The duel in Russia: rules and code


2019-06-12 18:20:38




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The Tradition of the duel originated in the environment of the Western European aristocracy. Such duels had strict rules. It was determined by code – a set of rules. Duel in Russia was adopted in its classical European form. The state fought a long time with this custom, declaring it illegal and persecuting those who, in spite of the bans, were to shoot or to fight the enemy with cold steel.

The Code

The Common code established the reasons of the fights, their types, conduct, rejection, and call acceptance. Each duel in Russia in accordance with these rules. If people break these units, he could be dishonored. There were several national codes. The differences between them were insignificant.

The First dueling code can be considered a French document of 1836. His published count de Chatouiller. Based on this code built counterparts in other countries, including in Russia. Other important pan-European set of rules is a collection, which in 1879-om released the count laid. The best known Russian Patriotic document of this plan was durasovsky code of 1912. According to the rules from which it was compiled, and organized duel in Russia. The 19th century was a period of generalization of these traditions. So the code was known to every nobleman and officer before the appearance of his durasovsky edition. The edition of 1912 was a set of recommendations supporting a well-known customs.

duel in Russian

The Tradition of a classic duel of the New time is considered to be the successor to the Western knightly tournaments of the middle Ages. In both cases, the battle was considered a matter of honor with a certain ritual, from which would not leave neither one of the opponents. Jousting tournaments were abolished in the sixteenth century by virtue of the fact that usual outfits of opponents out of date and become ineffective. So began Hiking the duel had reached the peak of its evolution in the nineteenth century.


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Originally, the duel in Russia, as in other countries, was carried out exclusively with cold weapons. It was the blade that the aristocrats or the military, as usual, carried. Such weapons were swords, sabers, rapiers, swords, daggers. If it was a judicial duel (only common in the Middle ages), the choice depended on the decision of the court. Had influenced him including the class of opponents. In the case when the opponents did not belong to the “noble” sections of society, they could fight and not on the axes or clubs.

Dougie and shields ceased to be used in the XVII century. At that time, rapidly developed the technique of fencing. A big role in the battle began to play attack speed. As a result, the mass transfer on the rapier, which was solely thrusting, not slashing weapons.

In the eighteenth century, when the duel in Russia gradually became a widespread tradition in the army, more and more began to spread single shot hammer guns. The use of firearms has changed a lot in the tradition of duels of the tete-a-tete. Now the result of the battle was not influenced by physical training or the age of the participants. Edged weapons demanded more skills. If a duelist was distinguished by a skilful fencing and defended better, he almost risked nothing. In a battle with all guns, in contrast, was decided almost a blind case. Even a bad shot could kill his opponent, it was enough more luck.

The Canonicity and exotic

A duel in Russia of the 19th century was deliberately carried out using the identical pair of guns (specially made and to the smallest detail like). All these factors maximum equalized the chances of the opponent. The only difference between these pistols could be sequence numbers on the trunks. Today a duel in Russia I remember only as foot soldiers. However, this format was not immediately. Before it was a popular firearm duels in which the opponents were sitting on horseback.

duel in Russian

More rare were the fights where he used rifles, shotguns or carbines. However, cases of application and long guns. Some fights were even more exotic. A famous duel in Russia, where opponents (captain Zhegalov and one of the founders of the bailiff) used brass chandeliers, as one of the participants could neither fence, nor shoot.

The Challenge

Traditionally, the duel began with the call. The reason for it became an insult when people believed that has the right to call the offender to a duel. This custom was associated with the concept of honor. It was quite extensive, and its interpretation depended on the individual case. When this material disputes about property or money was decided in the nobility in the courts. If the victim has filed a formal complaint against her abuser, he no longer had the right to call up the man to a duel. The rest of the fights were held because public ridicule, vengeance, jealousy, etc.

It is also Important that the offending person according to the concepts of the era, could only equal to him in social status. That's why the duel was conducted in narrow circles: between the nobility, the military, etc., but it was impossible to imagine the battle between bourgeois and aristocrat. If a Junior officer was summoned to fight his boss, the latter could without damage to his honor or reject a call, although there are caseswhen such fights are still organized. Basically, when the dispute involved people from different social strata, their litigation has been resolved only in court.

