The mechanism of adaptations to the environment in animals and plants


2019-03-30 06:20:32




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The Evolutionary process involves continuous updates, the emergence of useful traits, their fixation in the organisms of living beings. And these changes do not necessarily occur at the genetic level. Very important idiazabal - adaptations of animals, plants and micro-organisms to particular habitat conditions, environmental factors and physical characteristics of the area.

The Mechanism of occurrence of fixtures - deep evolutionary process, forming the desired characteristics over time, gradually. Fixing the essential characteristics in the genome of living beings to manifest in future generations.

the mechanism of occurrence of fixtures

Adaptation, or adaptation of organisms

Very often you can find the body of plant or animal origin, which has some unusual feature in the structure, behavior or appearance. For example, stick insects, which outwardly does not differ from tree branches. Or fly-gorzalka, which has the same color as the wasp. Among the plants the examples are tolstostennuyu fleshy cactus, stilt and aerial roots, the roots-props.

In any case, all this adaptation to habitat, environmental conditions, or to protect themselves from other creatures. Such phenomena are very important because they are important stages of the evolutionary process. The mechanism of occurrence of fixtures always is based on genetic sampling and fixation is important and necessary genes encoding the expression of a particular characteristic. For example, the gene responsible for the color change chameleon, emerged in the genome of these animals a few thousand years ago and still is inherited to all future generations.


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adaptations of plants

Adaptation of plants: a General overview

Adaptations in plants are an integral part of their lives. All of them can be divided into several major groups.

  1. Thermal environmental conditions.
  2. Humidity.
  3. Methods of pollination.
  4. Eating.

The Mechanism of adaptations to meet the same foundations - evolutionary change with the fixing and devolution is necessary in the specific context characteristics. Therefore, if a plant adapted to the site, conditions of environment, temperature, all its future generations it will give all the features for a comfortable existence.

Plants in conditions of dryness

In the temperature regime, which is dominated by values that are too high and the constant Sunny days, adaptations do plants have a pronounced, aimed at reducing evaporation. And to preserve body mass and nutrients along with bound water inside the stem.

For this leaf plate are reduced to a minimum, or completely modified. The most typical examples are desert plants - cacti. The brutal conditions of existence under the scorching hot sun made these plants to convert the leaves into barbed needles, and the stalk in a thick fleshy stem, filled with parenchyme cells (main fabric) with a large amount of bound water and free water.

the mechanism of adaptations of a cactus

The Mechanism of adaptations of a cactus very clearly shows just how skillful can be the plants in their adaptations. Thanks to the thorns of the plant evaporates water from the leaf surface and therefore, saves a large number. In addition, in the stem, modified under the thick fleshy stem, is an accumulation of a number of substances that hold water. For example, accumulated:

  • Hydrophilic protein molecules;
  • Proline (an amino acid that keeps the water);
  • The different monosaccharides and organic acids.

Also the mechanism of adaptations of the cactus includes the production of compounds of hormonal nature, which will inhibit the action of growth hormones (gibberellins, auxins). It allows plants to quickly stop their growth under adverse conditions lasting for a long time.

Adaptations to different types of pollination

Another striking example of adaptations of plants is their ability to adapt to the pollinators. For example, are wind-pollinated; form form seeds dry and light that will just dissipate even slight air movements.

If the plant is entomophilous, flowers it forms a specific structure and color:

  • Brightly painted;
  • Large or gathered in large inflorescences;
  • With a strong pleasant aroma.

The Structure of the flower can also be fitted under a pollinator. There are plants that pollinate a certain species of birds or insects.

Perekrestnolistnaja or self-pollinating plants in the structure of the flower has long stamens and deep-set pistil to the pollen falling on the stigma. Each of these devices plays an important role in reproduction and also fixed hereditary in the genome.

adaptations in animals

Terms of the excess moisture for plants

In tropical and subtropical habitats, often the phenomenon of excessive humidity.It is known that in some areas tropical storms can go more than a month. Of course, this excess water to plants is very harmful. Hence, some have formed some adaptation techniques that minimize such effects of nature. This hydathode - water estuary that increases the amount allocated to plant water. She gets all drops. This phenomenon has received the name of gulali.

Devices to excessive moisture in plants are leaf large plate with a huge number of stomata. Accordingly, transpiration is also reinforced.

The Mechanism of adaptations in animals

The fauna is forced not only to adapt to the environment, but also to protect themselves from the attacks of stronger animals for which they are food. This led to the formation of several types of adaptations in animals:

  • Change the shape of the body and limbs, coat (skin pen) cover;
  • Protective paint;
  • Mimicry (imitation of the more protected and dangerous animals);
  • Cautionary color;
  • Repellent behavior.

A Striking example of the devices by changing the shape of the body, limbs and integument are birds (feathers, keel, light skeleton, a streamlined body shape). Also aquatic mammals and fish that have tails and fins, smooth surface, the lack of a strong coat. But they are air bubbles, the lateral line (fish), webbed feet (aquatic birds), flippers (marine mammals).

the mechanism of occurrence of the adaptations of the camel

Protective coloration appears in many animals, both terrestrial and aquatic. For example, a green grasshopper hiding in the grass, pipefish, hiding themselves in the weeds. Chameleons, moth (rod-shaped tracks), the Kalima (the butterfly that mimics a leaf), variegated hens, white and grey hares, and many other examples of adaptations in animals.

Mimicry, i.e. the imitation of to protect yourself from eating and attacks characteristic, for example, hoverflies (like the CCA), certain species of snakes mimicking poisonous snakes and so on.

Cautionary coloring insects and animals aimed at fair warning about non-edible species, poisonous. Examples are poisonous snakes, wasps, bees, bumblebees, ladybugs and other representatives. This is a very common fixture in animals.

Repellent behavior - hissing, growling, otprygivat to the side, releasing biological fluids (ink octopuses and squid, skunks). This can be attributed to features of some animals in the cold season swarm to facilitate obtaining food.

All of these adaptations are evolutionarily developed and genetically-established mechanism of formation.

Adaptation of polar bears

The Mechanism of adaptations of the polar bear was formed in extremely cold habitats. All of his adaptation aimed at heat conservation and production of food. These include:

  • Patronizing white color (camouflage);
  • A thick layer of subcutaneous fat, plays a dual role: thermal insulation and relief of body weight in swimming and diving;
  • Thick, dense and warm fur, covering the entire surface of the body.

Due to its adaptations polar bears have no fear of even the most severe cold. And the white color allows it to creep to the source of food - seals.

the mechanism of adaptations of the polar bear

Adaptations of subterranean mammals

The Most prominent representative is, of course, the mole and all his relatives (Zokora, mole rats, etc.). So for example, consider adaptation. The mechanism of adaptations of the mole is associated with an underground environment, devoid of some important abiotic factors: light, adequate moisture, and heat. Therefore, adaptation of this animal to the following:

  • Powerful digging limbs;
  • Lack of vision;
  • Thick subcutaneous layer of fat;
  • Smooth and rough coat of black color;
  • The streamlined shape of the body.

the mechanism of adaptations of the mole

Adaptation of large desert animals

To those primarily include camels, various their types. The mechanism of occurrence of the adaptations of the camel was formed in conditions of low humidity and high temperatures. Adapt the following lines:

  • The presence of glands, get rid of excess salts in the body;
  • Low potootdelenie;
  • Ability for a long time to starve, losing body weight at one-third;
  • Special features of digestion and metabolism;
  • The presence of humps, fat-filled, store-bound water;
  • Quick saturation of water for the replenishment of stocks.

All these adaptation do camels to desert conditions is quite comfortable and affordable.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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