How to write an essay on literature: examples, structure and plan writing


2018-09-17 07:00:42




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In the form of an essay offers students to write essays within the exam in Russian language and literature, and often companies offer a competition similar works for recruiting new employees. It should be noted that the requirements for student works somewhat contrary to the genre. But anyway, to pass the exam you need another material on this subject will not be superfluous.

Something and thoughts

Neither more nor less, and 435 years ago, Montaigne introduced the concept of the genre essay. The Latin ancestor of the word translated as "weighing" and come in Russian French language the term has several meanings: it is used when talking about the essay, sketch, try, some experience, and even trial. Apparently, the latter has determined that own is a new kind of written work: essay, literature or the Russian language. essays in literature examples

In Russia, the exact interpretation of this genre is given in a parody of tradition – “glance & something”. The irony in this case is more than appropriate, as it is better to call a small volume of prose without a composition based only on personal opinion and experience, having no claim to an exhaustive image of the object.

Complete freedom in the presentation of the material and the possibility of self-expression has made the essay a popular genre not only to test the knowledge and skills of students, but one of the defining criteria in the selection of personnel in various organizations. The results of such testing help employers who want to see the team thinking creatively and having an opinion people. Therefore, everyone should learn to write an essay for literature. Examples of successful work is always useful in the future.


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Freedom to Express yourself

Essay Writing develops creative thinking and skills of written expression of thoughts by illustrating the experiences and reasoning of the conclusions. The features of this genre.

– consideration throughout the work of one question or specific topic; there can be no analysis of the vast problems;

essay essays in literature– the text based on personal experiences and impressions, so a thorough interpretation of the topic is impossible; the conclusions can be called the individual considerations;

– the essay, the literature suggests a new word for any reason, and in spite of the subjective color, the nature of the work can be diverse (historical and biographical, philosophical, fictional, literary-critical, journalistic, scientific and popular);

– the most valuable thing in this genre – the identity of the author; the content should be based on his thoughts, feelings, and worldview.

Genre features

Of Course, from school essays-the essay is not to require strict compliance with all of the features of the genre, but know they can not hurt.

1. Conventionally, small volume. In literature it can be from book pages to a few dozen. In most Russian universities are allowed up to 10 pages of A4 computer, and, for example, at Harvard, you cannot exceed two. For work at the time the exam is enough for 300 words.

2. Specificity. It is enough to consider the work one problem to write essay, for literature. Examples should confirm the thought that will create internal unity.

essay essays in literature examples

3. A conversation with a friend. That was what should be considered the author of the reader, and then it will be easier to avoid strict or didactic tone, complicated, confusing understanding of the structures. According to the researchers of the genre, a good essay can write only the one who owns the topic, and assuming that she's important to the author.

4. The paradox. The connection of the mutually exclusive claims, aphoristic nature of the statements and definitions, the characteristic phenomena from an unexpected quarter – it is inherent in the works of the masters, which each time surprise readers and force to think.

5. The lack of a formal framework. This genre is not subject to logic, everything here is based on associations. But the principle of “all the contrary” you need to learn, so school essays on literature, examples of which if you want you can find and read, still a little regulated.

6. Conversational journalism. Introducing the reader to other, you need to speak simply, but be wary of flippant tone. Also unacceptable clichés, slang, abbreviated words. It must be the language of ardent desire to share their thoughts.

Structure school essay

Before starting, it is important to decide on a topic that is close to the internal state of the author. And also set a goal of writing: what new will be said to complete the task essays – to attract attention. It is better to estimate the desired volume.

As mentioned above, work of this genre does not have strict or compulsory composition – there is the freedom and flight of thought. But, speaking about the student work you need to make an amendment to the small life and literary experience of young people. Of course, they need support, sample essays for literature, so for students it is preferable to give the expected structure of the text:

– Theses (personal thoughts), as a rule, move in the beginning.

essay on literature topics– the Arguments (evidence) support the view of the author. As arguments you can use known facts, events, phenomena of social life; to rely on personal experience or authoritative opinions of scientists and statistics; refer to works of literature. The optimal number of arguments – two.

  Entry – focus on the problem, which will be discussed.

– Conclusion – the author's personal opinion on this matter.

To enforce structure, you must correctly select the paragraphs. Not to forget that the genre of essay in literature is impossible without expressiveness (emotionality) and artistry (use visual medium). It is better to choose simple, short sentences, different in tone and purpose statements. Dash in conjunctionless and incomplete proposals will help to avoid prolixity.