In the case of abuse of the code recommended that quietly demand that the offender apologize. In case of refusal, followed by the notification that the enemy will come seconds. The call could be written (cartel) or verbal. Good practice was considered to apply to the offender during the first days after the insult. The delay of the call not approved.

duel in Russia 19th century

There were cases when people insulted several people. The rules of duels in 19th century Russia in this case, it was determined that a duel the offender could only one of them (if call received several, could be satisfied with just one choice). This custom excluded the possibility of reprisals against the offender by the efforts of many individuals.

Types of abuse

Code shared insults into three types according to severity. The usual insults had been inflicted by words and hurt only the pride of a nobleman. They were not related to the reputation or good name. It could be sarcastic remarks, public attacks against the appearance, manners, dress, etc. of Serious injury were deposited obscene gesture or word. They affect the reputation and honor. Those could be charged with deceit, or swearing. Such actions usually led to duels before the injury or before the first blood.

Finally, the code regulated the abuse of the third degree. These were considered aggressive actions: throws objects, slaps, blows. Equally regarded such executed or pending for some reason insults. They also were ranked cheating wife. If the offended answered a similar insult in the direction of the offender, he is not deprived of its right to appoint a duel. However, there were nuances. If the offended replied, more serious offense (for example, slapped them in response to easy mockery), the offended party was the offender, who received the right to appoint a duel.


Only the duelists, their seconds and a doctor could attend the duel in Russia. 19th century, the rules of which were built on generally accepted principles, is considered the heyday of this tradition. Late code forbade duel the next of kin. For example, it was impossible to fight with a sibling, but could be cousins. It is also forbidden duel between debtors and creditors.

The Participants in the battle could not become women and men with serious injuries or illnesses. There was and age limit. Welcomed challenges of the elderly over 60 years of age, although there were exceptions. If the insulted person is not capable or did not have the right to participate in the duel, it could replace “patron Saint”. As a rule, such people become next of kin.

duel of Russian 19th century rules

A woman's Honor could theoretically defend with arms in hand volunteered any male, especially if the insult was caused to her in a public place. With his wife's infidelity to her husband in a duel was her lover. If you cheated on her, it could cause the relative of the girl or any other willing man.


The Classic rule of dueling pistols assumed that between the call and the fight, the offender and the offended must communicate and meet with each other. Negotiations were appointed seconds who has organized and prepare to fight. As they code recommended to choose people with a spotless reputation and equal social status. Seconds vouch my honour for the fact that the duel will conform to the standards of the code and organized under equal conditions for opponents.

To be wrong, when the organization of the match was taken to the person concerned. That is why the duel in Russia, the rules of which were binding on all parties, forbidden to appoint a second close relative. Powers “right hand” determined by those who participated in the match. Duelist could allow the second to proceed on your own or even to take the world from the second to insult his person. As a rule, the assistants only broadcast messages, performing the functions of the courier.

If the Trustees failed to negotiate the world, began the discussion of technical details of the upcoming collision. Their agreement depended on whether the fatal duel, or only to first blood, what will be the barrier distance (if it was a pistol duel). In Russia, the code was allowed to turn to the distinguished on both sides of the man that he could be an arbitrator, if the seconds could not agree on the terms of the duel. The solution of such person was accepted by the opponents without objection. One of the two friends took on another important function. He disposed of the duel (gave the command to fire, etc.). The doctor at the game we needed, firstly, for the detection of injuries or death, and secondly, to help the injured.

The battle

As a rule, the duel occurred in a secluded spot and early morning. The arrival time of the opponents were strictly defined. If a participant is late more than 15 minutes, his opponent was able to leave the scene of the duel, and delayed in this case, it is admitted deviated and devoid of honor.

At the beginning of the match, the seconds again offered to end the conflict in peace. In case of refusal, they declared the pre-agreed rules of the duel. In Russia was forbidden apology before the last barrier. Who began to waver, when the steward has announced the beginning of the duel, confessed coward. Opponents shot or attacked each other with machetes after one of the seconds. He also announced the duel is over. The fight ended after using the pistols, injury or death (depending on agreements) one of the participants from stab.

If the duelists were alive, in the end, they shook each other hands. The offender in this case has apologized. Such a gesture has not humiliated him, as honor was restored by the encounter. Apologies after the game was considered only a tribute to tradition and the norm of the code. Even when the duel in Russia was brutal, seconds after the end of the battle was necessarily a full record of the incident. He is certified by two signatures. The document was necessary to ensure that the duel was in full compliance with the provisions of the code.

