How to start of essays reasoning? How can I start the essay?


2018-05-12 15:00:32




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To Be a writer, not everyone can. someone to write an essay is worth nothing, and who at once becomes ill at the mere thought that you need to think of something. The question immediately arises about how to start of essays, arguments, what to write and how to adjust the text to the desired volume. However, if you look, here all is extremely simple: a little time, a dash of ingenuity to act.

Start in the middle

Start works on the Russian language may be different. Someone writes about what will happen in the text, someone starts to tell you about one and a smooth transition to the main topic. But all, without exception, think about how you can begin an essay-argument, what kind of argument to use, where to begin the story.

how to start compositions

Some long pondering over these questions, and some have adapted to circumvent their cunning ploys: they first describe the most important, then make a conclusion only at the end write “the second conclusion” written which is the beginning of the work. Simply put, this method, which is based on the fact that the writing of essays, reasoning starts with the basics. It should be considered in stages.

Stages of writing the text

  1. The Main idea. The contractor should not think about how to start your text, how to find the thesis or question. The start should be delayed. The first step is to show the basic idea works, fully demonstrating the theme.
  2. Summarize the results. The last paragraph of each essay is allotted in order to summarize the written. It is necessary to confirm or refute the above, depending on the purpose of the work.
  3. Introductory part. Write the beginning of text a lot easier when finished the composition itself. Beginning of essays, arguments can be presented in the form of question or thesis. Also work can begin with a few positive proposals, which are supported in the conclusions. Simply put, the introductory part follows from the conclusions.

Why to start with a mid easier?

Every essay consists of three main components:


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  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusions.

how to start an essay

There is Always a job which topic you need to write an essay, that is what should be the main part. Therefore, to begin the text of the topic much easier. After that, it becomes clear how to start essay and how to finish. This technique allows more appropriate to allocate time to complete the job, which is especially appropriate on the exam.

How many should occupy the introductory part?

The Introductory part of the essay should not be the biggest – a maximum of 5 sentences. This paragraph should answer the following questions:

  • What will be written?
  • What is your opinion I will defend?
  • What I associate the theme of the composition?
  • Why I want to write it?

the beginning of the essay reasoning

Responding to a question about how to begin your essay, we can say that in the introduction you need to write a concentrated, concise information, but in the main – to dilute it with an explanation.

What may be the introduction?

In any case the most difficult-it beginning. Many have question about how to start an essay on the topic specified by the teacher. The introduction of the essay may have several options:

  • Analytics. The contractor analyzes the main essay topic and defend their point of view. It can, for example, to agree with any facts or statements or to disprove what was proved earlier. In terms of common sense and logical reasoning, the author must show why he believes so and not otherwise. In the introductory part you should write about what point of view is supported by the author and which side it will be considered.
  • Overall performance. Particularly relevant to this introduction, when you need to perform a literary character or the plot of specific works. Then you can start the essay with a description of the shared characteristics, values, and roles.

start works on the RussianA Bit of history. Such membership relies on the description of the era and its components, which consist of political, social and cultural attitudes that characterized the time period. This introductory part is very common, so it's best to refrain from it. So, you do not know how to start the essay? Exam – this is a very serious test for high school students, so in my work history it is better not to use it.

  • The Lyrics. Perhaps this is the universal opening tool that is widely used not only for school essays, but also in great literature. How to start works in a similar way? It's very simple! It is necessary to connect the subject and life experience. For example: “last year in my village…” or “I went…”.
  • The present. Very often you can find essays that begin with the words: “In the modern era, when changed…”. Roll with modernity can become a double-edged sword that is able to protect his Creator, presenting the author as an erudite person, and destroy his creation, transforming a text into another criticismthe present. Here the main thing-to follow the main idea of the text.

Your opinion

No Matter what will be the introduction of the text – lyrical or historical. Most importantly, the author has shown his thoughts, how he thinks, not of the book with the finished works. For this, you can use these speech patterns, such as:

  • “the Meaning of the recent work suggests that…”.
  • “In my opinion, the issue here is that…”.
  • “I think the idea of the author of this piece, is that…”.
  • “the Author of this book makes the reader reflect on issues such as…”.
  • “the Main idea of the text is as follows…”.
  • “Supporting the statement of the author, as I understand it…”.

how to start an essay on the topic

In the introductory part it is possible to operate the introductory words, which confirm personal thought of the author.

A written Essay exam guidelines for writing the introductory part

Especially sharply the question about how to start essays, stands in front of the students, and so when the nerves are in a tense instability, but also the theme of the composition is far from existing in the head of knowledge.

The First thing you need to do – is to calm down. If the theme works for you Nova, you need to determine what is known about it, and start to write about it. This will be the main part of the composition. To open the question in which the author is aware of the maximum, you need as wide as possible. Only then can you start writing the introduction. If the specified subject, and is written to match, then you can just remember the statements of famous people and add introductory clichés or limit it to a few sentences analytical, lyrical, or characterizing the type.

how to start the essay exam

When a given topic is not very consistent it is written, as it reflects one of the possible faces of the main idea, then the introduction should be based on their own opinions. For example, you can start the following way: “On this issue there are many opinions, but I think that…”.

Write essays just. And if you have no idea where to start the text, you can simply try to disclose the main theme, and beginning to write at the end.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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