Principal real estate


2018-03-25 03:42:17




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The Right of ownership to real estate is one of the most important features of civil society. The possession of houses, apartments, office spaces and plots are recorded in the relevant bodies, forming, thus, cadastral registration. Usually property associated with residential facilities, but the facilities of this category of property is much broader. In addition to the main species, there are separate groups of assets, the positioning which often gives difficulty in assessing market value. However, legal practice developed a set of parameters, which can be relatively accurately classify the property. Concept and types of this kind of property will help to identify the peculiarities of financial and residential properties, as well as to determine their investment attractiveness, which is important. But first you must understand what objects can in principle come under the definition of real estate.

Signs of real estate

real estate

Experts identify three basic characteristic by which to distinguish property-stationarity material value and durability. Perhaps the main feature is the stationarity, from which comes the name of this type of property as such. This characteristic means that the object has an inextricable physical conjunction with the earth's surface. It means that the property is always in one place and does not move without the destructive processes. Although the most common types of real estate in Russia do meet this criterion, this property gradually wears off and there are exceptions. At least, there are kind of borderline categories having properties inherent to the property in the traditional sense.


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The Next symptom – materiality. For a start it is worth noting that any object of such property be estimated from the point of view of physical characteristics. It may be data about area, location, quality designs and materials. Taken together, these data give an idea about the possible use of the object – labour and material value. As for durability, initially, this feature is conditional, so it clarifies the law. Thus, in accordance with the standards of all types of real estate can also be divided into 6 groups depending on the technical state and service life. Minimum service life of real estate is 15 years, and max – 150 years.

Classification of property

There are many approaches to the division of real estate objects according to various criteria. For example, realtors who work with apartments, in the first place derive parameters such as the prestige of the area, number of rooms, floors and other characteristics. A slightly different approach if you plan to classify the types of properties designed for commercial use. In this case, the separation takes place primarily on indicators of liquidity and profitability. However, the physical properties of such objects and their distance from the center of the city to a large extent determine their investment attractiveness on the market.

If we approach the division of property in a broader vein, the main factor of classification is origin. In particular, identify the types of properties that have been created by nature and human intervention. There is a third category – this property, which was created by the efforts of men, but in the process of exploitation implies an inextricable link with nature. For example, minerals and land are the resources from which to derive properties of natural origin. Typically, they initially are in state ownership, but can go to private ownership.

Principal property

types of financial real estate

Today the whole property is divided into three main groups-land, commercial facilities and housing. Each category, in turn, requires its own classification and unique features. For example, land may have a different purpose from the point of view of operation. You could say this is the most controversial form of property, due to a wide range of applications. On the other hand, housing and commercial property this kind have their own unique features. For example, these objects can have varying degrees of readiness for operation. For the land plot this property is irrelevant. It can be concluded that the characteristics, types and characteristics of real estate are closely interrelated and help to define each other. But if deeper to see the differences of each of the major types of properties, their specific features will become more pronounced. Also worth noting is that one type of real estate can go into another. For example, agricultural land can become the land for individual construction and over time, its place will be a country house.

Residential property

The first step is to determine which objects may be referred to as housing. As a rule, this concept means a building with facilities that providethe human's living. Typically, the types of properties differ in the technical and operational characteristics. In aggregate, the properties of the spaces of apartments and houses that allow them to allocate in the category of luxury, model, business property, etc., Respectively, and the cost varies depending on the ownership of property to one of the designated groups. Also provide for the division of housing in the city and the countryside. In the first case, usually we are talking about apartments in private homes and complexes, and in the second – about the cottage. There are border objects. For example, cities are constructed townhouses that can accommodate several families. Although such objects retain features of city apartments, the owners can have an individual entrance and a private area near the house.

We should also consider the condominium – this type of housing, which can be part of different categories. To understand the characteristics of this property it is necessary to divide the types of real estate individually and in common. The condominium provides content in its composition of several houses or parts of the same building, premises which are used by different owners. Also, this type of property can include the presence of land. That is, in this case, one object may contain different class of real property, which in this case are combined in a common infrastructure.