Duel knives

The Standard options for conducting duels settled in aristocratic circles to the XIX century. First character of the match is determined by the weapon used. Duel in Russia in the 18th century was carried out with swords, sabers and rapiers. In the future, this common set has been preserved and has become a classic. Often used identical arms, but if the parties agree, each opponent could use his own blade.

A Duel with a bladed weapon could be mobile or fixed. In the first option, the seconds marked out a long pad or track, which allowed free movement of fighters. Allowed digressions, detours, and other fencing equipment. Fixed duel assumed that the opponents were placed at a distance of shot, and the battle was fought standing on their seats duelists.

The Weapon held in one hand, and the second remained behind. It was impossible to beat the enemy with their own limbs. Also prohibits the seizure of enemy blade. The fight started after a signal given by the second Manager. Only this person had the right to stop immediately the battle on the first request. This principle was one of the most important for any duel in Russia. 19th century, the rules of which today seem to be amazing, mortgaged to people's sense of honor, and they were forbidden to disobey the steward, even if they were the second enemy.

rules of dueling pistols

In the case when the opponent dropped his weapon, his counterpart stopped the fight and waited for the lifting of the blade. Duel before the injury or before the first blood stopped after the first hit. Then his word the doctor said. If he concluded that the injury is too severe to continue the fight, the duel ended.

Duels with pistols

In the XIX century in the house of every noble family definitely kept matching pistols. Kept it for a very specific purpose. Firearms went after a challenge to a duel. These guns were single-shot. We used only those that had not yet been applied and considered untried. This rule was necessary in order not to give any of the opponents a distinct advantage.

A Familiar gun immediately gave the arrow a certain handicap. She was the stronger, that in the nineteenth century firearms were manufactured mostly individual, with each instance distinguished by unique characteristics. The use of pistols has solved this problem. Participants arrived at the duel with their intact paired sets. The rules of dueling pistols in Russia was that the choice between the sets was done by lottery.

According to popular tradition, the duelists who used firearms, made only one shot. Quite often as a result of such volleys no one was killed or even injured. Even in this case, the duel was considered finished, and the honor – restored. Opponents were not eager to deal with each other. At the same time, a deliberate (or even a demonstrative) shot off target at all could be regarded as an insult. Known cases when such gestures led to a new duel.

Less often used practice in which the seconds had agreed to fight before the first injury. In this case, if the shots nobody was hurt, the guns were charged again as long as someone doesn't hit the opponent. With a new effort the seconds could reduce the distance between the opponents and thus increase the risk for duelists.

Types of fire duels

As the rules of duels with melee weapons, rules for guns and suggested the possibility of fixed match. In this case, the opponents stood at a distance of 15-20 feet from each other. Shots could be performed simultaneously by the team Manager or separately, determined in a random draw.

The Most common in Russia was a moving encounter with the barriers. In this case, between opponents mark a special path. Its boundaries were marked by obstacles, which could be used any major items. After the team Manager of the teams have begun to converge, movingtowards each other. Stopping at the barrier, duelist have made the shot.

rules of duels with melee weapons

The distance from the 15 steps in Russia was considered a “peaceful”. At this distance the arrows seldom hit the target. It was a “noble distance”. However, despite its apparent security, 20 steps was lost, the poet Alexander Pushkin. Also practiced duel blind. In this game the men have made shots over his shoulder, standing to each other in the back.

Some of the duel were arranged on the principle of Russian roulette. It was used in the case of irreconcilable enmity between the arrows. Opponents stood at a distance of 5-7 steps. Two pistols charged only one. The weapons were distributed by lot. Thus, the opponents increased risk and accident outcome. The lot was given an equal chance, and it is on this principle are based the rules of dueling pistols. The code also included a match «the barrel in the barrel”. The difference with the previous one lies only in the fact that he charged both guns. Such squabbling is often ended with the deaths of both shooters.

The Most brutal fights forced the Western Europeans to perceive the Russian duel of the nineteenth century "legalized killing". In fact, the state fought a long time with this tradition. Duelists often deprived of the ranks and fell into exile.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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