Alloplant - what is it? Alloplant: price, reviews


2019-06-25 09:00:34




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Transplantation is always a risk. It is unknown how accustomed tissue taken from a donor, will there be complications or not. Recently appeared the opportunity to apply the so-called regenerative surgery in practice. This was made possible thanks to the opening of the modern scientist Professor muldasheva.

Alloplant -what is it?

A Russian scientist has developed a new biomaterial

The early-on who is ill and can not cope with its function, was removed completely or partially, then today, thanks to new technologies, the opportunity of restoration of healthy tissues and organs by stimulating the growth of their cells.

The Author of this revolutionary method - Professor, doctor of medical Sciences, ophthalmologist E. R. Muldashev. He came up with and invented a product based on biological material "Alloplant". Its name comes from the Greek allo - foreign and English plant - seedling.

A Breakthrough in transplantation

"Alloplant" - what is it? It is a natural biological substance derived from the donor cadaveric material, which is treated in a special way, depriving their own antigenic structure. This allows you to not cause a rejection reaction when using it. With the help of this drug the body can restore the function of individual organs.

"Alloplant"- what is this drug? It is a collagen frame, which carries information on the healthy tissue of a particular organ. This drug before use is a multiple validation and gamma sterilization, which makes it absolutely safe for the patient.


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  1. This high-tech material does not cause scarring of the tissue in the application area.
  2. It does not reject the body, because the human immune system perceives its own tissue as.
  3. He is able to start the mechanism of self-reproduction of damaged cells of the body, i.e., in fact, the regeneration of his own organs and tissues.

"Alloplant" - what is it? It is a chemically treated biological material intended for transplantation and the past radiation sterilization. It is introduced into human body by injection.

Alloplant: reviews

Types of "Alloplant"

There are about hundreds of different types of "Alloplant". Every kind of this biomaterial is able to start the growth of cells of a certain type only. One kind is used for the formation of blood vessels, the other for lymphatic, the following is for the growth of cells of the cornea, sclera, skin, and so on.

It Should be noted that sprouting in the diseased tissue and organs, "Alloplant" is selective, and it formed those cells that are required for the substitution. This gives you the opportunity to create almost a new body, until the liver, eyes or skin. In addition, the kind of the biomaterial with therapeutic effect, i.e., it is able to activate the protective function and stimulate the immune system, thereby eliminating various hot spots.

How to apply?

The Drug is administered to the patient in biologically active points in the form of injections. Thus, drug therapy is combined with reflexology. This method of treatment allows several times to enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug "Alloplant". Application instruction is strictly followed by physicians performing the procedure.

The Standard course of treatment with this drug consists of 3-4 sessions of injecting in the month. Thus, in a week you need to undergo one procedure. And so two courses a year. In the treatment of serious diseases gives a very good effect a comprehensive approach, which consists in the combination of treatment with "Alloplant", drug therapy and physical therapy or exercise.

Alloplant: price

How does?

Treatment, "Alloplant" combines medication and methods of reflexology. Under this influence the overall therapeutic effect is amplified several times. It is of great importance for patients with intractable diseases.

When using "Alloplant" the drug is capable of long time to be in the tissues and organs, gradually dissolving, and not be rejected by the body. This raises the effect of the stimulation of bioactive points, which lasts for a long time. This effect causes the body to adapt to the normal operation mode. It also contains information about necessary for the body's healthy cells and their proper functioning, thus triggering the mechanism of self-regulation.

How the effect on the whole body and diseased organs drug "Alloplant" (which we reviewed) is clear. Now let's figure out whether this progressive drug contraindications.


Like any drug, the "Alloplant" has its contraindications:

  • Periods of the acute phase of illness with fever.
  • Uncropped epiactivity with epilepsy.
  • Autoimmune diseases can serve as relative contraindications.

