The "Undevit", reviews of doctors analogues


2018-04-05 08:30:44




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Currently, pharmacies that sell a variety of medicines, ready to offer customers modern multivitamin formulations from a range of manufacturers, famous and not. And many consumers are following doctors ' recommendations, and without them, taking vitamins as a preventive measure. However, quite a large percentage of the population prefers drugs known since childhood. It refers to such and means the ‘whole family" of the indications of which are quite extensive.


composition of undevit

Although in modern society there is a perception that vitamins – it's not drugs, because they can be taken when you want, absolutely not. Means ‘whole family”, as, indeed, any other multivitamin preparations, it is necessary to take only if certain testimony. This complex was specially designed for the people middle-aged and older. That is why it is composed of organic substances, whose presence in the body, improves and speeds up the metabolism.

Part of the ‘whole family" is well balanced, so doctors recommend taking the drug for all forms of hypovitaminosis. Also, the drug will be very useful if a person needs to recover after antibiotic treatment or surgical intervention, trauma. Relief to the state during the exacerbation of chronic diseases also falls within the sphere of influence of the drug.

Who needs to be careful…

“the Vitamins can be consumed by anyone” - so says the consumer, when purchasing any pretty jar or box. And it turns out wrong. This applies to all vitamin preparations. No exception means the ‘whole family". Reviews of doctors about the drug in this respect is quite clear.


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undevit reviews of physicians

It includes a lot of components, so must be cautious people with individual intolerance to these components. Very carefully doctors prescribe vitamins ‘whole family" patients with liver problems. Ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers is also a valid reason to refuse taking the drug.

Can Not accept children under 14 years of age and women planning pregnancy or in the first trimester. Smoking the drug for patients suffering from gallstone disease, chronic pancreatitis, nephritis (whether in the acute or chronic form). Before taking the ‘whole family", it is necessary to consult a doctor and people suffering from decompensation.

In any case, before you start taking vitamins, you should at least see the structure.


The Drug is known since the second half of the last century. Part of it was developed by Soviet Professor V. V. Efremov to the prevention of premature aging of the body and normalize metabolic processes. Part of the ‘whole family" includes a list of vitamins and antioxidants.

n p/n

Name of component (vitamin)

Mass fraction (mg)

Basic functions influence on processes in the body


Retinol palmitate (A)


Contributes to the normalization condition of the mucous membranes, skin, eyes.


Riboflavin (B2)


Involved in the process of cellular respiration and visual perception. Promotes growth, the realization of reproductive functions. Improves condition of hair, nails, skin.


Tocopherol acetate (E)


Has a beneficial effect on the gonads, on the nervous and muscular tissues. Only with his participation possible disintegration of red blood cells.


Calcium Pantothenate (B5)


Participates in the acetylation and oxidation, the upgrade layers of the skin.


Rutin (R)


Antioxidant. Does not allow to oxidize ascorbic acid.


Cyanocobalamin (B12)


Involved in the work of the hemopoietic system. With his participation the synthesis of myelin (made of nerve fibers).


Folic acid (B9)


Participates in the formation of amino acids, nucleic acids, nucleotides, in the formation of red blood cells.


Nicotinamide (PP)


Ensures stable operation of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, nervous system.


Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6)


It is not possible Without protein metabolism. With his participation the formation of neurotransmitters, which can provokedepression.


Ascorbic acid (C)


With his participation there is the maturation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin synthesis. All redox reactions are in his presence, formed of cartilage, bones, teeth.


Thiamine hydrochloride (B1)


The Enzyme. Necessary in the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Stabilizes the nervous system.

And that's not all of the components that make up the drug ‘whole family". The vitamin Supplement other ingredients: white sugar, yellow wax, mineral oil and peppermint oil, wheat flour and starch syrup.

Basic rules

How to take undevit

All drugs should be applied according to certain rules. No exception means the ‘whole family". Instructions for use (composition was discussed above) recommends that you take after a meal one pills, not liquid and not with water. If the drug is prescribed as a preventive measure, one tablet per day is sufficient. If we are talking about the recovery period, it is permissible to take 2-3 pieces. The effects of the drug in this case will be more effective if not take all the pills at once, and during the day one at a time. The course is usually one month. After 2-3 months it can be repeated.

If there are severe abnormalities, hypovitaminosis, adults take 2 pieces 3 times a day. People older designate one dragee twice a day.

Negative consequences

If a person there is an individual intolerance to any component of the vitamin complex, as a rule, this is manifested in allergic reactions. The same effect can be in the case of long-term medication. If for some reason exceeded the permissible dose, may occur disturbances in the functioning of the liver and digestion (abdominal pain, diarrhea).

The Principle of the drug action

Undevit vitamins

The Mechanism of the effect is determined by the components that are part of the ‘whole family". Due to the large list of components of the drug regulates metabolism, normalizes trofiku tissues, participates in the formation of tissues and enzymes. Vitamins a, C and E provide good antioxidant effect. Also the product supports the required level of homeostasis. Tonic and adaptogenic effects, normalization of metabolic processes and the endocrine system – here is a partial list of spheres of influence ‘whole family".

Dramatically different

Undevit evidence

Today at drugstores you can find lots of vitamin products with broader membership and at a higher price. However, if you carefully approach the issue, you will notice that often the more publicized and expensive drugs differ from the good old ‘whole family" of 1-2 components. And sometimes it may not be: the price is higher, and the composition is the same. Counterparts, fairly close in composition, are “Vitalipid”, “Virumbuthe” and “Aerovit”, “Retinol”, “I think”, “Aevit”. Acceptable substitute the ‘whole family" can become “Dekamevit”, “Ribolita”, “Gitagum” and “Doppelgerts”.

The Opinion of customers and experts

Multivitamin preparations from different manufacturers are in high demand among the population. No exception means the ‘whole family". Composition, reviews about it are widely discussed in Newspapers, magazines, social networking. A large percentage of people who accept his claims that the drug has the same beneficial effect as more expensive and modern complexes.

If you listen to the experts, the opinion of some may be different. Some say that the composition of the ‘whole family" is not enough balanced that with one receiving bad components are combined with each other, not digested completely.

For others, synthetic vitamins (and means the ‘whole family" refers specifically to this group) cannot be useful to the body. This is a large part of doctors and scientists advise to give preference to natural products rich in a particular substance.

Undevit instructions for use composition

Others are convinced that modern technologies and high-tech equipment allow us to develop and offer consumers new products, better and more digestible.

So where is the truth?

Undevit composition reviews

And what ordinary person in this situation? To buy new-fangled medicines from from all diseases or make known since childhood means ‘whole family"? The doctors and their recommendations should be the main considerations in addressing this issue. If the patient has a doctor whose opinion he trusts completely, and this specialist was recommended to take vitamins ‘whole family", then so be it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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