Best recipes of oyster mushroom


2019-03-29 20:20:31




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The Recipe of oyster mushrooms is liked by many Housewives, because the mushrooms, which many do not pay attention, preferring mushrooms or white, sometimes turn out equally delicious. In addition, they are considered to be versatile in terms of cooking. They can fry, marinate, braise, add to the salad, first and second courses. The oyster is very pleasant and appetizing aroma which persists even after prolonged heat treatment.

How to pick delicious mushrooms?

Recipe oyster is guaranteed to work only in the case if you choose fresh mushrooms. Please note that a long time store them in the refrigerator is impossible, they may spend no more than 5 days. But if you leave them at room temperature or in the heat, or even a few hours.

oyster Mushrooms

The Best way to determine the freshness of the oyster, is the smell. Please note that if it is sour and unpleasant, from buying the best does give. Also, inspect the mushroom itself. Neither the hat, nor under it should not be dark or yellow spots. This is one of the first signs that a mushroom is spoiled.

Marinated oyster mushrooms

One of the most popular recipes of oyster is to make them marinated mushrooms. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kilo of oyster mushrooms;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • Tablespoon sugar;
  • 2 Bay leaves;
  • 6 peas of black pepper;
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • A tea-spoonful of essence of vinegar;
  • Dried fennel stalks.

The brewing Process

The Recipe of fast preparation of pickled oyster mushrooms is fairly simple. Mushrooms must be washed thoroughly, cut them from the bunch. Please note that they have tough enough feet, so the maximum cut them and large can be cut into several parts.

Put the Mushrooms in a saucepan and pour water, then immediately sprinkle salt and sugar, don't forget spices. Once the water boils, add the vinegar. Boil the marinade needed 25 minutes on medium heat. If there is such a need, then promptly remove the foam.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

At the end of cooking to try the marinade for salt and sharpness. If necessary, add favorite spices. Oyster needs to steep in the marinade for about a day, during this time, they will absorb its flavor, becoming moderately salty and spicy. Put mushrooms in a jar and pour a small amount of brine, on top add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The recipe of fast preparation of pickled oyster always keep in mind, this is a very tasty snack, from which your guests will always be delighted.

When the mushrooms have cooled, remove them even for one day in the refrigerator, after that they can bring to the table. Recipe pickled oyster mushrooms is fairly simple. But the mushrooms came out very tasty.

Grilled oyster mushrooms in sour cream

Recipe oyster mushroom may work for a full main dish for lunch or dinner. In addition, it will take you very little time. Fried oyster mushrooms in cream sauce with garlic - very tasty, hearty and nutritious meal. They turn out very tender and flavorful, but there is one secret that will help you avoid making "rubber" mushrooms. The main thing - not to overdo them in a skillet. But when buying try to buy mushrooms that are fresh, dense, with an elastic hat. In this case, they are not only tasty, but will retain its shape when serving.

Oyster mushrooms fried in sour cream

The Recipe of oyster mushrooms in sour cream you will require these ingredients:

  • 500 grams fresh oyster mushrooms;
  • 2 onions medium onions;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 2 large garlic cloves;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • Ground black pepper and salt to taste;
  • The greens, which will be required for serving.

Delicious mushroom lunch

Washed oyster mushrooms cut into strips with a thickness of about one centimeter, and onions - small cubes. In a deep frying pan heat the oil and fry the onion until it become Golden brown. Then add the sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, stir and fry for about ten minutes. Most importantly, make sure that oyster mushrooms are not burnt.

How to fry oyster mushrooms

The mushrooms add the chopped garlic andsour cream. Simmer for another ten minutes, stirring constantly. The lid can not be closed, the liquid quickly evaporated. That's all, as you can see, it's very easy to fry the oyster mushrooms. The recipe will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced cooks.

Some at the end add some freshly ground black pepper to the dish to be even spicier. Just before serving, it is customary to strew fresh greens. Your family is guaranteed to enjoy it, many will ask you to fry the oyster mushrooms. The recipe of these mushrooms described in the article, always keep in service.

Mushroom salad

To Use these mushrooms in salads. The dish will turn out tasty and nutritious. For vitamin salad with mushrooms, take the following components:

  • 2 fresh cucumber;
  • 200 grams Chinese cabbage;
  • 300 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  • Clove of garlic;
  • Medium bulb onion;
  • Half lemon
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices;
  • Salt.
Salad with mushrooms

According to the recipe of Pleurotus mushrooms need to be boiled in lightly salted water, then cut into cubes and fry in a slow fire. The main question that worries many in the process of making these mushrooms: how long they should be prepared that they retained their main properties, it stays nice and crispy? Remember that the roast should not take more than 20 minutes. During this time you can chop the vegetables, what you got under the hand, mix all the ingredients, add vegetable oil and spices.

You get vitamin, spring salad, which will be in harmony with other dishes, and changing the number and composition of vegetables, you can always make a new dish.

Mushroom casserole

Another simple recipe mushroom oyster mushroom casserole. It needs:

  • 400 grams fresh oyster mushrooms;
  • 250 grams of solid cheese;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • 250 ml chicken broth
  • A kilo of potatoes;
  • Three stalks of leeks;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices;
  • Salt.

Mushrooms cut into cubes and cook for about a quarter of an hour. Important point: salt water is not necessary, it is done later. If necessary, you can increase the cooking time of the mushrooms if they are large and no longer young.

Casserole with mushrooms

Preparing the casserole on the baking sheet, the bottom of which is laid out diced potatoes on top of the leeks in half rings. The mushrooms are roasted a few minutes in sunflower oil. To the dish to be even spicier, just before going to remove the skillet from the heat, add the finely chopped garlic.

Thoroughly mixed spice, broth and salt also need to add cream and, if desired, a quarter Cup of white wine. On the bow spread a layer of the mushrooms and generously sprinkle with grated cheese. Such layers can do a few, until the end products. At the end pour the cake butter broth and place in oven. It needs to bake for half hour at a temperature of from 180 to 200 degrees.

Pasta with oyster mushrooms

A Classic Italian pasta can vary from fungi. This recipe is quick cooking oyster. The dish is hearty, very nutritious and delicious. With the oyster mushroom you can get a real culinary masterpiece to be envied by many others.

To prepare this unique dish, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  • 200 grams of pasta;
  • Bulb onion;
  • Three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 150 ml double cream;
  • Two tablespoons of grated cheese (your choice, you can stop at the cheese or Russian);
  • Pinch of dried Basil.
Pasta with mushrooms

Start with the fact that in salted, boiling water be sure to boil the pasta. In vegetable oil fry the mushrooms and onions, adding soy sauce, salt, cream and spices. On a large plate put the pasta, and on top of them mushrooms. That's all, fragrant paste with mushrooms is ready. By the way, the soy sauce in the filling, you can not add, but replace it with sour cream if you taste it you don't like, or it is too salty.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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