Types of commercial real estate

The real estate market generally distinguish between four main categories of commercial properties, which differ in the nature of the operation. It is a commercial, warehouse, office and production premises or areas. Often, one object is composed of several pieces of property from different categories. For example, a shopping area connected to the premises intended for storage of goods. Common these categories of objects characteristic is a focus on extraction of material benefit. You could say it's financial properties, which in one way or another contribute to the accumulation of funds. For example, industrial complexes are intended for manufacturing products, warehouses are used to store ready for sale or further logistics handling products and retail facilities to directly sell products. We should also allocate office space that can perform different tasks, from providing those services to perform control functions – for example, on the same production and retail facilities. Residential property is also in some cases can be considered as a commercial. For example, if the owner rents space for rent, thus removing the financial benefits.

real estate concept and types

Plot as a kind of real estate

As noted above, land is the property of natural origin and can be considered as a basic property. Depending on what is the legal status of a specific plot is determined by its purpose. The most widely types of real estate intended for agricultural use. In particular, allocate land for pasture, croplands, hayfields, planting perennial plantings, etc. Areas designed for the conduct of farms, cannot be used, for example, for planting of cultivated plants, but they can build barns, baths, sennik and other infrastructure home ownership. Quite popular and category suburban areas. They differ in that the owner has the right to build on their size of a small house. But to residential facilities such constructions are not, that is, they are not designed for permanent residence. On these buildings are also certain limitations in terms of communication.

Separately is the category of land plots for individual construction. If the agricultural types of real estate can not build up the residential buildings, the objects for individual housing construction allows to build private homes and cottages. It is noteworthy that many modern cottage villages are organised on the former agricultural lands, which has acquired the status of individual housing construction. To a specific and less common group includes sites for research stations. On such lands organized research centers and bases.

types of real estate investment properties

Mobile real estate

This is the case when we can talk about the exception to the rule in the management of properties real estate as such. Mobile objects that belong to the immovable property represented by so-called houses on wheels. As a full-fledged property such designs not so long ago gained mass popularity in the United States. Less popular types of real estate in Russia, but they are also used for the resettlement of the villages located in remote construction sites. The advantages of mobile houses include the low cost, undemanding in the choice of construction and versatility in operation. Among the shortcomings noted the low level of comfort,average characteristics of durability and unreliability. This is because the majority of such structures is still not calculated for permanent residence.

Also, there are legal subtleties that are not in every case allow us to consider a similar design as a full-fledged estate. Concept and types of such objects may vary depending on the way the technical device. Thus, the paperwork on the ownership of today allowed for mobile designs, which are based on the Foundation within the boundaries of the land belonging to the owner of the object. In some cases, allowed and check-in “caravan”. Of course, the Foundation for such construction makes you forget about the properties of mobility, although if desired, the user can with minimal losses to move the house to another place. This category is partly covered vessels, which are also objects of state property, although in fact we have the ability to move.

The Economic essence of real estate

types of property in RF

Targeted extraction of the material benefits characteristic to a greater extent for financial real estate. This is the meaning of the existence of such objects. Commercial real estate, investment properties and characteristics are determined by the attractiveness on the market. That is, indicators that determine the liquidity facility and its potential profitability in the eyes of a potential buyer or tenant. The construction of residential buildings is also an investment project and relates to the field of commercial real estate.

Experts in this field engaged in architectural planning, technical design of the house and do the actual building, focusing on future investment attractiveness. But even after the completion of construction, of putting the building into operation and the transition of apartments in the residential real estate investment characteristics are maintained. For example, even the first client of the company, realizing the living space of this house, may consider the purchase not as the place for his future residence, and as a tool for financial investments with the subsequent profit in the sale.

Types of real property

The Most common form of tenure is private property. The document confirming this right allows a particular person to dispose of certain real property at its discretion. There are different types of ownership of real estate from the standpoint of private ownership. Thus, there are individual and common property. The second type occurs in those cases where a single non-separable object involves two or more owners. In this context, it is necessary to move to joint ownership, which is also regarded as a common but without the allocation of specific shares. If it is assumed the division of the property between the owners, then we can talk about another form of ownership-equity. Common property involves the formation of the common shares between the owners, but their exact dimensions are not specified. This may be the apartment of the spouses, which was acquired in marriage, on the General funds.

types of real estate in Russia


Still, the basis for the separation of real estate objects of different types and categories is the nature of the use. Based on the characteristics of future use, architects and builders form the performance of the object, which are laid at the development stage of the project and implemented on the job site. Provision and special legal properties that have different types of properties. In civil law, fixed a separate detention conditions, exploitation and committing of transactions for different categories of real estate. For example, the tax could apply to residential and commercial properties. Moreover, even within categories there is often a differentiation in the approaches to the elaboration of normative documents regarding the content and maintenance of those or other objects. This applies, in particular, observance of sanitary norms, rules and communal services, issues of fire safety, etc.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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