The Admiralty building, Saint Petersburg: history, description


2018-03-20 04:27:13




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The St. Petersburg Admiralty building is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. It was built under Peter I and since then has been used as the location of the collegiums of ministries and other state institutions.

the Admiralty building

The Brainchild of Peter I

The Importance, which the Admiralty building is for the city, highlights the fact that it was built immediately after the founding of the new capital. Peter I was personally involved in the development of the plan and the drawing of shipyard required to build and ship anchorage. All the necessary preparatory work was done in just a few months, and in 1705 came the first building of the Admiralty.

Due to the fact that at that time Russia waged war against Sweden (including the sea), all business buildings were fenced with wall and protective bastions. They were necessary in the case of the siege of Petersburg, though they are never used. The first ship entirely made at the Admiralty, was launched in 1706.

At the same time there appeared the order (analogue of the Ministry) in charge of the entire Russian fleet. So Peter I was finally able to realize his dream of a new capital of the country, which, moreover, was the heart of her ship.

At that time, in addition to administrative buildings, it housed the forge, workshops and slipways, which created the new court. Along the building was a channel of the Admiralty, which became part of a unified system of urban canals. Thus, this place was still an important transport node.

the Admiralty spire

Ship on the spire

The first time the Admiralty building was rebuilt in 1711, and after eight years it received its famous spire. On its top placed the figure of a ship, made by Dutch craftsmen, famous for their love of the Navy. Their European experience Peter tried to instill in the city of your dreams.


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The ship on the spire are still controversial researchers and local historians. A unified theory on its prototype there. There are two popular points of view. One says that a model of the ship was the first vessel that took in the port of Saint-Petersburg. From the very beginning was full of life, and a convenient shipyard has become home for many crews. According to another theory, the shape of the ship was copied from the silhouette of the frigate “eagle”. It was the first military ship of Russian Navy, built by order of Peter's father, Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 60-ies of the XVII century.

The Spire of the Admiralty several times repaired. In these treatments, the boat changed. The original figure, made by the Dutch in the years of Peter I, was lost. The spire immediately attracted residents. For them he became the unofficial symbol of St. Petersburg. A ship of the Admiralty at this rank can successfully argue with the bronze horseman, drawbridges and Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Russian Admiralty

In the eighteenth century

During the long years of its existence, the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg was rebuilt several times. In the 1730s the architect Ivan Korobov built a new stone building replaced the obsolete body. The author of the project kept the old Peter's layout, but changed appearance, giving it monumentality.

The Importance of a presentable facade was extremely high, because the Admiralty was at the crossroads of Central and busiest streets of the capital-Nevsky Prospekt, Voznesensky Prospekt and Gorokhovskaya street. Then there was the so-called “needle” gold - plated spire.

Over the next decades, the city government had systematically engaged in the refinement and reorganization of areas adjacent to the complex. During the holidays they became the favorite venue of folk festivals. At the end of the reign of Elizabeth was completely paved meadow surrounding the building. This pedestrian route immediately became popular among residents and guests of the city.

The waters around the Admiralty served as the Central platform for naval exercises fleet. Channel, a former transport artery within the city, periodically clogged. When Elizabeth began to carry out regular work for cleaning.

Project Zakharova

In the middle of the XVIII century was built the Winter Palace. It matches the style that was later called the Elizabethan Baroque. The Palace was not far from the Admiralty. Their striking dissimilarity and belonging to different eras are easily conspicuous. Therefore, in the early nineteenth century the city authorities have considered several projects to upgrade and reconstruct the building of the Admiralty.

The lead architect was selected Andreyan Zakharov. He began work in 1806 and died, and not having to see their offspring. His project was continued by the disciples. They didn't change the basic messages and ideas Zakharov.

year of construction

New facade of the Admiralty

According to the proposal of architect, was rebuilt almost all of the Admiralty. From the old buildings remained only the old tower, on which rested a gilded spire with a ship. Were demolished the old fortifications remaining in the city since the great Northern war. Now the capital enjoyed a peaceful life, and the need for bastions disappeared. Liberatedthe place appeared popular among residents of St. Petersburg Blvd. Now here is no less popular Alexandrovsky gardens.

