The healing properties of Iceland moss. Where growing Icelandic moss


2019-05-08 08:20:27




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Well-Deserved popularity of Iceland moss. From a Botanical point of view correct to say "tsetrariya Icelandic", which refers to a large group of lichens. In Northern countries it is used as a fragrant additive to bakery, meat and fish dishes. Added the dried herb in drinks and sweet desserts to impart a spicy taste.

In Addition to cooking, the lichen is well known in Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy. The healing properties of Iceland moss are studied for centuries. It is scientifically proven that Bush was almost a panacea for serious illness in the medieval people. They were treated with pulmonary, cutaneous and intestinal pathology. According to reliable sources, the plant is not less than 400 years.

The drug lichen many names, they gave people different regions: swobodny moss, lopatenko, leather shield, etc. will Immediately make the amendment: the plant resulted from crossing of algae and fungus. In the end we have amazing "body," created to bring to mankind a favor and protect it from harmful microorganisms.

Iceland moss: healing properties, photo description

healing properties of Iceland moss

In fact, is a small, loose shrub up to 15 cm, covering a significant part of the soil. Its leaves are heavy twisted blades resembling the horns of a great stag. In the forest it is hard not to notice. The plant has an amazing ability to change color depending on the ambient humidity. In damp climates lichen takes on a beautiful olive color, and dry – turns brown.

Quite undemanding shrub, so it grows throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Prefers sandy soil, subalpine and Alpine places. It can not be found in contaminated ecosystems, it is a certain indicator of clean environment. The plant is very fond of animals, especially deer.

Collection of raw materials

Iceland moss medicinal properties

Icelandic moss, medical properties which is explained by the existence of a whole set of valuable components going into the summer months. In medicinal purposes is used only thallus. The workpiece is carried out with a wooden rake or by hand to plant has not crumbled. After cleaning, the leaves are carefully dried in the sun, shift in light-tight containers or bags and stored for two years.


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Biochemical composition

Iceland moss medicinal properties reviews

Generous mother nature bestowed upon man the unique plants that can replace even Antibacterials. These include Icelandic moss. The properties are characterized by a rich mineral and vitamin kit. Thallus is present in vitamin B12 is responsible for the digestion of fats and proteins, also activates the immune system and improves condition of hair.

The Primary energy value is the presence of essential trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine and flint. In addition, tsetrarii in a large number of discovered a variety of acids, pigments, a whole list of vitamins and wax. No wonder folk medicine believes this lichen best natural immunostimulant.

Medicinal and Healing properties of Iceland moss

 Iceland moss medicinal properties children

Clinical studies have proven the antimicrobial effect of the shrub due to the content usynovili acid. When ingested, it neutralizes the pathogenic bacteria, leading to their death. Doctors of the 19th century drank decoctions of TB patients, and they were able to overcome a severe infection, when conventional medicine prior to pathology pass.

Usnic acid, according to experts, fights free radicals, so the infusions are being prescribed to individuals with a malignant disease, to slow the tumor growth. Scientists have found that the Icelandic moss which was medicinal properties due to the presence of lihonina, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity.

Traditional medicine confirmed powerful immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties of lichen. Water and alcohol infusions aimed at addressing early signs of aging, increase protective forces of an organism, the fight against psycho-emotional States. Western pharmaceutical companies produce medicines (syrups, pastilles, lozenges) from cold and cough, also add Cetraria toothpaste.


Iceland moss medicinal properties photo

Especially high therapeutic effect of the plant in the fight against respiratory diseases. Gently coats, soothes and calms the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity Icelandic moss. Medicinal properties (children vegetable drugs can be applied five years) have included elements.

Teas relieve bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, tonsillitis and cough. Potion, you can rinse the throat for best results and eat. In the treatment not only destroyed the virus, but also aktiviziruyutsya immune system.

They are recommended for use in rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery and a longdiseases. By using natural cures it is possible to get rid of whooping cough, bile stasis, insomnia, digestive disorders, gastritis, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. An indispensable tool for skin damages and pathologies: burns, cuts, wounds, pimples.

Taste unpleasant, and the effect is obvious

Found a lot of positive reviews from users who have tried the miraculous Icelandic moss. Medicinal properties (the reviews confirm high efficiency) this plant possess a wide therapeutic spectrum of action. Helps to overcome coughs and greatly improve your health.

However, not everyone liked the taste of the infusion, it a strong and bitter taste, unpleasant to drink it. But fans of homeotherapy found a way out – to brew the lichen in milk and dairy beverages. Palatability dramatically change for the better – enjoy even small child.

Pharmaceutical drugs on the basis of tsetrarii

Iceland moss medicinal properties recipes

The Healing properties of Iceland moss are not lost after heat treatment and better manifest. Typically the plant is subjected to drying, then are ground and brewed as a tea drink. To improve the taste add honey, mint and lemon. This is a wonderful restorative and preventive remedy for common cold and influenza.

From the dried and fresh lichen is prepared infusions and decoctions, with hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and firming action. Offer to write down the recipe for cough and inflammation. Pour two cups of water 4 large spoons of moss, boil for 5-7 min. After the solution has cooled, strain and drink three times a day, 10 ml.

From bronchitis and debilitating cough will help the following recipe: dry the crushed raw materials in the amount of tablespoon pour a glass of milk and boil for half an hour. Make a milky broth overnight. Exhibits expectorant, sedative and mucolytic effects. Can be given to children, after consulting with a competent expert.

There is a version of tincture on alcohol: 250 ml of pure alcohol (60%) take 40 gr. dry moss. Infuse for a week, drink 10 drops. Relieves inflammation and normalizes metabolic functioning of the body.

A Universal recipe helps to heal the skin, eye and digestive diseases. Made from 10 oz. tsetrarii and half a liter of cold water. The mixture to boil, cool and filter. For colds, drink 1 / 3 Cup after meals and gargle. Gastritis and peptic ulcer disease consumed for a half an hour before meals with 50 ml.

Of broth to make a poultice for septic wounds, burns, malignancies and dermatitis. Suffering from conjunctivitis, the traditional healers suggest rinse with this solution eye every three hours during the day. Will pull the pus and eliminate the inflammatory process of the Icelandic moss. Medicinal properties (time-tested recipes and show a pronounced therapeutic effect) of the lichen truly amazing and have no contraindications.

Pharmaceutical drugs containing lichen

Icelandic moss properties

In the pharmacy network presented on the implementation of drugs, consisting of tsetrarii. Their main task-the destruction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria in the respiratory tract. Well established lozenges "Isla Moos and Isla mint" cough and sore throat. Apart from the fact that they moisturize the mucous, so also enhance the immune system. You can purchase natural lichen in a package at an affordable price. The healing properties of Iceland moss are limitless, effective and do not cause negative effects.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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