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Bronchitis most Often develops on the background of colds, which are characterized by inflammatory for the mucous membranes in the bronchi. It can have different nature. This disease is often develops under the influence of aggressive external chemical (e.g., pollutants in the air) and physical (dust, moist, cold air, sudden changes in temperature, etc.) factors.
Bronchial syndrome can be caused by a genetic predisposition (e.g., allergic manifestations or congenital disorders of respiratory system), and may occur as a result of harmful habits (Smoking). So before you treat bronchitis, it is necessary to establish the true cause and eliminate it.
Tactics of the curative treatment of bronchitis depends on the form of the pathological process, which can be acute or chronic. The disease can occur as an independent phenomenon (primary bronchitis) or complications due to appear in the background of present chronic diseases and infections (secondary bronchitis).
All forms of bronchitis differ etiology, pathogenesis and methods of treatment. Acute bronchitis can be simple, obstructive, occlusive or leaking, causing obstruction of the bronchioles (bronchiolitis). Simple and obstructive forms can occur frequently alternating each other, causing a phenomenon known as recurrent bronchitis.
If an acute process is not fully cured, then he gradually acquires long-form. Then the disease is called chronic bronchitis. The diagnosis "chronic bronchitis" is defined in case unwanted symptoms manifests itself more than 2-3 times a year. Trends in chronic disease usually manifests itself with a wet cough in the morning, with the release of a small amount of sputum. The cough increases in wet and cold weather, and in dry and hot almost does not occur.
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The Bronchitis may be a simple non-obstructive, purulent non-obstructive (both respiratory disorders), pulmonary (breathing activities), or purulent-obstructive. All forms of the pathological process are divided according to the localization, the severity of the clinical picture, the presence or absence of asthmatic symptoms.
Any kind of this disease should be treated promptly and adequately, because the inflammatory process not only affects the quality of life. It is dangerous serious complications, in transition bronchopneumonia, obstructive lung disease, disorders of the cardiac system and other unpleasant conditions.
Diagnose and give recommendations how to treat bronchitis (drugs, physiotherapy techniques or effective methods of folk medicine) can only be a doctor, so no self-medication should not be here.
Typically, bronchitis in adults and children is the primary disease develops on the background of the presence of an infectious agent. The most common causative agents of the inflammatory process are:
More than 80 % of cases the disease provocateurs are viral infections. However, immunosuppression and the presence of infection in the body, often there are favorable conditions for development of pathogenic flora, which often leads to the mixed nature of bronchitis. Therefore, to accurately determine than to treat bronchitis, possible only after detection of primary signs or identify the active component of secondary disease.
Mycotic lesions of the bronchi are rare and during normal operation of the immune system the occurrence of such processes is practically impossible. A fungal etiology is possible with a weakened immune system, congenital or acquired forms of immunodeficiency or after the course of cancer treatment.
Other factors in the development of acute and chronic forms of bronchitis are:
Bronchitis is divided according to severity, clinical manifestations, the nature of the inflammation and the mechanism of occurrence. Depending on the type and form of the disease the issue of how to treat bronchitis, cough. At home, or you want to conduct therapy in a hospital - also an important point.
Acute bronchitis starts suddenly and has a rapid course. When properly selected treatment lasts for 7-10 days. Full recovery comes only 3 weeks after the therapy.
By the nature of manifestation, the disease is divided into mild, moderate and severe degree of course. Whenthis are also the types in accordance with the nature of the manifestations. Acute bronchitis may be catarrhal, purulent, catarrhal-purulent or atrophic.
The Acute form of bronchitis is treated with antibiotics in the following cases:
With the appearance of at least one of these signs to decide where and how to treat acute bronchitis – patient sent to the hospital or observed on an outpatient basis. The occurrence of the disease in a child under one year is a prerequisite for admission, because there is a risk to the baby's life. A complication of this form of bronchitis is the development of bronchopneumonia.
Changes in the bronchial tree can be considered as preduschelnoe a condition that causes the development of asthma. Other complications of acute bronchitis include the development of emphysema, the formation of pulmonary hypertension, bronchiectasis, cardio-pulmonary failure.
Treatment of this disease in acute and chronic form, are fundamentally different. General principles of treatment are that:
Whether to Treat bronchitis of this type of folk remedies? Of course. In acute course of the disease many doctors recommend the use of decoctions and infusions of herbs or applying compresses with their presence. However, the use of such products must be agreed with the doctor.
In chronic forms of obstructive bronchitis are treated, eliminating the symptoms, because in this case, the disease becomes incurable and becomes irreversible.
The Question of how to treat obstructive bronchitis in children, for many parents is a real challenge. The main feature of this form of disease is a narrowing (obstruction) of the bronchi, and therefore there are difficulties when you exhale. Especially brightly expressed obstructive bronchitis in children of younger age. Symptoms are:
This bright clinic scares parents, especially the young, do not know how to treat obstructive bronchitis in children. As a result, it leads to the healing of the child is potent, but not always necessary preparations.
Antiviral agents recommended in the first days of the disease. For the treatment of children up to 3 years old used candles ("Genferon®", "Viferon"), nose drops and anti-viral drugs as syrups ("Orvirem"). Older children can be given tablets ("Arbidol", "Kagocel", "Acyclovir", etc.) or capsules (for example, "Ingavirin").
Bronchitis treated with antibiotics only under certain conditions:
Any antibacterial drugs are divided by the spectrum of impacts, so these funds should only be recommended by a pediatrician.
