The Republic of Haiti: interesting facts and geographical location


2018-09-19 19:00:41




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Countries in the Caribbean beckon wonderful climate and good location with access to the sea and to the ocean. But this is not all that distinguishes the local state. For example, the Republic of Haiti – original country, which you can tell a lot. Where it is located and what to be aware of it?Republic of Haiti

Geographical position

To find Haiti on the world map, it is enough to discover the Caribbean sea. It is located between the continents of North and South America. There you will find large point – the island of Haiti. The Dominican Republic occupies the Eastern part of it. The entire West is owned by the government of Haiti. The Northern part of the island is washed by the Atlantic ocean, and South-the Caribbean sea. On the territory of the state from East to West are mountain ranges with an average altitude of a thousand meters. The largest peak is pic La Selle. It rises two thousand six hundred and eighty meters above the sea level. The water basin of the country are mostly mountainous rivers, which do not differ impressive length. The largest lakes of the state are Blihr, it is fresh water, and SOMATO filled with salt water.

History Haiti

The Island was discovered by the Spaniards in 1492, Columbus and his sailors founded a settlement. Then this land was called Navidad. A year later, the travelers returned, but all the settlers were dead. Who killed them, and remained a mystery. From the seventeenth century, the country became a French colony, but in 1804 gained independence. Designate of Haiti on the world map people helped the democratic sentiments that appeared after the revolution in Paris. Independence happened here immediately after the United States. As a result, the country became the first in the world with the rule of the blacks. However, the situation is the thing to be unstable - due to the low level of life there are frequent uprisings and strikes. Haiti on the world map


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Climate conditions

What interests the traveler in the first place? Of course, the weather that distinguish the island of Haiti, where the eponymous state! This area is characterized by tropical climate influenced by trade winds. It is ideal for those who love warm and humid weather. Moreover, it remains unchanged all the three hundred and sixty five days in a row. The average temperature for the year is twenty-five degrees of heat, fluctuations during the month, a minor. In the capital called Port-AU-Prince annual minimum – plus fifteen degrees Celsius, and a maximum of nearly forty. Haiti can boast of the extent of the territory, but within it there are different variants of climate. The main difference – in precipitation, due to the terrain-mountainous and coastal areas cannot overlap in this regard. In the valleys the annual rainfall is about five hundred millimeters, and in the highlands it can happen five times – two and a half thousand. The main precipitation happens during the rainy seasons, which fall due in periods from April to June and from September to November. The rest of the year you'll be dry and warm weather. Can happen powerful rain storms, as a rule, they are between June and September. Come to Haiti is only recommended during periods when the wind is much more weak.

Haitian money

Interesting fact – in the country there are several currency options. The official is called a gourde, and is one hundred centimes. In the course of banknotes denominated in thousand, five hundred, two hundred and fifty, one hundred, fifty, twenty five and ten. There are coins in five and one gourde, and in fifty, twenty, ten and five centimes. The official international marking-HTG. Unofficially in the country are so-called “Haitian dollars”. In addition, widely used, and the money of the United States. You can use them in the market or private institutions. The official currency of Haiti can be obtained in numerous exchange offices of the capital, but the terms of the transaction and the amount of commissions can be very different. There is a black market. The unofficial exchange rate change can be very beneficial, but there can be a robbery, so that foreigners refer to them is not recommended. To pay with credit card almost everywhere, but to get easy cash in the capital – to find in the province, the ATM is often very difficult. In conditions of poverty and unemployment of local residents, they are simply not needed.Haiti, Dominican Republic

Culture and beliefs of the population

The Government of Haiti was formerly a French colony that is still noticeable in many spheres of local life. So many people here communicate in Creole. Common not just in Haiti, the language Creole is a French interspersed with Spanish and English. This dialect used by the majority of citizens. Classic French talks about fifteen percent of the population. The Republic of Haiti is a Christian country. Most Catholics, much less on the island of Protestants. The locals manage to combine traditional religion with the pagan beliefs of voodoo believe in these practices every second citizen of the country.Flag of Haiti

