Studying medical genetics


2018-03-23 21:42:08




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Genetics-the science that studies the properties of such living organisms as heredity and variability. As you know, the main property of nature that distinguishes it from the inanimate-the ability to reproduce. Another important quality, called inheritance, is the repeatability, i.e. the ability to birth their own kind. On average, the representatives of any species are more similar to their native ancestors than other individuals of the same species.

But each species has a certain level of variability, because even brothers and sisters are not exact copies. Both of these factors-heredity and variability – studies the biological genetic science, consisting in turn of the common and private sections. If the subject of study of General topics of genetics are the study of the foundations of heredity, analysis of DNA molecule, structure of genes and their mutations, the private sections are devoted to identifying common patterns in different species of living organisms.

Human Genetics – a leading private sections. Those areas that relate to pathologies of the individual, studying medical genetics. The main task of this branch of science – to identify the role of genetic component in the onset and course of various diseases.

The Disease, which is studying medical genetics fall into the actual hereditary and multifactorial. The former include chromosomal (caused by changing the number of chromosomes or their structure) and genetic (due to gene mutations) of the disease. If a mutation is present in only one gene, this disease is called monogenic.


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Referred to as Multifactorial diseases that have a genetic predisposition. This could include the majority of known diseases of the individual. To the appearance in humans of diseases such in addition to adverse external influences, is having the state of many genes, which can amount to tens and hundreds.

Medical genetics as a science intended to diagnose hereditary diseases, analysis of their prevalence in different social and ethnic groups, to advise patients and their families, implement prevention of hereditary diseases, to learn the basics of the pathogenesis and etiology thereof.

For the prevention of hereditary diseases in clinical genetics relies on a prenatal (i.e., prenatal) diagnosis. The task of doctors – the timely detection of all possible pathogenic factors and risk assessment of the occurrence of certain diseases in the unborn baby, based on the state of health of potential parents. It is therefore particularly important for couples expecting a child or planning to conceive, go through a detailed examination of the state of their health and identify risk factors. Including important to know and inform the doctors of the family (as future father and mother) hereditary diseases, etc.

In civilized countries, genetics and medicine function are inseparable. Interested in the health of the future spouse (wife) and the presence in the family of hereditary diseases made long before marriage. In some countries, a medical certificate is a required document for marriage registration.

In recent years, medical genetics has made a breakthrough in its development. The main success was the deciphering of the structure of the human genome, identifying all genes and defining the molecular nature of proteins. Now scientists are actively studying the Association of different genes with specific diseases, which in the future promises the development of fundamentally new methods of treatment of hereditary diseases and the prevention of the development of those diseases to which man is prone.

The Objective of any qualified physician – timely identification of patient with pathology of hereditary nature, the definition of its nature and the direction of the patient to the appropriate clinic.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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