How to remove swelling from eyes? Simple steps to a radiant look


2019-07-30 17:21:22




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We All know that the greatest sensitivity has precisely the skin around the eyes. This is the most thin and delicate parts that require greater attention, careful and regular care. Causes of swelling of the eyelids can be very different – poor nutrition, constant stress, emotional stress, air pollution, fatigue and others.

how to remove swelling from eyes

How to remove swelling from eyes? Of course, better to prevent their occurrence. First of all, you should pay attention to your position during sleep. It is desirable that during a night's rest, head slightly elevated above the torso.

A Long time those who are looking for ways on how to remove puffiness from the eyes, used for this purpose, ordinary silverware. Preferred in this respect spoons: in the morning they should be applied to problem areas. Most importantly – not too hard to press.

Effective means to combat the swelling is potatoes. Slices of raw root can be applied to the eyes for about 20-25 minutes. Alternatively, you can use for this purpose mashed potatoes. Some RUB the potatoes, mix with herbs (dill or parsley) and also applied to the eyes resulting mixture. Suitable even an ordinary potato juice: cotton pad soaked in it, you need 10-15 minutes to hold the eyelids.

to quickly remove swelling from eyes

How to remove puffiness from the eyes is truly indispensable assistant can be considered a Daisy. Decoction of medicinal flowers need to insist under the lid for about 10-15 minutes, then apply to the eyes cotton wool soaked in it.


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An assistant may be the Queen of flowers – rose. Its petals pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Finished tincture rubbed his eyes 2-3 times a day.

Probably each house there will be tea bags. Few people know, but tea – is also very effective remedy for the swelling of the eyes. Bags must pour over boiling water. Then cool in the freezer. In the eyes of the cooled tea bags on hold for 8-10 minutes.

What to do if you need to quickly remove swelling from eyes? In this case there are several popular recipes. First, it can be applied to the eyes chilled slices of cucumber. Toning and refreshing effect and he has cucumber juice. You can use the egg – not only does it relieve swelling, and also saturate the skin with nutrients and help make it soft and smooth. Whisk the egg whites until the state foam, and then placed on the skin around the eyes as a regular mask. Stunning results can be obtained by applying a compress of milk (milk should also be cold). It's simple: milk wetted swab of cotton wool, and then applied to the swelling for five minutes to seven. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash with cool water and apply to the skin moisturizing cream.the remedy edema eye

There are also a few recipes of masks that will be very useful for those who are looking for a way to remove puffiness from the eyes. For example, you can mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with a teaspoon of crushed parsley. Under the eyes hold the mask about twenty minutes, then wash off with large amounts of cold water. And here's another recipe for “delicious” mask: in the gauze bags wrapped plain curd and keep it to the problem areas for ten minutes.

How do you cope with edema in the eye area?

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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