How to open wine without a corkscrew. All the different ways to open a bottle without a corkscrew


2018-03-28 20:55:12




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In life there are different situations. The most unpleasant - to gather with friends outdoors, prepare a barbecue, stock up on booze and suddenly discover that spin quietly forgotten at home with the napkins and other items that you do not have time to capture. Hurt and annoyed. But there's always a way, even when you don't know how to open wine without a corkscrew. Oddly enough, the adventurous campers had come up with not so quite a few ways to get out of the situation and enjoy a glass of wine. So what if there is nothing to open the bottle?

how to open wine without a corkscrew

Method # 1. With the use of force

To open a wine bottle without a corkscrew, you will need strong arms, or rather fingers. To do this, with the power to push your finger inside the tube and enjoy a friendly get-together. To make it easier to channel the power inside, put the coin, which corresponds to the diameter of the neck of the bottle. Not quite a suitable method, since not everyone has such power, because in the production of wine cork twist on the conscience.

Method # 2. Tool

Forgot the corkscrew, but in the car trunk is a briefcase with tools? Should take advantage of that! How to open wine without a corkscrew by using tools? You will need a fairly large wood screw (can be replaced with a screw) and pliers (or pliers). Insert the tube deeper screw - it will be an alternative to the corkscrew, but not completely and pull it out, taking the pliers rest. In a pinch, use the keys to the apartment. The larger the company the more likely it is to find a suitable for pushing the key.


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how to open a bottle without a corkscrew

Method # 3. Pinch for tube

Take a syringe, for example, “ten”. Now dial in the air and make a shot - pierce tube. When you enter the air - tube will pop out without effort.

Method # 4. In pieces

Of Course, not the most accurate method, but what can you do in the field? How to open a bottle of wine this the hard way? Not always possible to push the hated tube inside. Then you have to do it in parts. The cork can be scraped with a screwdriver, a knife with a sharp tip, suitable as a knife for peeling potatoes. Here are just a few pieces of cork may fall into the wine. Or if carefully put in the tube is very thin knife (not more than 4 inches) and a couple of times to scroll, vykruchivatsya these movements can easily access the a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

Method # 5. Beat with a bottle

How to open wine without a corkscrew with the bottle? Take in hand the bottle back, so the bottom was facing up. Hold tight. In the other hand place a heavier bottle is filled completely with mineral water, Coca-Cola or plain water. Not very much (not to break the bottle) needed to hit the bottom of soda. Your efforts will pay off because the tube will gradually begin to emerge. Try to do it away from the floor. When the tube is already out half the case for small: Unscrew it with your hand and pour the wine tired of waiting friends.

how to open a bottle of wine

Method # 6. In the course are ladies ' accessories

There is a method and “poizyaschnee”. Instead of the tools you can ask the women here something for unsealing. It can be tweezers for eyebrows or hair barrettes that you will push the tube inside, the mascara (still easier than a finger) or manicure scissors (to use a sloppy method No. 4). If we do nothing - you can use unsanitary, but a valid technique - stud from women's shoes.

how to open a bottle of wineMethod # 7. Water!

If you have a party planned at home, and a corkscrew was not, try using the power of water. How easy it is to open the wine at home? Just open the tap a power and slide the neck of the bottle with a stuck stopper under running water. Please note that the tube will gradually begin to shift down. Here it is necessary to have time to turn off the water in time, and you'll have to drink wine in a diluted form, that will ruin the mood.

Method # 8. Twist the bottle

Quite funny way how to open wine without a corkscrew. Need to pick up a bottle vertically and scroll about 20 times, first from himself, then on himself. After these manipulations, the tube easily you will give in and you will push it deeper.

Method # 9. The extreme and undesirable

Pour water in a pan, put it in her bottle (to put in a vertical position) and turn on the fire. The subsequent rise in temperature after a couple of minutes after boiling will allow you to squeeze the tube. This method is undesirable due to the fact that can spoil the taste of wine.

how to easily open wine

Method # 10. A pocket knife

Perhaps someone here can be in the presence of a pocketknife. In this case, it is worth it to check out - and suddenly the manufacturer has supplied him with a corkscrew, which happens quite frequently?

Method # 11. For help - the book

How to open a bottle without a corkscrew by using books? This method will make the blow softer. Lean it against the wall (the thicker Tomthe better). Now start pounding the bottom of the bottle on the book. A couple of little whacks and you're relieved to notice that traffic has been routed to the output. The method is good for bottles with concave bottom (and the majority).

Method # 12. Threat

Once it was used in full for lack of the right tools - just hit the bottle. But it is dangerous - small pieces of glass will inevitably fall into the contents.

Method # 13. Using branches

To Push inside the tube can easily, if the arm branch or peg.

Method # 14. Work with a hammer

First, beat with a hammer the nail into the cork completely (to do this, take longer). Then start to pull it out. Thus the hole and the air freely comes out. Next, push the tube using any object. The air will not interfere and everything will work out quickly and accurately.

how to easily open wineMethod No. 15. Long

If you really don't want to mess around and try all these methods one after the other, at a more elite way - order your corkscrew at home. Now the Internet you can find a lot of services of delivery of goods directly to the apartment. Can order additional something tasty to the table or a couple of bottles of wine into the bargain.

To no longer wonder about how to open wine without a corkscrew, simply to acquire this necessary household item.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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