Art of the Republic of Haiti

The Original religious preference that differs the Republic of Haiti, is interesting not only an unusual combination here, with the common Christianity, but also manifestations of art, to which they lead. So, a special ritual music, played on drums, making the country famous all over the world. Here you can also see stunning architecture – the remnants of the Sanssouci Palace are the most famous in the Caribbean. The ruins of the mysterious building is included in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO. Construction of the Palace was worked by black slaves, and today this place attracts connoisseurs of architecture. Special mention deserves the Haitian painting. Call it naive or intuitive, but it does not mean that the drawings of the children's level of performance or lack of skill. Filled with colour and emotion of the works of famous local artist Hector Hippolyte in the twentieth century, has captivated art lovers in the United States. Other significant creators are Rigaud Benoit, Jean-Baptiste Battle, Joseph Jean-Gilles and Custer Basile. Traditional sculpture of the country also deserve interest. The best sculptor of this country is albert Mangoes.

Parsley war

The Repression of Haitians that occurred in the thirties during the Dominican dictatorship of Trujillo, are of an unusual name associated with harmless herbs. What is the reason of the name “parsley massacre”? The thing is that this repression, the number of victims which is, according to various estimates, from five to twenty-five thousand people, was accompanied by a special method of determination of the Haitians. From Dominicans to distinguish them is quite difficult, but the first grew up speaking a Creole dialect of French, and the second prefer Spanish. This leads to noticeable differences in pronunciation. That is why the Dominicans showed the alleged victim a sprig of parsley and offered to call her. If the word was spelled in the Spanish manner, the man was released, but if in French, he gave himself and his close for the kill enough soldiers. And so it was that the common parsley tied in the history of Haiti with such an ominous event still terrifying local residents.

Interesting facts

The State Haiti is in a very warm climate, so in the hottest hours of the day, all often closed. For example, banks are open from nine in the morning until five in the evening with a two hour break for lunch – with up to three hours. Some open on Saturdays, but by the middle of the day, stop the activity. The stores also have lunch breaks. Such traditions remind us of the Spanish Siesta. Of particular interest deserve the price tags – they are written in three currencies, the gourde and the Haitian dollar, and the currency of the United States of America. Often foreigners are confused and can't understand how exactly they need to pay.

the Monetary unit of Haiti

Dangerous state

Haiti has a high level of life, so to study it in detail for a foreigner is not possible. Residents of other countries, it is forbidden to go to the slums located on the outskirts of Port-AU-Prince and cap-Haitien. The locals are friendly and welcoming, but more than eighty percent of citizens live below the poverty line, so the crime rate here is still quite high and in some areas, so you can remain Haitians. In addition, there are still exotic diseases - malaria and typhoid. Safe only the area of the port of Labadie. In Haiti, it is not even recommended to drink water from the tap - it is not sufficiently cleaned, and even local prefer it to boil.State of Haiti

National flag

The Main symbol of the country has a traditional rectangular shape. The panel is divided into two horizontal stripes of equal size. Top flag of Haiti dark blue, and the bottom – rich red. In the center is the coat of arms. The parties treat each other in a ratio of five to three. The red color of the flag symbolizes the local population – mulattoes. Blue is the sign of the black residents. Both repeat the colors of the French flag, which indicates the history of the country for a long time had the status of a colony. The combination of contrasting colors is an indication of the peace Union of the state's residents originating from different countries - on the territory of adjoin just two opposite people.where is Haiti

National emblem

The emblem used on the flag. The symbol that represents the coat of arms of Haiti, appeared in 1807. In the center is the image of a palm tree. She is a symbol of freedom & ndash; a Phrygian cap, two-tone fabric. A palm tree surrounded by a variety of military trophies – cannon balls, anchors, cannons, axes, guns. The background is a green field on which are placed pieces of gold chains – a kind mention of the colonial past. The palm also surrounds the six battle flags in the national colours of local residents. At the foot of the tree is a white ribbon, which depicts the motto of the state, sounds like “the Union creates power”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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