Pickle with rice: required ingredients and cooking tips


2018-03-22 21:24:18




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The earliest mention of the first hot dish of pickles date back to the fifteenth century. Known soup called rassolnik with rice in those days was called Kalya. In the composition of the dishes had many ingredients: several kinds of soup, various vegetables, cereals two or more types of etc complex dishes crashed to simple recipes. Came to light soups, di, pickle. It is the last and will be discussed today.

Pickle with rice and pickles


If we talk about the pickle-Calle era of the 15th century, then often prepared soup of chicken or duck broth. Allowed the use of beef broth. The soup often has added caviar or boiled fish.

Modern pickle with rice and pickles, – hot dish, served often with meat. Fish pickle is being prepared today are very, very rare. If before the cucumber pickle were replaced with lemon juice, then it is the only ingredient that can not be replaced or excluded from the meals.

The Most famous recipe for today — pickle on a chicken broth with rice. Also widespread vegetarian pickle mushroom broth. In addition to chicken, for broth using giblets, heart, liver and other offal. Standard Supplement — Fig. However, some cooks believe that the barley is supposed to change depending on the type of meat used in the soup. For example, if soup was cooked giblets from Turkey or chicken, it is best to add the rice. If it's a fatty duck or goose, then put barley or pearl barley.


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Some Housewives cook the pickle in store for the winter, rolling his soup in glass jars. For cooking use a standard set of products. Different dish for conserves only by the fact that at the end of cooking added a few spoons of table vinegar. Banks pickle can be stored all winter in a cool cellar or on the balcony or in the pantry in the apartment.

How to prepare the pickle with rice?

The Nuances of preparation

In Order to get a balanced taste of this pickle with rice and pickles, it is important to strike a balance between the number of grains, cucumbers, salt. As you know, quite a lot of salt during cooking absorb broth vegetables (potatoes), cereals and some other root vegetables. Experienced chef never adds concentrated cucumber pickle. It is always diluted with water in correct proportions. It is important to remember that you can add the brine should be only after the broth began to boil, and finally cooked. To salt the dish better at the end of cooking.

Features selection and training products

  • Broth.

To cook a delicious nourishing soup pickle rice, it is necessary to properly select and prepare the foods. For the broth we recommend using only high-quality meat on the bone. Better if it was poultry, not purchased in the nearest supermarket.

If the soup uses kidney, before sending the broth should be a certain way to prepare. As we know, kidney is peculiar bitterness. Before cooking them should be cleaned of any film, grease, and urinary ducts. Cut in half kidney, thoroughly rinse, then add cold water and forget about by-products for five to six hours. Only after these actions it is possible to use kidneys for cooking broth.

  • Cucumbers.

Special attention is required choice of cucumber for the recipe of the pickle with rice. Experienced hostess say that it was delicious pickles and are key to proper cooking and delicious pickle. They should have a firm consistency, a nice light crunch from the crust and a small amount of flavoring spices.

Very important and cutting food for the pickle. For example, according to the classic recipe, the potatoes must be sliced extremely smooth in small cubes, but the root vegetables, particularly carrots-long thin strips.

the Broth for the soup with rice

Rules and details

Feature the classic pickle with rice is the cooking of the onions. Onion vegetable should passerovat in a separate bowl, away from other vegetables used in the soup dumplings. Cover over the frying pan and the fire – the smallest.

Cucumbers are added to the filling the latest. If the cucumbers immediately add the broth, where it cooked the potatoes, the vegetables will be tough and acquire an unpleasant flavor.

If you can not put in the pickle with rice, cucumber pickle, you are allowed to replace it with cabbage or mushroom. By the way, the cucumbers can also replace salted or pickled mushrooms.

The Density of pickle varies, depending on the number and kinds of cereals. Rice will be more liquid soup, but with barley-thick and hearty.

Figure for the pickle

With regard to the use of spices, herbs and aromatic seasonings, the recipe of the soup gives you the opportunity to experiment. Most often used parsley, garlic, dill, Baysheet and various types of pepper (ground chilli, black, white). However, you can add other spices: curry, nutmeg, fresh chili pepper, etc.

Eat soup pickle rice recommended immediately after its preparation. In the refrigerator soup, of course, can stand for about two days, but the taste will be quite another if the dish is warm.

