Treatment of warts folk remedies: review and feedback


2018-03-24 08:51:18




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Many are familiar with the formation of the skin, such as papilloma. These small flesh-colored growths are not dangerous, but can cause psychological problems, if they occur in a prominent place. After all, look papillomas are unsightly, can also hurt clothing. Ways to get rid of this problem now there are many, from modern medicines to remove the growths with a laser. But many people still prefer treatment of warts folk remedies. This therapy is cheap, in addition, many methods are completely safe. But before embarking on such treatment, it is still necessary to consult a doctor, as similar growths may form in other diseases.

Human papillomavirus

Treatment of folk remedies of various diseases quite popular. Even many doctors acknowledge the efficacy of herbs in the complex therapy. But papillomas are caused by a virus, so get rid of them will not work. It is believed that it has infected about 80% of people. But not all of it expressed. This happens when the decline in immunity, various chronic diseases, insufficient intake of nutrients or the presence of harmful habits. Because of this on the skin and mucous membranes appear papilloma. Treatment of folk remedies will be effective in that case, if considered viral origin of such growths. After all, to deal only with the external symptoms makes no sense, they will appear again.

Papillomas are small growths of skin color. They appear on the skin or mucous membranes. Most often affects the neck, face, armpits, back, arms. But they may appear on the eyelids, in the mouth, on the genitals. The size of the papillomas is usually from 0.2 to 15 mm. Growths most often do not differ in color from the skin, but can be darker. They are not dangerous for health, but often cause psychological discomfort, especially if you appear in a prominent place. It is therefore particularly important in the treatment of warts folk remedies among women. After the appearance of ugly growths on the neck or face you want to quickly get rid of them. Moreover, they are often injured and can lead to bleeding or infection.


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papillomas on the body

How to get rid of warts

There are many drugs to treat this pathology. Many of them are available to everyone in drugstores, others can be ordered via the Internet. There are also effective ways of getting rid of papillomas, used in hospitals or beauty salon. It may be freezing them with liquid nitrogen, laser or surgically removed.

But not everyone will do such procedures, especially as they may have contraindications or leave scars. Therefore, many prefer the treatment of warts folk remedies at home. It is also effective, but you need to pre-consult with your doctor. Because such growths can be a symptom of other pathologies. For example, it is not recommended to touch moles, as this can trigger the development of tumors.

how to get rid of warts

Features of application of folk remedies

In recent years, more and more people learn about what is HPV. Treatment of folk remedies for many is the only way to get rid of the ugly growths. It is believed that they are safer and do not require high material costs. But to use such funds there are also disadvantages.

Improper removal of papillomas is possible wound infection or the appearance of heavy bleeding. In addition, some traditional methods can lead to the formation of scars or age spots. It is not recommended to cut papilloma or use other similar aggressive methods. Because it can lead to their degeneration into malignant tumor. Also, you cannot use folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas on mucous membranes of mouth, genitals, eyelids, lips. And the main condition of such therapy – mandatory consultation with a physician.

folk remedies

Internal treatment of papillomas

If the skin appears similar growths, it is said that a person's weakened immune system. Because the papilloma virus is present in the body so many people, but it may never manifest itself. Therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of tumors, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

  • The Most effective tool for this is the medicine of grated carrots and beets, chopped walnuts, lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Help to get rid of warts potato juice. It effectively destroys infection, cleanses the body. It is best to use for cooking red potatoes Need to clean it from eyes, grate and squeeze the juice. Drink it half a Cup morning and evening for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - 2 months.
  • Effectively strengthens immunity and prevents the appearance of new growths regular use tinctures of Echinacea, rose hips, decoction of plantain, horsetail, nettles.
  • It is Recommended to brew this herb for oral administration: mix the tricolor violet, mugwort, St. John's wort,fennel seeds, the roots of sweet flag, plantain and clover flowers. Brewing spoon collection Cup boiling water and take 100 ml 2 times a day.
    what folk means to choose

Effective methods

Along with the internal treatment of human papilloma virus is getting rid of its manifestations-the skin growths. There are some of the most effective folk remedies treatment of warts.

