to 1940. The image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet don" will be discussed in this article.

About Aksinya

image Aksinya

Aksinya in the product was first the mistress and later the illicit wife of Grigory Melekhov. She accompanies him throughout the novel. This girl is a native - born Cossack that is accustomed to heavy peasant labor and were subject to the full the prejudices of his own class. Aksinya - solid, strong nature, possessing an emotional, straightforward character. It is capable of decisive actions can't lie and settle for a light relationship. In her life the main thing - the realization of her feminine nature. This is a brief Aksinya (Tikhiy don). Feature can be supplemented with various details. Imagine it in more detail.

The appearance of the heroine and her inner essence

Describing the image of Aksinya in the novel "the Quiet don" it is necessary to stand on her appearance. This character is a woman of great charm, captivating inner and outer beauty. She is plump, greedy lips, "fiery shafts-black eyes" bloodshot shoulders, curly hair, swarthy, chiseled neck. She is proud of his alluring, provocatively brilliant beauty. However, not appearance, while inspiring, passionate and strong nature, self-esteem, inner richness of character, great power of her love poetiziruet in the work of Sholokhov.


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The Position in the family Aksinya

Aksinia from childhood miserable. She learned very early the bitterness of slavish position of the woman in a difficult pre-revolutionary time. The life of Stepan Astakhov, unloved husband, was a continuation of such a bleak share. Issued on beatings and abuse, drudgery and humiliation, the girl wanted to submit to the tyranny of her husband.

image of Aksinya in the novel and quiet flows the don

The Beginning of the novel with Gregory

During the first meeting, don was with Gregory, and then in the episode fishing the heroine removes affection of this man, afraid of the tenacity with which Grigory Melekhov flirts with her. But soon discovers, to his horror, that she's attracted to this guy. Aksinya Scarecrow new feeling that filled her entire. She can't fight him and so she comes to Gregory. Since then the girl is like reborn. Love it straightened. She now walks proudly, carrying high its a happy head, not openly and not savestate people.

A lot of will power and determination have Aksinya combined with integrity and a sense of subtlety, with human kindness and empathy. The image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet don" would be incomplete if not to mention how she cares about children. It is tenderness for the little girl, experiencing her death deeply. Maternal care and affection Aksinya captivating Mishutku. It truly will replace after the death of Natalia's mother children Gregory.

Aksinya quiet flows the don feature

It's Aksinya

The Image of Aksinya (novel "the Quiet don") can be supplemented with the characteristic of speech of the heroine. In the speech Aksinya affected by heat and immense cordiality. It is filled with diminutive words ("my friend", "my kolosochok", "kids", "Mishutka"). Dramatically change the speech of the heroine when she defends her beloved, fighting for Gregory. In a fit of anger Aksinya in the novel "and Quiet flows the don" does not skimp on offensive language where there is it's resilience and perseverance.

Aging Aksinya

Sholokhov says with a soft lyricism about the experiences of her heroine, when she begins to age. The image of Aksinya in the novel "and Quiet flows the don" in this time of change. The writer compares the heroine with aging lonely Lily. Aksinya sees through tears the dying, but suddenly broke out under the sun a flower. She inhales the smell of Lily of the valley, sees that it touched mortal decay. The heroine remembers his own youth, the poor pleasures of a long life. Aksinya sleeps, bury tear-stained face in his hands.

The Writer notices a noticeable change in the appearance of the heroine of the novel "the Quiet don". The image of Aksinya updated with new features. It was before the meeting with Gregory was considered excitedly to his older, but still preserved the beauty of the face. "Alluring beauty" remained, however, the autumn of life has thrown already on her cheeks faded paint, poultra eyelids, black hair itral rare webs of gray hair. Of the eyes looked mournful weariness that marks Sholokhov ("and Quiet flows the don"). Aksinya is not the same blooming girl we meet in the beginning of the novel.

The Attitude of the heroine in the revolutionary events

image Aksinya's novel and quiet flows the don

In his own way was trying to find this character the path to a better life. Aksinya was far from being able to participate in the revolutionary events. However, their outcome depended on her fate. Aksinya reached out to freedom. For her sake she was ready to sacrifice at any time, the economy, peace, leave "huch on the edge" from their homes. However, we are interested in the heroine was blinded by love. This scarcity generated by the environment in which grew up the girl, reflected in the novel "the Quiet don". The image of Aksinya that shelives outside the interests of society, does not know other ways to fight for their own happiness, for a fair attitude, in addition to consistency and sincerity in the love of Gregory Melehova, faith in him, selfless devotion to his beloved. She had no anything, except Gregory. When he was out of the world for her, died and revived again, when Gregory was around. Aksinya, not interested in the fact that fighting Melekhov, goes blindly for him, thinks about him and loves him one.

Devotion Aksinya

Aksinya with increasing voltage was imbued with more concern for man, with whom was associated his entire life, all hope for finding happiness. She shared with Gregory by Melekhanim adversity. Aksinya in search of "their share" goes with him recklessly into the unknown, manivshy her "illusory happiness". The heroine honestly admits that her "twisted" longing for the beloved. Aksinya herself not knowing what lies ahead, why and where it is going, it is recognized that ready to go even to death along with Gregory. She shed many tears and sleepless nights. However, the whole world again seemed bright and elated after Gregory returned.

the quiet don the image of Aksinya

The Image of Aksinya is that even a love child, is her continued passion for Melekhovo, not a feeling that is rooted in Patriarchal family relations. Compounded by the tragedy of the death of a child and lack of understanding of the social upheavals taking place in society. Aksinya eventually loses the possibility of "rooting in the family" - that is in its environment primarily for women. Aksinya believes this time that "the share" will find with the favourite person, and dies tragically with this faith in the way.

Image Value Aksinya

Aksinya in the novel and quiet flows the don

From time immemorial, literature has established a sympathetic attitude to the passion of Aksinya. Her forbidden love in the 30-ies were interpreted as a protest against the social norms of the old world, even as the anthem of free love. The image of Aksinya is among heroines, loving selflessly, but because of tragic circumstances not having the opportunity to connect with loved ones. Those that give her lover the feeling of meaning of life and its fullness. This is Aksinya (Tikhiy don), the characteristic of which was presented in this article.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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