The vocabulary is colloquial and conversational: examples and rules of use


2018-04-28 04:00:37




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Create vivid, memorable book is difficult. But some authors know their works to win the attention of an impressive readership. What is the secret of their success? Try to find out in this article how they achieve universal acceptance.

Colloquial language

The vocabulary of the vernacular-the words rough, stylistically reduced and even vulgar tinge, which are located beyond the boundaries of the literary syllable. They are not specific to a model, book style, familiar but different groups of society, the cultural and social characteristics of those people who have trouble writing. These words are used in certain types of conversation: in humorous or familiar speech, verbal sparring, and the like.

In General, the vernacular is called colloquial language, which is used in people's conversations. However, she could not be rude and to have a special expression. It includes, for example, these words: “inside”, “enough”, “for free”, “theirs", ‘the other day”, “while”, “unlikely”, “bulk”, “to Matsa”, “rubbish”, “say”, “hard worker”, “resist”, “brainy”.

Marks in dictionaries, indicating a reduced style of words and their meanings, giving them a minus rating, numerous. The vocabulary of the vernacular most often accommodates assessment and an expressive tone.

vocabulary of the colloquial

It is also possible to find common sayings that only differ in their phonetics and accentology (“Tabarka” instead of “box”, “and” instead of “serious”).


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The vocabulary of the vernacular in different types of accent being used for a variety of reasons: the author's direct relationship to the described pragmatic reasons (journalistic phrase), expressive themes, and the outrageous (spoken words), character motives (rhythmic phrases). In the official and academic discussions of vernacular vocabulary is perceived as inscreveu element.

Indelicate style

Roughly vernacular vocabulary has weakened, expressive impolite overtones. It is, for example, of such words: “nerd”, “tall”, “unstable”, “mug”, «potbelly», “gossip”, “face”, “mug”, “Shoe”, “bitch”, “die”, “to steal”, “scum”, “YMCA”. It belongs to the extreme vulgar language, that is foul language (obscene language). In this style, you can meet words with three exceptional values (most often metamorphic) – “whistle” (“steal”), “cuts” (“says Boyko”), “dash” (“write”), “weave” (“talking nonsense”), “hat” (“Wally”), "vinaigrette" (“mishmash”).

vernacular vocabulary examples

Everyday style

Spoken vocabulary is one of the basic categories of the vocabulary of the literary language along with the neutral and portrait genre. It forms words that are known mainly in dialogical sentences. This style focuses on informal conversation in an atmosphere of interpersonal communication (freedom of communication and expression, relationships, thoughts, feelings to the subject), and units of other tiers of language, operating mainly in spoken sentences. So everyday expressions inherent expressive turned color.

The Conversational genre is divided into two unequal capacity of the base layer: a written vernacular and vocabulary of everyday speech.

conversational and colloquial vocabulary

Vocabulary speech

What is a spoken and colloquial vocabulary? Everyday vocabulary consists of words specific to verbal types of communicative practices. The spoken phrase is not uniform. They are located below the neutral utterances, but depending on the degree of literary this vocabulary is divided into two significant groups: colloquial and vernacular lexicons.

Everyday vocabulary includes terms, giving the conversation a tone of informality, immediacy (but not the rude vernacular of the word). From the point of view of the attribute of the parts of speech dialog lexicon as a neutral, diverse.

It includes:

  • Nouns: “the entertainer”, “big guy”, “nonsense”;
  • Adjectives: "lax”, “disorderly”;
  • Dialect: “in my own way”, “random”;
  • Interjection: “Oh”, “Bay”, “LGA”.

The Everyday lexicon, despite its priceselect beyond the borders of the Russian literary language.

The vocabulary of the vernacular lower than the everyday, therefore, placed outside the standardized literary Russian speech. It is divided into three categories:

  1. Expressive-coarse language grammatically shown adjectives (“bedraggled», «potbelly»), verbs (“sleep”, “to rascojet”), nouns (“tall”, “unstable”), adverbs (“bad”, “foolish”). These words are most often in conversations poorly educated individuals, defining their cultural level. Sometimes they are found in conversations, intelligent people. The expressiveness of these words, their semantic and emotional capacity enables expressive and sometimes briefly show the relationship (oftennegative) to any object, phenomenon or a person.
  2. Roughly vernacular lexicon differs from rough and expressive high level of swagger. This, for example, these words: “fuck”, “mug”, “mug”, ‘turnip”, “grunt”, “rulnick”. These sayings are eloquent, they are able to convey negative attitude talking to any of the episodes. Because of the excessive savagery of such a vocabulary is unacceptable in the cultural conversations of people.
  3. Actually-the colloquial lexicon. It relates to a small number of words that are colloquial, not because they are clumsy (they are not rude by expressive colour and value), or are abusive in nature (they do not have abusive semantics), but because they do not drink educated people in conversations. It is words such as “advance”, “this morning”, “daddy”, “probably”, “offspring”. This vocabulary is also called a vernacular dialect, and differs from only in that is used in the city and in the countryside.