Classification by nature

There is Probably no subject on which it would be impossible to write an essay. The breadth of ideas requires a conscious approach. So, the arguments can be:

– spiritual and religious;

– journalistic;

– literary criticism;

– philosophical;

The– art, history.

Thoughts in the form

Any thought can be put into a literary shell. This will add interest and originality of the essay in literature. Examples in the form of something you can write this essay, can push on an unusual solution:

– the epistolary genre (letter);

– diary entries (event chronology);

– a lyrical miniature (description);

– review (informed opinion);

– note (article in media).

Choice in the way of presentation

The type of the essay can be:

– analytical (based on the analysis);

– critical;

– reflexive (personal response to something);

– narrative;

– narrative.

There are two approach

Must be especially careful to prepare for writing essays on literature topics that have a controversial decision. What is it? For example, give your reasoned assessment on universal moral phenomenon – does it mean to write subjective work. In this essay reveals the personality of the author. And if the theme needs to address the problem of science, inherent to any professional activity, it should be the objective of the essay, where the subject of the research or initial, the author obeys him. Usually in school these essays are written in a linguistic or literary subjects.

Essay on a given text

It Is necessary to dwell on the peculiarities of writing of the final paper within the exam on the Russian language. Here you can use a cliche essay. In literature it is better to avoid trafaretnoy in the works. So, in use in Russian are required to write a small opus on a given text. And if you recall the structure of the essay, here's an additional point: it is necessary to reflect the position of the author (well-known writer, scientist or journalist) to Express their attitude to it.

sample essays essay in literature

Support can serve as expression:

  • To assess (what);
  • To identify the nature (what);
  • Outline your approach;
  • Assume that;
  • Rely on your own understanding;
  • To distinguish;
  • Is inappropriate;
  • Pay attention to;
  • To prove;
  • Define the entity;
  • To stress the urgency.

How to avoid errors

He who is forewarned is armed. Worth a read famous essays in literature, examples of which will be a role model. Freedom of the genre means unlimited creativity, but gaps in speech will drive the flight of thought.

1. Check all. And not just spelling. You need to read aloud, in order to better understand. If it is tripped-so, met a bad turnover, and it needs to be replaced. There should be no ambiguous expressions.

2. Prove skillfully. The idea of the essay must be bright and no less interesting should be the illustration to prove it. It is the dullness and weakness of the arguments to reduce the level of work.

3. Remove unnecessary. Typical error is a very long introduction or a detailed retelling of the work, taken as argument. Wordiness dilutes the idea. Essay should be focused around one idea. And the extra details and distractions impoverish it.

4. Talking briefly. Preparing for essay on literature is to learn to write short sentences (this does not mean that only simple and monosyllabic thoughts). Long syntax no effect of emotion, prevents paragraph to the division. You should use asyndetic and incomplete sentences.

5. Write clear. No need in the essay to show his scholarly erudition. The text is intended for the reader, so it should be no unintelligible words, the need for dictionaries or encyclopedias.

Opus for the head

If the result is school essays – evaluation, contest essay to get a job can change a life, so writing it should be as a last attempt. cliche essay on literatureAll thoughts should be buffed, the argument is founded on principles of logic, and style – perfect. And you have to remember that this is not an essay-essay on literature – examplesof literary texts there is little appropriate.

Important points that are of interest to the employer:

– your especially individual assessment;

– ability to Express thoughts on paper;

– literacy levels;

– sincerity and honesty;

– ability to be ironic and joking;

– a positive perception of life.

Essays for literature on the theme of war

Examples of the work of others can be used only for the purpose of review. Plagiarize-a thankless task. If someone can write an essay, why don't you learn to do this? At least start here.

preparing for a essay in literature“the Story of Vasil Bykov “captains” is considered to be a work not so much about war, but about the moral choice of the person. From what it depends? Well, it just can't be so: in a critical situation, before you make a decision, someone says: “I must do as my parents taught me how to educate teachers, otherwise everyone will think me a bad person”. Agree that it is implausible. I will assume that moral choice is rendered all previous life. It is as natural to man as to make a preference between the two apples.

Here it is - a gallows with five loops. Sentenced to death five: the girl Basia, old Peter, a mother of three children Dencia and partisans: the Fisherman and captains. If they had a choice to stay alive? Yes. After the execution of one loop will remain empty”.

Entry there. The thesis put forward. The first argument started. You can then rely on the facts of life and to finish the withdrawal.

Essays are easy to write if you have something to say and something to share.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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