  • In the initial phase, when growth came only from him you can quickly get rid of the chicken eggs. You need to break it down, to pour out all the contents. On the inner walls of the shell remains a film that you need to lubricate papilloma. Moreover, when the protein it dries, apply another layer. So to repeat a few days until the papilloma will not fall off.
  • One of the most effective folk remedies treatment of warts is cream with walnuts and kerosene. You need to mince the green nuts. Then take 2/3 liter cans of this mass, pour the brim with purified kerosene. To insist a lot need 3 weeks, then strain. Store the extract in an opaque container in the refrigerator. Lubricate papilloma 1-2 times a day.
  • Not as effective, but very simple remedy – it's the banana peel. Need 5-6 times a day to lubricate the inner surface of the papilloma. This treatment will act only after 1-2 weeks.
  • Grate the garlic and mix with the flour. The weight applied to the papilloma for 3 hours.
    the juice of celandine


Many successfully used for the treatment of warts folk remedies. The most effective of them – the celandine. It can be applied in different forms: as a tincture, decoction, oil extract or fresh juice. But remember that celandine – it is a poisonous plant, if used incorrectly it can lead to skin irritation or even burns. In addition, it can be an allergic reaction. Therefore, we must carefully observe the instruction on application of the plant and monitor the dosage and duration of medication. Before applying these remedies the skin around the papilloma it is necessary to grease with a fat cream or to put a band-aid.

  • The Most effective method is a juice of celandine. From fresh plants to make the juice, then evaporate it to a thick liquid. They need to lubricate papilloma 3-4 times a day.
  • You Can use the more simple method-lubricate papilloma saliva, and the top – fresh juice of celandine. Then to seal the plaster.
  • Infusion of celandine can do an enema. They are well cleaned intestines and help strengthen the immune system. 50 grams of chopped herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water and infuse for several hours. Then it is filtered and used for microclimate. Pre-cleared bowel ordinary enema. The infusion is kept in the intestines for about 30 minutes. Before using this method, you need to consult with your doctor because there are contraindications.
essential oil

Oil papillomas

Now on sale, you can buy a variety of essential oils. Need healing formulations can also be cooked on their own, infusing herbs in olive oil. But a therapeutic effect on HPV have only a few tools:

  • Castor oil is effective if you apply it on the wart and put a band-aid;
  • Effectively destroys any viruses, including papillomavirus, tea tree oil, which is applied only to the build-up;
  • You can lubricate papilloma with lemon oil twice a day;
  • Eucalyptus oil should be applied on the outgrowths before going to bed.


The Main folk remedies for the treatment of human papillomavirus – medicinal plants. In addition to Chelidonium, there are several herbs that help to get rid of growths. Most importantly, you can choose the recipe that it was not an allergic reaction.

  • Take a leaf from the old Bush aloe (over 5 years), cut lengthwise and apply the inner side to the papilloma. To strengthen the plaster or bandage for 4 hours. Repeat 10 days.
  • Similar effect have the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate. Just keep it on the papilloma need 8-10 hours, e.g. overnight.
  • Tightly put in a jar of yellow dandelion flowers and cover with Cologne. After steeping for 2 weeks, the cure for blur papillomas ready.
  • In Summer, you can use wormwood. Its fresh juice to lubricate growths 5-10 times a day.
aloe from papillomas

Pharmacy tools

Despite the fact that there are many modern medicines for the treatment of human papilloma virus, are popular cheaper pharmacy money. They have already been tested by many people and over the years has proved its effectiveness and safety. Papillomas can be lubricated by such means:

  • Ammonia;
  • A mixture of alcohol, boric acid, aspirin and iodine;
  • Effective hydrogen peroxide, which added the vinegar and lemon juice;
  • In pharmacy you can also purchase lyapisny a pencil that would cauterize the growths.

Custom methods

There are many folk methods of treating warts. Some of them are unconventional and can sometimes seem silly. However,they are transmitted from generation to generation and has helped many people already. And to use them or not, it's up to each person. But still need a reasonable approach to the treatment to exclude possible serious consequences. Those who have tried all the ways you can try to get rid of warts by unconventional methods.

  • Recommended to be applied to the build-up of dry cotton wool and bandage. To go so it should be 2-3 weeks until it will not fall off. Remove the cotton swab you need just for the bathing time, then snap a new one.
  • It is Recommended to lubricate papilloma own saliva. But it is effective only in the mornings on an empty stomach.
  • Some get rid of the growths with the help of regular stationery tape. Paste it and not take a few days. However, the glue from the tape may cause skin irritation.
  • Some believe that HPV amenable to conspiracy.
  • In the villages often use the method of removing the warts with a potato. It is cut in half, the inner part you need to RUB the knot. Then connect the halves together, tie a red string and buried.

Treatment of warts folk remedies: reviews

From similar growths, each gets rid of. Rarely with the same problem go to the doctor. Moreover, there are many time tested and effective folk remedies treatment of warts. And recently appeared and modern drugs. But most of the positive reviews about celandine and other herbs. To use them easily, especially those who live in rural areas. Although now any herb you can buy at the pharmacy. A successfully derive papillomas with the help of tea tree oil, spinnogo pencil and even cut potatoes. Importantly, with this to affect the virus from the inside, then the treatment will be effective.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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