Krivoy Rog College of medicine: faculties and specialties


2019-01-03 16:00:53




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Medical College of Krivoy Rog (Krivoy Rog) – one of the leading educational institutions of I-II level of accreditation in Dnipropetrovsk region. He has a long history and glorious traditions. Subordinated to the Ministry of health of Ukraine, responsible for his work is the Regional Council of Dnipropetrovsk oblast.

Krivoy Rog medical College


The history of the Foundation of Kryvyi Rih medical College dates back to the twentieth years of the last century when on the initiative and request of doctors-enthusiasts Abramicheva, Kirzhner, Supica was opened school of nursing in the Krivoy Rog district. Considering the needs of the region, in 1931, adopted a resolution to convert the school into a College. The first group of students consisted of 22 students, and in 1938-1939. here he studied 330 people.

Before the war, at the University worked midwifery school, technical school, the preparatory Department of the Dnipropetrovsk medical Institute. In the first city hospital was organized by the office for training nurses. Thus, the medical school has received a base for practical training. Immediately after the outbreak of the great Patriotic war the teachers and students went to the front. From 1941 to 1944 at the vocational school were not working.

Krivoy Rog medical College the faculties


After the war, Krivoy Rog College of medicine has received a new impetus to development. Experts in the field of medicine is not enough. In 1948, the first course was enrolled 69 students, also increased the teaching staff to 17 people. In as medical vocational school does not have its own facility, the training was conducted in various buildings:


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  • In 1951 – on the street October 20;
  • In 1960 – on a red station;
  • In 1961 – at school on the Avenue of Karl Marx.

In 1954, the College was reorganized into medical school. In 1966 the school got a new building on the street Semashko. A little later, near the academic building built hostel for 276 seats.

medical College of Krivoy Rog


By the sixties there were three main Krivoy Rog faculty of the medical College: midwifery, nursing and medical assistant. For the period 1940-1968. medical school released:

  • 1499 of nursing;
  • 328 physician assistants;
  • 232 midwives.
  • 65 assistants dentist;
  • 88 pharmacists.

Only & ndash; 2213 medical workers with secondary special education. In 1963 and began training in the specialty "pharmacy", 1969 – centers. In 1982, opened the evening Department. From 1982 to 1998, on evening form of education was released 1300 nurses.

New stage

In 1995, with independence for the first time made the reception of students of medical-prophylactic cases after the licensing procedure. Two years later, started training specialists in “medicine”.

March 26, 2004 decision of the Dnepropetrovsk regional Council the medical school reorganized into Kryvyi Rih medical College (KMC) with the right to provide education on I and II qualification. Started training young professionals in six specialties, as well as bachelors of medicine specialties “Nursing” and “Laboratory diagnosis”.

Thousands of College students working in medical institutions of Ukraine and abroad. A significant portion of graduates, graduating from KMC, today occupied senior medical positions, head of departments of hospitals. The team is proud of its pedagogical traditions and high professional culture.

medical College of Krivoy Rog a passing grade


Kryvyi Rih medical College is located in a residential area of Krivoy Rog. The complex includes:

  • Two main academic building;
  • Residence;
  • Medical;
  • Sports complex;
  • Dining room and the buffet.

The Educational process is carried out on the basis of offices and laboratories. Students have access to has 8 lecture rooms where lectures mass-production method and 27 classrooms for groups of first and second courses. Practical classes in clinical and special subjects, practical trainings are conducted on the bases of medical institutions of Krivoy Rog.

KMK has computer classrooms connected to the Internet, has created its own web site, with posted electronic teaching materials. This allows you to significantly expand the range of educational and research activities, and to improve the quality of educational services provided by the institution. In the organization of the educational process are widely used licensed computer programs “Dean”, “the Colloquium”, “Staff”, “Bibliography" and others.

Krivoy Rog medical College: entrance exam

Admission to training is competitive, and selection is carried out by authorized teachers. To receive qualification and educational level of specialist are accepted:

  • Persons with basic secondary education;
  • Persons with full secondary education.

The Organization of reception of applicants provides admissions,the composition of which is approved by the head of KMK. A passing score on the medical College of Krivoy Rog is determined on the basis of the conducted examinations, depending on the specialty.

Coming from a basic General secondary education are accepted for training on the first course. Students with complete General secondary education are enrolled to the second course. For getting a degree "pharmacy” of the level of specialist are accepted applicants that have previously received a qualifying educational service in the field «Manufacture of pharmaceuticals” and “Technology of pharmaceuticals". They can enter the third year on the vacant seats licensed volume.

Krivoy Rog medical College of specialty

Specialty in Krivoy Rog medical College

Today, College students are studying for six majors at the I level of accreditation:

  • “Nursing”.
  • “medicine”.
  • “preventive medicine".
  • “obstetrician”.
  • “Laboratory diagnosis”.
  • “pharmacy”.

During its existence the College has produced more than 23 000 young professionals, and since 2003 is preparing bachelors. The annual contingent of College is more than 1500 students in day, evening, correspondence forms of training at the preparatory Department and advanced training of Junior medical specialists in “Laboratory diagnosis”, “Nursing”.

The Educational activities of educational institutions aimed at training competitive specialists for international labour market. This contributes to the well-developed material and technical base of educational laboratories and classrooms, the availability and accessibility of databases and medical institutions for passage of an industrial, technological and pre-diploma practices, an adequate level of teaching staff.

Krivoy Rog medical College entrance examination

Teaching staff

The Educational process is provided by 105 teachers, including 7 candidates of medical and pedagogical Sciences, 19 teachers trainers, 4 senior teachers. About 40 % of teachers have a qualification category of “of”.

The standard of education in KMC is rather high. Evidenced by integrated license exam “KROK-M Nursing”, the results of which the College enters into the twenty of the best educational institutions of Ukraine among the relevant institutions.

Teachers pay great attention to work with talented and gifted students who represent the College in various competitions, professional competitions and student conferences of regional, provincial, national levels. Special attention is dedicated to the education of students. In College, every year there are competitions of skill “doctor”, “Panacea”, the competition of experts of Ukrainian language. P. yatsik, municipal literary-musical contest “Not out, my shining”. College students were repeatedly the winners of a nationwide competition called "the lyre of Hippocrates”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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