Anna Ivanovna: the years of government, history and services to Russia


2018-03-18 18:51:12




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For Russian weapons 1709 was full of glorious victories. At Poltava Peter the Great defeated the army of Swedish king Charles the Twelfth, the Russian troops successfully drove them from the territory of the Baltic States. To strengthen its influence in the conquered lands, Peter the First decided to give one of his many relatives for the Duke of Courland Friedrich Wilhelm.

The Emperor turned to his brother's widow, Praskovya Fedorovna for advice: one of my daughters she wants to give the Prince? And because she's scared not liked the groom is a stranger, she chose the unloved seventeen-year-old daughter Anna. This was the future Empress Anna Ivanovna.

Childhood and teenage years of the future Empress

Anna Ivanovna reignAnna was born 28 January 1693 in Moscow, in the family of the elder brother of Peter the Great, Ivan the Fifth. Childhood she spent in Sochi with his mother and his sisters. As noted by contemporaries, Anna Ivanovna was a child, closed, silent and uncommunicative. From an early age she was taught reading, German and French. To read and write, she learned, but the dances and manners the Princess never mastered.

Anna's Wedding was celebrated on 31 October 1710 in an unfinished Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg. In the beginning of next year Anna and the Duke of Courland went to the capital Mitava. But the way William died suddenly. So the Princess became a widow after a couple of months after the wedding.

Years before the reign of Anna

Peter the Great ordered Anna to stay and rule in Courland. Realizing that his not very bright cousin will not be able to serve the interests of Russia in this Duchy, he sent her with Peter Bestuzhev-Rumin. In 1726, when Bestuzhev-Rumin was recalled from Courland, at the court of Anna appeared Ernst Johann Biron - dropouts at the University of königsberg nobleman.Anna Ioannovna


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After the death of Peter the Great in the Russian Empire was a fact hitherto absolutely unheard of - to the throne of the Russian tsars rose woman! Widow of Peter I, Empress Catherine. She rules for almost two years. Shortly before her death the Privy Council decided to choose as Emperor the grandson of Peter the Great, Peter. He came to the throne at the age of eleven, but died of smallpox at age fourteen.

Condition, or the Execution of members of a Secret society

The Supreme privy Council decided to call Anna to the throne, limiting its autocratic power. They made up "Condition", where I outlined the terms on which Anna Ivanovna was invited to take the throne. In accordance with this paper without the permission of the Privy Council it could not declare a war, to conclude peace agreements, to command the army or guard, to raise or impose taxes, and so on.

25 Jan 1730 representatives of a secret society brought "Condition" in Metavo, and the Duchess, agreeing to all the limitations, signed them. Soon the new Empress Anna of Russia arrived in Moscow. There are 25 February, the representatives of the Moscow nobility filed her petition asking them not to accept condition, and autocratic rule. And the Empress listened to them. She publicly tore up the document and disbanded the Supreme privy Council. Its members were exiled and executed, and Anne was crowned in the assumption Cathedral.

Anna Ioannovna: the years of the reign and influence of a beloved favorite on politics

Empress Anna IoannovnaDuring the reign of Anna Ioannovna, was created by the Cabinet of Ministers, in which the main role was played by one of the companions of Peter the great Vice-Chancellor, Andrei Osterman. The Empress's favorite Ernst Biron in politics did not interfere. Although he reigned alone Anna Ioannovna, reign it in Russian historiography known as Biron.

In January 1732 the Imperial court moved to St. Petersburg. Here Anna, for a long time lived in Europe, I felt more comfortable, than in Moscow. Foreign policy during the reign of Anna Ioannovna was the continuation of the policy of Peter the Great: Russian war of the Polish succession, and enters the war with Turkey, during which Russian troops lost a hundred thousand men.the reign of Anna Ioannovna

Merits of the Empress in front of the Russian state

What else did Russia Anna Ivanovna? The reign of her is marked by the development of new territories. The state conquered the fortress of Azov, the steppe between the bug and Dniester, but without the right to keep warships in the Black sea. Starts working the great Northern expedition, explores Siberia and the coast of the Arctic ocean and Kamchatka.the reign of Anna Ioannovna

By decree of the Empress begins one of the most ambitious construction projects in the history of the Russian Empire - the construction of enormous system of fortifications along the southern and South-Eastern borders of European Russia. This large-scale construction, which began in the reign of Anna Ioannovna, can be called the first cultural and social project of the Russian Empire in the Volga. On the Eastern borders of the European part of the Empire operates Orenburg expedition, before which the government of Anna Ioannovna put numerous tasks.

Illness and death of the Empress

While on the borders of the Empire, cannons thundered and died for the glory of the Empress soldiers and nobility, the capital of lived in luxury and entertainment. Weakness Anna was hunting. In the rooms of the Peterhof Palace has always stood loaded guns, of which the Empress was shooting at the flying birds. She loved to surround himself with court jesters.

But not only to shoot and have fun know how Anna Ioannovna, the reign of her associated with very serious public Affairs. Ten years of rule by the Empress, and all these years Russia has built and fought and increased the borders. 5 Oct 1740 at dinner, the Empress fainted and problem twelve days, died.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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