Synonyms in colloquial and literary vocabulary is very often at the same time different degree of expressiveness and expressiveness:

  • Head – galangal, head;
  • Face – mug, face;
  • Feet – clay.

Often in conversations there are not only synonyms as such, and vernacular variants of literary words, including grammatical:

  • Her – her;
  • Always-always;
  • He ate-he poemsi;
  • – theirs;
  • There – ottudova, ottedova;
  • Goodbye – up to date tonight.

Creativity Zoshchenko

colloquial vocabulary in the speech

Many believe that the means of expression of speech is colloquial language. Indeed, in the hands of a skilful writer colloquial words can serve not only as a means of psychological descriptions of the characters, but to create a style recognizable specific situation. The prototype of this are the creative work of Mikhail Zoshchenko, which is cleverly parodied bourgeois psychology and life, “spotting his” in the conversation of the characters awkward vulgar expression.

Looks Like in his books colloquial vocabulary? Examples of professionalism Zoshchenko impressive. This talented writer wrote the following:

“I say:

' should we get to the theater? Called, can be.

She said,


And the third takes the cake.

I say:

- on an empty stomach – not a lot? Maybe vomit.

She said,

- No, - speaks, - we are accustomed to.

And fourth takes.

Then it hits me in the head with blood.

- Lodge - say - back!

She ispuzhalsya. He opened his mouth, and the mouth of shiny teeth.

And I like the tail got rein. Anyway, I don't think you hanging out with her.

- Lodge - say - to hell" (the Story of “Posh”).

In this work, the comic effect is achieved not only through the numerous folksy expressions and forms, but also due to the fact that these statements stand out against “fine” of literary cliches: “eat cakes” and so on. This creates a psychological portrait of a poorly educated, narrow-minded man trying to seem intelligent. He is the classic hero Zoshchenko.

Dialect words

And what is a dialect and vernacular vocabulary? Studying urban vernacular language, many are asking an important question about the local color associated with the influence of dialects: underline the limited parameters in accordance with the data of the metropolis allows for comparisons with other cities, for example, Tambov, Omsk, Voronezh, Elista, Krasnoyarsk and so on.

the use of colloquial vocabulary

The Arbitrariness of the boundaries between the vernacular and dialectal vocabulary is very often explained by historical ties of the folk dialect with slang, genetic reasons that are not entirely legitimate, sometimes analyzed as a basic source of education this depleted formation of a national language.

Skill Solzhenitsyn

Agree, sometimes the use of vernacular language gives the story some uniqueness. Linguistic and stylistic skill Solzhenitsyn, marked by extraordinary originality, it has attracted many linguists. And the paradox negative attitude of some readers obligation to study the language and style of the works of this author. For example, his novel “One day of Ivan Denisovich" shows the internal unity and consistent, accurate motivation of her imagery and verbal composition, in which appears, as claimed by L. N. Tolstoy, “the unique manner only possible words”, which is the sign of true artistry.

Important caveat

The Dialect vocabulary is very important to Solzhenitsyn. “Turn” the farmer of the author's function, making him the protagonist of his novel, the writer has managed to create a remarkably unconventional and expressive dialect, the evaluation of its expressions, is strongly excluded for the whole of the current literature the effectiveness of the return to the battered stock “folk” speech will, wandering from book to book (like “I”, “Apostle”, “my dear”, “look at” and the like).

the dialect and vernacular vocabulary

For the most part is a description of the dialect is produced even not because of the vocabulary(“whitecats”, “frost”, “place”, “gunyavy”), and by derivation: “oneway”, “negatice”, “akrivis”, “dovolenky”, “nashrah”. This method of connection of dialect to voice the artistic sphere, as a rule, the criticism raises an approving assessment as revives the familiar associative connection of image and word.

Folk speech

And how to use colloquial vocabulary in the speech? Talking modern peasantry dialect and vernacular vocabulary from each other, practically inseparable. And back such, suppose, words like “sucks”, “samogonka”, “dukhovity”, “picked up" to any particular dialect and because they are perceived or used in a common colloquial their properties – for the speech assessment of Ivan Denisovich does not matter. The important thing is that by using both the first and second conversation between the hero receives the necessary stylistic and emotional coloring.

synonyms in colloquial vocabulary

We hear generous in humor, alive, free from easily borrowed recently on various contentious fields of the standard, discerning folk speech. Solzhenitsyn knows it and sensitive it picks up the new minor notes.

Another key characteristic of colloquial vocabulary? Examples of its use can lead indefinitely. Interesting use of Shukhov verb "to insure" in one of the fresh “sports-production” value – to ensure reliable operation, protect: “ya… with one hand gratefully, hastily took nedokura, and the second from the bottom to the insured, so as not to lose”.

Or stagenhoe using one of the meanings of the verb “to be”, which could appear in people's utterances just now: “Brought someone trafaretka from the war, and since then, more and more dyes such as typed: nowhere to belong, nowhere to work…”.

Knowledge of folk expressions given Solzhenitsyn and difficult life experiences, and, of course, the active interest of the master that motivated him not only to consider but also specifically explore Russian language.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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