The analogue of "Derinat" is cheap. "Derinat": analogues cheaper for kids (list)


2019-05-24 03:00:27




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Nowadays, adults and children do not have immunity to many new viruses and bacteria. The body cannot fight new strains that appear from year to year. A particularly sad picture on the background of colds, acute respiratory infections and colds, sore throats.

To Develop a strong immunity help drugs called immunomodulators, which may include natural ingredients and other active substances, capable of the body at the physiological level to push for increased rejection of viruses and microbes.

Effective immunomodulator “but”

This drug in medical practice used for over ten years, but not many people heard about it and used to stimulate your immune system itself.

It is Available in several medical forms, each of which has its purpose. Their description can be found below.

But this is not the only immunomodulator, which deserves attention. These drugs are very much on the pharmaceutical market of medicines.

The Drug “but” undeniably effective in the formation of immune people, but is a means not cheap. Therefore, focus not only on its inherent characteristics but also on his return.

A Little below define for the drug “but” counterparts cheaper for children which can also be used safely.

Drops “but”: composition, properties, usage instructions

Now, this form of the immunomodulator looks like this.

cheap analogue of DerinatThis bottle convenient to use for instillation of the eyes and nose.

Active substance contained in the composition drops – sodium desoxyribonucleate, it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral effects on the body.

Excipients: water for injections and sodium chloride.

Liquid transparent color will be placed directly to the nose in rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

For instillation of eye applies when frequent the signs of conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes developing in the field of eye bags, eyelids, apples.

The Application of drops can be used prophylactically to prevent the occurrence of diseases, therefore, to develop a durable immunity to them, and during the treatment of progressive diseases.


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Drops for his eyes and nose. “but” prescribed to children from birth. Because the immune system of babies is so imperfect that it is often parents have to struggle with unforeseen diseases. The child is less sick, and eventually he became immune, the drug “but” you need to use as often as possible, preferably before the moment when develop into a really robust protection of a child.

In the first days of appearance of cold is recommended for both children and adults, place 2-3 drops of immunomodulator every two hours. If the cold progresses, increase the dose to 4-5 drops.

With conjunctivitis in the eye instilled 1-2 drops of the drug. The interval between treatments is six hours.

This immunomodulator is impossible to overdose on, but this does not mean that instruction admission to guided not need.

Spray “but”: composition, properties and purpose

This form of the immunomodulator identical drops. Active ingredient - sodium desoxyribonucleate.

A Spray is used to treat diseases of the mouth and throat, are consequences of complex forms of colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and SARS. This kind of bottle is convenient for treatment of the larynx and oral mucosa.

Derinat analogues cheaper for kidsIs Applied by spraying the solution on the inflamed areas 4 to 6 times a day for ten days.

The Drug is not indicated for hypersensitive to the components thereof.

Solution “but” exterior: composition, properties and purpose

Liquid transparent color that is sold in such bottles.

Derinat spray cheaper analoguesIt is Used for the treatment of skin ulcers, burns, non-healing of infected open wounds, areas of frostbite of the skin, with gangrene.

Its composition is identical to the drops and spray.

The Wounds are treated using moistened with gauze bandages. Treatment can last from one to three months.

Solution “but” for intramuscular administration: composition, properties and application

This is a clear liquid in ampoules, containing in its composition the active substance is sodium desoxyribonucleate.

Derinat ampoules analogues cheaperAre Applicable in the treatment of stomach ulcers, chronic lung disease, inflammation of the respiratory tract, tuberculosis, diseases of the vascular system, radiation injury, often in Oncology after chemotherapy, after surgery.

Drug Use “but” in the treatment of children and promotion of child immunity

As you can see, this medication is not stimulating the immune system in one direction, for example to protect against colds.

All forms of immunomodulator can be used for the treatment of children. Drop, spray – from the first days of life, solutions for external and intramuscular application with a two-yearage.

Often, of course, to develop immunity, children are used as the spray and nasal drops, as most children suffering from colds accompanied by serious complications.

Reviews of the people about immunomodulator “but”

The Result from this drug is mixed opinions. Some say that tool is very good at helping to develop the immune system, others praised him for his properties to influence the various fungal infections and accelerate wound healing.

Since the emphasis in this article is still being done on the immunostimulatory properties of the drug, in this regard, the parents of many children point to the fact that after treatment that means their babies are sick less often.

However, as already mentioned above, the immunomodulator is an expensive drug, so many people are looking for analogue “Derinat” cheap. Everyone is trying to find a replacement in accordance with certain effects on the body. Particularly interested in drug “but” counterparts cheaper for children.