How to treat bronchitis and cough in a child? Here you first need to ensure the expectoration, therefore, recommended modern drugs-mukoregulyatory, contributes to liquefaction and the rapid discharge of bronchial secretion. To medicines in this group include preparations made on the basis of Ambroxol (e.g., "Ambrobene", "Mucosolvan", etc.) and carbocisteine ("Fluditec", "Mucosal"). For relieving cough recommended inhalation.
When the cough becomes softer, but the sputum is still poorly separated, the drugs-mukoregulyatory replace expectorant medicines made of herbs. It is drugs such as, for example, "Gerbion", "Doctor", "Bronchium", thoracic fees and other types of expectorants. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Drugs that may be assigned adult patients, refer to such groups as:
Antiviral agents effective in the initial stages of development of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. Adults in this case most often prescribed "Ingavirin", "Kagocel", "Tamiflu" and other drugs that stimulate the production of interferon in the body.
The First two drugs often decide on how to treat acute bronchitis in children, but the dosage of the active substances in this case should be reduced. The treatment regimen for children and adults should be determined by the doctor.
Self-medication of antibacterial drugs is unacceptable. You need to go through the whole treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor. Usually in this case, the doctor may recommend "Augmentin", "Sumamed, Panklav", "Trifox IBL", "Flemoklav Solutab" and others.
As antipyretics recommended "Paracetamol", and in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs suitable medication, made on the basis of fenspiride. This substance is included in drugs such as "Siresp", "Eladon", "Epistat" and "Bad".
Dry and bad cough recommended medications with codeine. They can be purchased at the pharmacy without a special prescription. How treat bronchitis, depends on the type and severity.
In this disease necessarily involves substances thinning the mucus and promoting its removal from the bronchi. The most popular of them are considered acetylcysteine (included drugs such as "Arestin", ACC, "wicks Asset Expected", "Fluimucil") and carbocisteine (in the "syrup Inspiron", "Libexene Muko", "Blueport", "Fluditec").
In addition, the applied substance mukoregulyatory:
Artificial mucolytics absorbed much better, and their presence in the body of the patient is increased in the combined action with amboroxol. Therefore, when properly selected schemes to eliminate obstructive bronchitis in the acute form completely.
For the effective treatment of disease, relaxation of smooth muscles of bronchi and eliminate spasms are appointed bronchiodialator substance. To them in the first place include: salbutamol, part "Astalin", "Ventolina", "Salamol Eco" and "Flomax".
Currently the Schema therapy may differ, therefore, than to treat bronchitis, can identify only a doctor. When deterioration in an adult patient or a small of the patient after administration of therapeutic drugs, particularly bronchodilators, it is urgent to consult a doctor.
To Treat bronchitis at home, the child or adult is using herbs and their fees. However, it is first necessary to eliminate the causes of cough.
The Patient must sweat. To do this, be sure to use of hot decoctions and infusions of herbs. Wonderful diaphoretic – decoctions of sage, lime blossom, or plantain. Diaphoretic properties medicinal infusions increase if they add the raspberries or honey. These effective recipes came to us from ancient times when our ancestors knew exactly how to treat bronchitis in children at home without any drugs.
To Cope with illness help hot compresses and inhalation of a decoction of potato, baking soda or a few drops of pine oil.
If the house has a nebulizer, then quickly to soften the cough will help inhalation with saline (3 times a day). If necessary, the doctor may Supplement the ionic solution by other means (for example, "Berodual", "Mucosolvan").
Excellent relieve symptoms of complicated forms of bronchitis juice black radish with honey and infusion of licorice root lime color. To the modern people's methods advising how to treat obstructive bronchitis or other forms should include the banana puree with the warm water and sugar.
Relieve bronchospasm will help a mixture of chamomile blossoms (4 parts), licorice root, and cyanosis (3 parts), St. John's wort, motherwort, and Valerian root (2 parts). The mixture is brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 1 Cup of boiling water and insist in a thermos for two hours. This infusion filter and take 1/3 Cup after each meal during the day.
Another medical collection for bronchitis is the mixture of leaves mother and stepmother (4 parts), plantain leaves, grasses of thyme and licorice root (3 parts). This mixture is brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes and then filtered. Use this broth 1/3 Cup 3 times a day after meals. This recipe helps in those cases when parents do not know how to treat bronchitis in children.
In chronic disease as an expectorant and antitussives good help decoction of the roots istoda Siberian (2 teaspoons per Cup of water). The same tool is used for symptoms of pneumonia.
Well-known healing properties of aloe in the treatment of this disease. One of the most popular recipes of its preparation is as follows:
It has Long been known to effective ways to cure bronchitis folk remedies with the help of infusions of pine buds. Products manufactured with their addition, quickly eliminate inflammation in the bronchi and relieve a cough on the third day. For the preparation of such medicinal decoctions need to 5 tablespoons of pine (fir) of the kidneys and 1 liter of boiling water. The beginnings of the cones brewed and insist day. Prepared infusion stored in a cool place and use 1/3 Cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
With the development of any forms of bronchitis are recommended steam inhalation soda-alkaline solutions or breathe via a nebulizer, to use drugs and to apply the techniques of folk medicine. Other ways in determining how to treat acute bronchitis or chronic forms of its manifestations are performing breathing exercises and chest massage.
A Very useful exercise was developed by Dr. Buteyko and Strelnikova. They have different techniques, however, very effective for chronic forms of the disease and in the period moderately expressed currents. In obstructive bronchitis helps with sound gymnastics.
A great value in the treatment of bronchitis is chest compressions in children and adults. This method helps to improve the separation even of purulent sputum, facilitates breathing and mobilizes compensatory mechanism of ventilation of the lungs.
However, not all of these techniques in the treatment of bronchitis in all age groups are equally effective in the home, since it is necessary to normalize the General somatic condition of the patient the patient.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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