Alloplant: the reviews who did

Range of applications

In Almost any field of medicine it is possible to use"Alloplant". The use of this drug is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is widely used for the following departments: medicine:

  • In Orthopedics. The application of this biomaterial accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue.
  • Traumatology. Happens much faster healing of fractures, and shortened the period of rehabilitation after an injury, passes the treatment of arthritis.
  • Gynecology. Conduct treatment of inflammatory diseases, sterility, and adhesive disease.
  • Proctology. Used for the recovery of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Used to restore the bones of the face and skin.
  • Dentistry. Drug use in dental implants.
  • Plastic surgery. Treatment of defects of skin and bone grafting.
  • Cosmetology. Treatment of stretch marks, scars, there is a marked rejuvenating effect.
  • Neuroscience. Spend treatment of diseases of the spine.
  • Ophthalmology. In this field of medicine the drug is used very widely, we will talk about this separately below.
  • Oncology. When you remove various types of tumors, this biomaterial is used for primary plastics.
  • Thoracic, vascular, liver, etc.

This biological material is successfully used for the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and to restore and replacement of bone, chronic, congenital and hereditary diseases. "Alloplant" enables the recovery of patients that are waiting the queue for an organ transplant.

Treatment Alloplant

"Alloplant" in ophthalmic

This drug in ophthalmology, it is used quite widely. With its application are:

  • Scleroplasty.
  • Treatment of myopia.
  • Treatment of myopia.
  • Plastic conjunctiva.
  • Produce the replacement of defects of the mucous membrane of the eyelids.
  • Removal of defects of the cornea.
  • Perform revascularization choroid and optic nerve.

The Positive thing is the fact that almost all operations with the use of "Alloplant" in ophthalmic performed simultaneously. They do not require a long hospital stay and eliminate the multistage operation. In addition, new technologies allow most of the operations in this area translated into the category of outpatient, after which the patient a few hours can go home. In the future, he will only need to appear at the doctor for observation. To reduce hospital stays to a minimum allow the advanced technology and the application of new biomaterial "Alloplant". Reviews (who did the surgery with the use of this drug, he knows firsthand) confirm this fact.

Center "Alloplant"

In the city of Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) since 1990, is a Center of eye and plastic surgery "Alloplant". It was created for mass introduction into medical practice of modern advanced technology for transplantation.

The center has many of the necessary structural units. Some agencies are involved in experimental developments and new technologies, and others try to put these developments into practice.

The units of this Center includes the following clinical departments:

  • Diagnosis and rehabilitation.
  • Ophthalmic surgery.
  • Plastic surgery.
  • Contact correction of vision.
  • Medico-biological statistics.
  • Individual ocular prosthesis.
  • Restorative medicine "Aura".
  • Laboratory of neurophysiology of vision.

Alloplant: application

In addition, there are structures involved in the development of new surgical instruments, and, importantly, a private tissue Bank.

Treatment of patients is performed using all known medical technology, including therapeutic methods, surgery, laser treatment and transplantation of tissues.

The Centre has successfully engaged in treatment and prevention of virtually all pathologies of organs of vision:

  • Diseases of the sclera.
  • Myopia and hyperopia.
  • Pathology of the eyelids and of the cornea.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Pathology of the lacrimal system and the conjunctiva.
  • Hereditary retinal dystrophy.
  • Retinal Detachment and other diseases of the blood vessels of the retina.
  • Diseases of the orbit.
  • Macular pathology.
  • Neuro-ophthalmologic diseases.
  • Congenital disease.
  • The Consequences of eye injuries.

Today drugs series "Alloplant" are available in many clinics of Russia, CIS countries and some foreign medical institutions. In Russia there are clinics, there are more than 500.


For all its progressive drug "Alloplant", the price is not so great. One full course of treatment the patient will cost about 8 thousand roubles. The drug has been designed and manufactured fully in Russia. Therefore, the cost is quite acceptable biomaterial "Alloplant". Price some clinics may vary slightly. In addition, all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the pathology or defect which the patient wishes to correct. In some cases, will require a longer course of treatment, in others it will be enough for 4-5 treatments. But even from a single course treatment with this drug effect, patients present persistent enough. Severe deficiencies sometimes treatment can last up to 3-6months.

"Alloplant" - reviews

This drug tried in action for many patients. For example, many parents of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy noted that the condition of the kids improved significantly after a course of preparation "Alloplant". The reviews indicate that children become more coordinated, and it's clear.

Center Alloplant

The One who was treated at the clinic muldasheva, note the professionalism of the staff. The doctors put a clear diagnosis, without requiring preliminary observations and surveys of other hospitals. They conduct their own diagnosis. And then make a decision about the use of the drug "Alloplant". Reviews, who did the operation with the use of this biomaterial in ophthalmology, suggests that vision has improved even after one treatment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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