Today, the pharmaceutical market is full of immune-boosting drugs. It is very easy to choose to the drug “but” counterparts cheaper. A list of these is given below.

Counterparts nasal drops “but”

Let's Start with a sample of this form of drug. Is the bottle of drops “but” 300 rubles. To replace them can be equally effective spray «Grippferon», which costs 390 rubles. But since many people are interested in drug “but” (nose drops) analogues cheaper then so it may well be the drug «Grippferon» in drops, it costs 248 rubles.

The Drug «Grippferon» is also anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulatory agent. In its composition contains the active substance interferon Alfa.

Derinat analogues cheaper listAssigned to this drug with SARS, the flu, or as prevention of these diseases. The use thereof, contributes to the rapid recovery of the people and prevents complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis.

Babies this tool can be applied to one year of age. It is worth mentioning that this drug develops immunity to viral infections, bacterial – no. As you can see, it is not always the analogue of “Derinat” cheap can be wholly identical.

From a huge list of tools you can pick up to the drug substitution in the form of ointments and powder. Can replace drops “but” the cheaper analogues: antiviral oxolinic ointment - 50 rubles, antiviral ointment “List” - 25 rubles, and immunomodulator powder «Pangen" (a synonym), which costs 250 rubles.

Similar spray “but”

The Bottle of solution with a nozzle for irrigation is 400 rubles. Drug “but” (spray) analogues cheaper: homeopathic tablets “Tonzilotren”, which cost 360 rubles, and antiviral immunostimulant in the form of tablets “Cicloferon”, the cost of which is 364 rubles.

The Drug “Tonzilotren” effective for inflammation of the tonsils, various kinds of angina, and treatment after removal of tonsils. This is a common problem that occurs in childhood. Medication administered to children aged years.

Derinat injections analogues cheaperTablets “Cicloferon” used in Pediatrics in the treatment of herpetic infections and prevention of flu and acute respiratory infections.

Similar solution “but” for external use

The Bottle of the liquid for external treatment of wounds and ulcers costs 280 rubles. The corresponding analogue of the “Derinat" cheap – solution “Desoxyn" (a synonym), the price of which is 230 rubles. It is prescribed to children from the first days of life. Especially effective for teething babies.

Similar solution “but” for injection

Packaging injections is 2130 rubles. Drug “but” (injection) counterparts cheaper – solution "Glutoxim" (1,070 rubles), solution “Neovir" (960 rubles).

The Drug “Neovir” is applicable in the prevention of challenging viral diseases, influenza, herpes.

Derinat nasal drops cheaper analoguesEven these of the drug “but” (injections) cheaper counterparts, children are not recommended. It is necessary to pay attention in the pursuit of the lowest price.

There are, of course, means “but” (ampoules) cheaper analogues, which are applicable in Pediatrics. These include powder for injection “Timalin”, it costs 400 rubles. It can be used from the birth of the child.

Replacement drug suitable for the treatment of children

Choosing analogue “Derinat” cheap, you need to directly rely on properties of a particular form of the drug. If you evaluate the immunomodulatory characteristics thereof in relation to the children, you can pick up a number of effective substitutes to it.

These include tablets “Monokini”, “Anaferon children”, “Amiksin IP" jelly “Kunin Norton», syrups “Not” and “Septilin”.

Now you know what the drug “but” counterparts cheaper. The list of applicable in the treatment of children of substitutions is not full.

Analogues of the original drug should always select and appoint the attending children. The autonomy of parents regarding testing some other drugs can harmthe health of the child. It is always necessary to think.

Analogues are selected only in those cases where the drug is not suitable for use, for example, manifested allergic reactions, or at the request of the parents of the child to the limitations of the family budget on the treatment of children.

Today, it is difficult to say offhand what the drug is better, each child has his own threshold of immunity, its a genetic predisposition. Those drugs that are suitable one, quite inappropriate in assignments to others.

In the pursuit of cheap drugs, you need to understand that the effect expected from them, comes later (the cheap analogs could be other components) or even may not occur (when using the medication-forgery).

It Should be noted that the information contained in this article is exploratory in nature, so if you are looking for a decent immunomodulator for their children, do it with the family doctor, relying on his guidance and advice.

Not all children fit the same drug, so I never follow the recommendations of friends. Don't get too confident, trust more medical bodies, which have a large number of possibilities to track the effectiveness of many drugs, some of which they pick up counterparts.

Using any immunostimulating drug, you need to clearly follow the trend of its impact on your child's body, if no positive effect, you need to consult your doctor or pediatrician about the selection of another effective means in relation to the development of immunity.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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