Structural-functional approach in sociology. The founder of the structural-functional approach


2018-03-18 20:50:54




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One of the most important is the structural-functional approach in the analysis of social phenomena. Almost the whole theory of organizations is based on research and the practical application of this approach. The concept of functionalism was founded by David Emil Durkheim, the first who formulated the problem concerning the functional division of labor in the organization and interrelatedness of functions of system units. His contribution to sociology cannot be overstated. Further structural-functional approach is studied and developed by anthropologist Alfred Radcliffe-brown and Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski. They considered society - the social object as an adaptive system, where all elements of the structure serve the needs of the entire system and ensure that its existence in the environment. Also an exceptionally large influence on the development of this science was provided by Auguste Comte, and his research will be devoted to a special place in this article.

structural functional approach


The Concept characterizing the system, is fundamental to the structural-functional approach to the construction of a model society. Is a series of components or elements, more or less consistently interrelated in a certain period of time. A distinctive feature of the system is striving for balance. Despite the fact that the opposition never has the same strength, despite the fact that it cannot be permanent or final, the system is characterized by the ability to achieve balance between all the reactions. American sociologists studying the structural-functional approach emphasizes that the time factor in the model system is much smaller than the dynamic processes occurring in it, which always prevail over the static.


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Life in General static is different, there is always something going on: new people are born, die old, but the institutional structures still function and contribute to the solution of urgent tasks that confronts her. That is why Talcott Parsons, greatly enriched the system approach and structural-functional analysis has included in its research Arsenal postulates of the concept of evolution. Thereby extended the idea of equilibrium, absorbing along with the principle of self-preservation and principles of development.

Auguste Comte


As well as any biological organism, a social group described existing in a constant state of dynamic of dynamic equilibrium. Under the influence of opposing forces, penetrating in a balanced system, there are new incentives for development. A social system is balanced, but because it adapts to any perturbation of its influences, introduces a new functional system and establishes another level of balance. That is why a constantly changing society and maintains stability, acquiring new forms of social integration. Structural-functional approach in the study allowed Talcott Parsons to develop a theory of evolutionary change.

The gist of it is that the scientist rejects the idea of simple linear continuous process of evolution of society, instead he put forward the hypothesis that every society tends to become in its own functions and structures more and more difficult. However, only differentiation is clearly not enough, because all new structures are functionally more versatile than the departed. Differentiation of the society were presented by scientists-sociologists as the main criterion of evolution it. Robert bell was defined evolution as a continuous process of growth, differentiation, organizational complexity, providing to the organism or social system, all great ability of adaptation to the environment, that is, the new education in society more Autonomous relative to its environment, they are more complex than their ancestors.

the system approach and the structurally functional analysis


Such a plan of differentiation can be interpreted, and the broader evolutionary categories, as a progressive development from primitive society (an ideal type where all the roles are prescribed and distributed, a division of labor, always family). In social development there are various stages of differentiation and specialization. Parsons and Bella made a huge contribution in all the main areas of sociology. They identified stages of differentiation as follows: primitive society, then, archaic, intermediate, historical Empire, the parent companies (Greece and Israel), the early modern and late modern society. The arrangement in stages has been most fully applied to the religious sphere, where the stadial scheme of development was five ideal types.

They (five types) are considered relatively stable expression approximately equal level of complexity, given a set of different characteristics. The latter consist of social functions, religious institutions, religious activities and systems of religious symbols. Parsons, there are three different types of society: primitive, with little differentiation; intermediate, when the writing began, social stratification; the modern type of society, when the legal system is separated from religious and formed the administrative bureaucracy, the market economy and electoral system.

structural-functional approach in management


The Basis of all the laws of society - changing forms of social consciousness, above all, the ethical and psychological phenomena, that is, customs and norms, changing values, and the like. The core of each society, when considered as a system - structured normative order through which the life of the group becomes organized. Like any order, it contains certain rules, norms, correlated with culture, that is why it is legitimate and important. Order sets and understanding of the membership, there are certain differences between different people, where the main thing - belonging and not belonging to a given society.

Every society systematically, it consists of many social subsystems, and each subsystem must have a set of basic functions. First of all, it is a subset of adaptation, as the system needs to adapt to any environment; the subsystem of aldosterone that defines goals and realizes their achievement; sub-system integration, which connects all the elements together due to their functions, and sub-sample retention, which transmits information about the past to future generations. The basis for the stability of any social system are communications and interaction of the subsystems with each other and with the overall system, as well as with the environment. Then there will be order, that is the dominance of consensus over conflict.

the essence of structurally functional approach


There are two ways through which is achieved a harmony in the society. The first is sociological when social values are transferred from generation to generation (the main mechanism for the transmission of values). The evolutionary process is long, as a result of motion of modern society has learned to institutionalize services, elevating them to the professional area of creating functioning groups and bureaucratic organizations. The functional relationship of man and society are connected with the contributions that person makes to society. This is the essence of the structural-functional approach to the study of societies. It so happened that in the most differentiated societies, the production of services has become a source of its development, which is mobilized through the market. Service - a product of the economic process. But this does not mean that consumption of a non-economic context does not exist.

The Second way to achieve harmony in society - the creation of different control mechanisms, including social control over the behavior of the person who is most likely to be territorial in nature as it is influenced by many of the relationship - from the place of residence and workplace to religious and political activities. Structural-functional approach in management is associated with the function of responsibility for the introduction of geographically uniform order of public life in its internal and external aspects. The first aspect is the imposition of common rules in all divisions of the company. The second is to prevent destructive activities of anybody who is not a member of this group. But both aspects of social life cannot do without the use of physical force: the enemy within - in jail, and the war.

structural-functional approach to studying

General provisions

The Structural-functional approach in sociology from the point of view of Parsons focuses on the following provisions. Any social system are always looking for stability, they are integrated and based on consent. Social life requires social control and duties of each individual, and its basis is the shared values and norms. Social life depends on the interaction, cooperation and solidarity.

The Specificity of social actions the scientist saw in the explanations of the theory of psychoanalysis, separating the influence of physical and biological. The differences between them consist only in the symbolic, normative and voluntaristically, and the main ele...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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