The structure of the brain of a mammal – the victory of evolution!


2018-03-28 14:43:07




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The structure of the brain of an animal is significantly different from the characteristics of the human brain and other living beings, so it is usually distinguished as a separate type.

The brain of mammals is large enough, the results of the study, the large area of the so-called forebrain, located above the middle and intermediate. General structure of the brain of a mammal was formed as a result of the evolution of ancient animals, and it is based on the power of smell. None of the other vertebrates do not have a sensitivity to smells.

The Common name of the brain of an animal – a secondary vault. Coordinating the work of all departments of a brain is considered to be the cerebral cortex. For communication of a mammal with the outside world meets the forebrain, or frontal lobe.

The Structure of the brain of a mammal is formed so that the front part it has a maximum size, as well as the cerebellum, intermediate in the part of the brain a little less, but the smallest size is the middle part.

The Nerve endings connected to the spinal cord and transmit signals to the various organs of the animal, located in the medulla oblongata.

The Various divisions of the mammalian brain are responsible for certain vital processes of the body. So, it is in the intermediate division of the brain processed the visual information coming to the individual. In addition, the thermoregulation process is precisely due to the control of this body.

The Smooth operation of the endocrine system is controlled by the pituitary gland, and the obtained information is analyzed in the middle section of the brain.

In order to preserve the balance of a mammal, as well as the balance of the propulsion system in General, the necessary work of the cerebellum. And basic systems of life have their own control centers located in the medulla oblongata.


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The body of the animal is quite complex, and it is believed that the intelligence it takes the second place after man. This is evidenced by not only the structure of the brain of a mammal, but the mass relative to the mass of the spinal cord. For example, in reptiles the brain and spinal cord weigh approximately the same, whereas the animal weight of the brain exceeds the dorsal in three or fifteen times, depending on the species.

Individual areas of the brain in one species are developing stronger, the other weaker, depending on the habitat of the animal. For example, if the time of life of a mammal - the night, the most developed of the animal vision. If we are talking about the inhabitant of the pond or swamp, it is noted that such a mammal will have highly developed hearing and sense of smell. The exception is whale, whose sense of smell is pretty weak.

In the brain of an animal there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves. Cranial nerves of a mammal are responsible not only for hearing, sight and smell, they also participate directly in the formation of the autonomic system.

Scientists have proved that the structure of the brain of a mammal was formed millions of years. And the ancestors of modern animals were the animals that have a hunting instinct, producing their own food in night time with a well-developed sense of smell and sight. When compared with modern fauna, the development of them was approximately in the middle between modern mammals and reptiles. How did the formation of the brain, researchers have not known. But thanks to this degree of development, ancient animals have been considerably modified, to survive until modern times, and some become indispensable.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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