Duration of a new facade made up of 400 metres. All architectural decisions Zakharova implemented only with one purpose-to emphasize the key importance of the Admiralty building in the capital's appearance. St. Petersburg then and now it is difficult to imagine without the famous facade of this administrative complex.

Decoration of the building

Restoration works of the XIX century added to the ensemble of the Main Admiralty many new sculptures that complements the rich character of the structure. Decorative reliefs, created by Russian masters, depicted classical subjects and allegories, as well as the history of the Navy in Russia. All this emphasized the Imperial status of the great Maritime powers whose ships plied all the seas of the world.

In the year of construction of the building (1823) for the project Zakharova complex has got its own unique interior. Most of it has survived and today is a great cultural value. Important features of the halls of the Admiralty are their original rigor combined with a rich and vibrant lighting, creating an amazing atmosphere.

the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg

The Citadel Navy

The Interesting story of the Admiralty includes different periods of its use. Initially, the precepts of Peter, the building was the naval Board and later the Ministry of Marine.

Here Also was the headquarters, whose members were the most famous admirals of the Empire. Within these walls, decisions were made ahead of a key military campaigns in the history of the Romanov dynasty. Strategy, birthed and coordinated in the Admiralty, it was used during sea operations in the Crimean and the First world war.

Naval Museum

Civilians had access only to some buildings of the huge complex. In particular, since the Admiralty it opened naval Museum. Here were stored the most important monuments of the Petrine era. For example, it was model ships, drawings, and personal correspondence of the first Emperor concerning the establishment of the Baltic fleet.

Before 1939, this rich Museum hosted the Admiralty building. The architect Zakharov expanded the area for exhibitions that with each generation all grew and grew. In the Stalin era, the Museum moved to the former building of the St. Petersburg stock exchange on the spit of Vasilyevsky island.

the Admiralty building architect

Under the last Romanovs

The construction of the ships on the territory of Admiralty ended in 1844. All the equipment was moved to the new Admiralty shipyard. Because of this, there is no need in the channels surrounding the complex. They fall asleep. So at this point there was Konnogvardeisky Boulevard.

In 1863, by decree of Emperor Alexander II the small Church inside the Admiralty complex received the status of Cathedral of St. Spyridon. At the same time a bell tower was erected. These changes could not affect the external appearance of the huge building. The Orthodox Church didn't like reliefs depicting pagan gods – the characters of ancient mythological subjects.

Some time between the clergy and the Naval Ministry was very close. In the end Alexander II agreed to make concessions to the Church. The building was devoid of a number of sculptures and other art objects. The destruction of monuments took place, despite the active protest of the architects and artists of St. Petersburg.

In 1869, the tower of the Admiralty got his own dial, issued from Europe. He stayed there for forty years, after which he was replaced by the modern electric counterpart during the reign of Nicholas II. The Admiralty was often the place of work of members of the Romanov dynasty, as some relatives of the kings received the highest ranks in the Navy. For example, the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich was in charge of all the Naval Ministry in the period from 1855 to 1881

g St. Petersburg


After the October revolution, the Bolshevik government placed in the building of the naval school. Soon it received the name of Felix Dzerzhinsky. The school also prepared engineers. In this regard, in 30 years at the Admiralty was a strategically important laboratory for the production of engines for missiles.

Fortunately, the building suffered almost no damage from German air raids during the siege of Leningrad. The famous spire with a ship was sheathed. The last major restoration of the building occurred in the Brezhnev era in 1977.

In post-Soviet times among the residents of St. Petersburg is sharp debate about the future of the Admiralty. In 2013 in the tower with a spire emerged the Orthodox Church, the opening of which was attended by top generals of the Russian Navy.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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