Required ingredients

Today, we will explain how to prepare the pickle with rice. Barley-groats, which require a longer preparation (soaking) and cooking. But with the first rice dishes are very tasty, not heavy, not high in calories, and cooks rice faster than ACCA or barley.

  • Meat products (meat, bone, offal, beef pieces) with a total weight of about 500-650 grams.
  • Potatoes – three pieces
  • Onion – a couple.
  • Pickles – taste.
  • Carrots – a couple of pieces.
  • Rice-4 tbsp
  • Cucumber pickle – 240 ml.
  • Fresh herbs, spices, aromatic herbs, garlic.

How to prepare the pickle with rice?

As we have noted, most nourishing and delicious soup is obtained if the boiling of the broth has been used kidney. When “friendship” with the offal does not work, you can use beef or chicken on the bone. Experienced Housewives are advised to take two or three kinds of meat, so the broth will become thick, Golden, fatty and flavorful.

To the broth delicious, the meat should be put in boiling water. After five minutes boiling the water is drained, pour again. For the second water and will cook the meat for about an hour to obtain a rich and thick broth. In the process of cooking you can add the vegetables: peeled onions, large pieces of carrots, celery. It will not hurt and Lavrov. leaf peas pepper. At the end of cooking from the broth, take out the meat and put it away to cool.

A Vegetable which appears first in the pickle with rice-potatoes. It is cut into even cubes and add to broth immediately after the last of the pulled meat. 10 minutes after adding potatoes to the soup sent rice.

Cucumbers for the pickle recipe with rice

While cooking the potatoes and rice, cook zazharku. Onion, cut into small cubes, passiruete in a separate pan. In the other pan fried carrots. With the pickles removed the skin. They can be rubbed on a grater or cut into small cubes with a knife. To the fried onions and added chopped portioned slices of boiled meat. To carrots – pickles.

After rice and potatoes are cooked, you can add zazharku. The first is onion-meat filling. Second in line – carrot and cucumber. Before adding to the pickle with rice and pickles be sure to try them on salt. If pickles are too salty, then add the brine is not necessary. If salted cucumbers, then at the last stage of the preparation is added to half a glass of brine.

Closes the lid and the soup pickle rice infused for 10-20 minutes. At the same time you can add in the dish with fresh dill or parsley, a little minced garlic, ground pepper to taste.

soup pickle rice

Selection and connection of ingredients

If your family caught the recipe of the pickle with rice, then surely the household will like and other options favorite first course. The soup, which the salty brine can be very different:

  • Chicken with mushrooms;
  • With pearl barley and beef;
  • Rice and beef kidney;
  • With barley and pork;
  • Smoked sausage and barley;
  • Tongue and rice;
  • Vegetarian with pickled mushrooms;
  • Duck and beans;
  • Meat turkeys and three types of cereals.
    Pickle chicken soup with rice

The diet versions of the pickle

  • Vegetarian pickle with rice – 28 kcal per one hundred grams of soup.
  • Soup with chicken and rice – 33 kcal.
  • The Pickle with beef kidney – 49 kcal.
  • First course without barley – 26 kcal.
  • Classic pickle with barley, several kinds of meat – 96 kcal.


The Pickle-dish that allows you to experiment with products and to vary the caloric content. Time cooking you spend a little and the house will be pleased to appreciate the taste of this classic soup.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/20017-rasol-n-k-z-rysam-neabhodnyya-ngredyenty-parady-pa-padryhto-cy.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/20023-gurke-mit-reis-zutaten-und-zubereitungstipps.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/20041-salmuera-con-arroz-los-ingredientes-necesarios-y-consejos-para-cocinar.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/20011-ysh-yltym-k-zhe-k-r-sh-azhett-ingredientter-zh-ne-dayyndau-boyynsha-ke.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/19988-og-rka-z-ry-em-sk-adniki-i-porady-dotycz-ce-gotowania.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/19984-picles-com-arroz-os-ingredientes-necess-rios-e-dicas-de-culin-ria.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/20020-tur-u-pilav-gerekli-malzemeler-ve-pi-irme-ipu-lar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/20009-rozsol-nik-z-risom-neobh-dn-ngred-nti-poradi-po-prigotuvannyu.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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